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The Rangers



Hey all,

Another newbie (*shivers*) joins the ranks. I just had to join after hearing that the Rangers cast was here.

I'd like to say hello to all of them. Wow. This place is so lucky. I mean really. Its just amazing that the actors are here. And an artist too. cool.

Anyway, just posting to say Hi and also also ask the actors a question:

Sorry if this has been asked before..

How does the B5 roles compare to your previous roles?

Is it harder then other shows or movies or plays you've been in or is it easier?

And also do you like the role you've been given?

Or would you rather steal Dylan Neal's part (that is if your not Dylan Neal..) or G'Kars part...in Dylan's case..

Thanks in advance!

Oh and comment to the creator of this site:

This is a very cool website. MUCH better then the "official" Legend of the Rangers site.

Sci-fi channel should pay you (if they are not already) to make this the official site...then again..maybe you wouldn't want that...they might not let you post spoilers and the like...anyhow..

I talk too much. And I ramble. Thats me, rambling DF.

Well, I'll go now.

Citizen DF
" Also known as DF2506..but I most have given the wrong address cause I never recieved my password..so I had to sign up again...lol! "

welcome aboard Citizen DF...

I have no one to envy...
I envy you having me to envy...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:
Anyway, just posting to say Hi and also also ask the actors a question:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I think the sentiment from our gracious webmaster Antony was that we should leave the brunt of the direct questioning to the interveiwers, and instead just discuss things like we'd do normally. Then the cast pop in whenever they feel like it, instead of being constantly "summoned" by eager fans.
We really can't expect newbies to read all the previous posts
It takes me a couple of hours a day just to keep up

Actually, I consider it very worthwhile to read the posts in any community for a while.

Helps me get to know them, and learn what's already been discussed.


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.


I'm writing a thesis, so there's no way I can keep up with the entire forum. I just putter through a few threads at a time.

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.

welcome aboard Citizen DF...>



Originally posted by Citizen DF:
Anyway, just posting to say Hi and also also ask the actors a question:

I think the sentiment from our gracious webmaster Antony was that we should leave the brunt of the direct questioning to the interveiwers, and instead just discuss things like we'd do normally.>

Ah. My mistake then. I thought it would be ok to ask since others have...but anyway..thanks for telling me.

Oh well...this wanna-be writer just had to ask something...

> Then the cast pop in whenever they feel like it, instead of being constantly "summoned" by eager fans.>



We really can't expect newbies to read all the previous posts It takes me a couple of hours a day just to keep up >

Actually I have been reading some of the previous posts...

I just thought *maybe* I get lucky enough to have one of the cast answer a question of mine...

never actually talked to a star before...

Yes, I lead a dull and boring life..

Technomage Roanna

Actually, I consider it very worthwhile to read the posts in any community for a while.
Helps me get to know them, and learn what's already been discussed.>

Me too. I wasn't sure if that had been asked..but from the posts I read it hadn't...oh well...

Never vetured, nothing gained a suppose..and sometimes it works both ways..

Still looking forward to that movie though...*sigh* January 2002..*sigh*




>I'm writing a thesis, so there's no way I can keep up with the entire forum. I just putter through a few threads at a time.>

Ya, I'll be heading back to college tomorrow but I'll try to keep up with the forums...guess I'll lurk in the Rangers forum for awhile..

Citizen DF

Citizen DF, if you look on the left side of your screen when you're posting a reply, you'll notice a group of smilies and a group of "easy include UBB code..."

If you click on any of these, they will be added to the bottom of your reply.

So, if you want to quote someone, click on quote. A begin and end quote code will appear at the end of whatever reply you have already typed. Just insert your quote between them and you are all set.

Makes messages much easier to read.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Welcome Citizen DF!
It's nice to see another B5 fan join the boards here. I agree with you that is a great place. We have lots of crazy, silly fun here. And having the cast of LotR pop in from time to time is really cool too!

**RW gives Citizen DF greetings, a friendly handshake, and a free pass to the Babylon Emporium Salad Bar on the Markab Homeworld**

Long live the Salad Rangers! We live for the Salad Bar, we die for the Salad Bar.
Well..maybe I won't lurk. Its just this 'you really shouldn't ask questions' thing that caught me off guard..anyway...

Hmmm...I'm not into the UBB code stuff...guess cause I've never used them before..

anyway, I might try 'em sometime. Maybe..

And thanks! *goes to get a salad*

" AHHHHH! What kind of salad is this?!

Waiter: Its SPOO!

AHHH! *tastes it* Yuck...*

*gets something else* Hmmm..better..what's this...?

Waiter: You don't really want to know..do you?

Not really.... "


[This message has been edited by Citizen DF (edited August 21, 2001).]
Ah, welcome to the board!

Be sure to head on over to the Off-Topic Forum to read the B5LR Declaration of Principles.

Hope you enjoy your time here!

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away. My rains have come and gone...for now. Yours are just beginning."
G'Kar, Objects in Motion
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:
Well..maybe I won't lurk. Its just this 'you really shouldn't ask questions' thing that caught me off guard..anyway... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah that is just that we do not want to put pressure on the acters who have come here.

I would like it if the acters could come here and find this place as enjoyable as we do. So that them coming here and interacting with the fans does not feel like work.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Hmmm...I'm not into the UBB code stuff...guess cause I've never used them before..

anyway, I might try 'em sometime. Maybe..


Please learn how to use the UBB code it is Very easy to use and is very usful for making posts look and read very clear.

There are even the buttons if you don't wanna type the code on the left side in of page when posting a message.

It really is easy here is a link to teach you.



[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited August 22, 2001).]
I will be putting something up on the top of the Rangers forum... but of course can't expect people to know that until I do.

But drakh sums it up pretty well... this should be a place where the actors can "dip in" when they feel like.

Dreg: "Most beauteous and supremely magnificent one, this dark spell I hold in my worthless and scabby hand is our gift to you, most tingly and wonderful Glorificus..."
Glory: "Please, call me Glory. And get up, looking at you is hurting my neck."
Dreg: "Forgive me, shiny special one. I beg of you to rip out my inadequate tongue."
Glory: "Gimme."
Perhaps we should encourage them to ask us questions since they seem to have a limited knowledge of the universe at the moment.

What they ask would probably give us more insight into aspects of their character than our own random questions ever could.


"Yeah, we could start our own game where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing's the way it seems."-Homer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AntonyF:
I will be putting something up on the top of the Rangers forum... but of course can't expect people to know that until I do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Or you could display it during the registration proceedure[1]... It would be less disruptive
to the boards look that way.

[1] Assuming, of course, that precautions are taken to prevent people from ignoring it.

You are not entitled to your own opinion. You are only entitled to your own informed opinion.
-- Harlan Ellison qouting Gustave Flaubert
Well, the only reason I asked a question was because a few other people had asked questions and the actors had answered...

usually I wouldn't...but it was so tempting..

anyway..of course I'd be the one that everybody says, " You shouldn't ask the actors questions", since I'm a newbie..

Though I understand and I agree with the "we don't want this to feel like work for them".

Ok, let me try some of the code stuff..

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Wonders if this is working. Prob not. Seems pretty werid to me. I'm so use to the regular way of quoting people... Edit: Hey! It worked..and its not bad..hmm. </font></td></tr></table>

Ok..that prob didn't work...maybe it did...who knows.

Anyway..here's something else...

" Who will not ask anymore questions..."


[This message has been edited by Citizen DF (edited August 25, 2001).]
The topic of questions reminded me of something...

"I'll never forget what you once said to me:
'Never fear answers, only fear running out of questions.'"
"Ivanova, I never said that."
"You didn't?"
"Oh, well, I'll let you know who did."

-- Ivanova and Sheridan in "There All the Honor Lies"

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited August 25, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:

Ok, let me try some of the code stuff..

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Wonders if this is working. Prob not. Seems pretty werid to me. I'm so use to the regular way of quoting people... Edit: Hey! It worked..and its not bad..hmm. </font></td></tr></table>

Ok..that prob didn't work...maybe it did...who knows.


It did work. It took me the longest time to figure out 'spoiler space'. Just left click and drag your cursor through the black area to see the text concealed in it.

The avalance has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Perhaps we should encourage them to ask us questions since they seem to have a limited knowledge of the universe at the moment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I love it when people ask me questons about things that I like...

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