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"Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Oh my virgin ears!

It makes a nice counterpoint to the calm and civilized discussion going on in the other room. I see a psychology thesis in there somewhere.

I'll finish up my bit in the morning. I'm composing something even better. A winning job letter (I hope).

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Original quote from Myriam under the "weapons officer" thread:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> As for deviating off the original idea. I have been very happy to read something positive, happy and fun. Thank you both. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

One of the problems with most SF shows (one that JMS even commented on during B5's first season) is this thing the writers have with the ships Captain leading landing parties on worlds where they Know there is danger.

In REAL Navy's this is usually a Court Martial offense.
Assuming the officer survives.
The Captain has been entrusted with a multi-billion dollar ship.
It's his First responsibility.
If the situation warrents, he's allowed to risk it in Battle.

But, the Captain him(her)self is also a rather Valuable piece of property.
The Powers That Be expect the captain to stay on board and send Junior officers to handle the On-shore problems.
That way, if the Junior Officer can't handle it, there is someone with the authority and Experience to decide what to do Next.

Going off, getting Killed and leaving the inexperienced junior officer in charge of the ship is Not Acceptable.

In practical terms, a large warship would have a designated Trained landing party. Often a group of Marines.

Dat's what we Navy types keep them around for.

What, you thought it was because they look good when they march around in groups??


On another note, when a member of the landing party is injured, it would be her Duty to report the injury.
It would affect the sort of decisions made by the officer in charge.
Like putting her in a position where she might need to be in good health to perform her duties, so concealing an injury would be Wrong for a trained military person.
Such things can get Other People killed.

Trained soldiers learn when NOT to let the "stiff upper lip" mess them up.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Bakana -

I am a silly civilian, I will grant you that, and even being a silly civilian I know there are glaring innaccuracies between what our characters are doing on Ishnu and what the real guys would do in the same situation. As one of the "real guys," I appreciate your input

But - please give us a little slack, though. Not only do we not yet know what kind of military these guys belong to, what the hell they were doing on Ishnu in the first place, etc., but the authors of this thread have radically different ideas of where they want the story to go. Heck, I'm sure that Warren and B5_Obsessed have an entirely different picture in their heads as to what Kaheel actually is (the closest we've gotten is that he has green blood and is an "alien hybrid" of some sort), and would have written Keller entirely differently than me... and onwards and onwards.

If this silly civilian, the Canadian actor, or the guy from Florida were writing this for any reason other than to have a good time finding out where the destinies of our characters were heading, you can be damned sure, at least in my case, that my nose would have been buried in at least ten books about military structure before even commencing to write. But I do that kind of research for a living, already - for me, at least, this is a release, and just for a little bit I'm willing to suspend my own need for accuracy to play a little bit in a universe being created as we speak.

That said? Keep commenting

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.

[This message has been edited by channe (edited October 23, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Yes! I have to agree with Channe on her comments...

I am making this story up as I go along...I have no idea...really, what the hell is going to happen next...I have a vague, vague idea...and by digging a hole for myself with plot twists, etc...it makes my mind work harder...I have to be smarter...creative...to solve the puzzles!

And obviously, my decisons are...well, they have to coincide with what Channe and B5_Obssessed concocted...which is always a pleasure to wait for...

Whatever these two talented writers compose...determines the direction that I will venture in...

That is what makes this online creative writing game fun and challenging...working with other's thoughts and ideas!

I am thoroughly enjoying this new found game...or should I say...activity!

And to think that all this started out as a joke...

If you trace back the to the original thread where all of this started...it is quite interesting! (message subject topic -A Few Words from your Weapons Officer)...

Anyways...we welcome creative input! This will up the challenge...

Cheers! -Warren-


Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

The point about doing research...to make the believablity more so...

I am almost having to come to that...I might have to do research now...now that the story has become more detailed...more involved...

My god...this might become a full-time job!



Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

*laughs* When I responded to Warren's joke, I had no idea it would turn out to be *this.*

...we're posting at an absurd hour in the morning, though...

As soon as my schedule breaks up a little bit - I'm absurdly busy - I'll do a little compiling so we all know what's going on. Maybe that will help with continuity a bit. You all know how we Fivers are with our continuity.

I'll post more story later, as soon as I get this essay for class finished. 'Til then, I give you all the Salute of the Sleepless. *raises coffee cup in the general direction of the messageboard*

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.

[This message has been edited by channe (edited October 23, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Yeah, Bakana. The Captain charging in is a sci-fi convention that refuses to die. In the first season or two of Star Trek: The Next Generation, they tried to keep Picard on the bridge. Fans hated it. All he could do was sit in his finely appointed Captain's chair and say, "Number One, what's going on over there?" So forgive us. We fell into it.

Research and details are one of the reasons I have had trouble getting started writing.

It's a funny thing about writing. Once you start, ideas begin to flow easily. Sometimes you get ideas for a different story and you file it away in your head. But then the details come into play. I worry about writing all about something that is totally inaccurate and stupid. Even to write a story where the villains are in the Mafia, I feel I need to understand the whole org structure of Sicilian organized crime. As a result, I don't write.

I also worry about Harlan Ellison mentioning my name when he goes into one of his tirades about "THOSE FUCKING NO TALENT HACKS".

This is a chance to get really creative without taking it too seriously.

And as for Henderson's injury: That's my fault. I forgot! If I'd remembered, I would've had Reg use a dermal seal and load her up with 200 ml of bio-plasma.

Hey, I can go back and edit! Hmmmmm.

Maybe when this story gets where it's going, we can pull it off of here, recompile and edit it into something more professional.

Just a thought.

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


Kaheel is still in conversation with the hideous disembodied voice of his Vai captor, the one who called himself "Krrzkadd". If its intention was to demoralize him with the statement, it was working. Their capture had been easy! They had been baited so easily by the beautiful opalescent surface outside the city entrance that it was embarrassing in retrospect.

Kaheel felt self-doubt creep in as the creature boasted of being amused. He couldn't disagree. Krrzkadd was very much in control and their leader Captain Daly had been left behind in a mocking gesture of superiority.

Still Kaheel was in a unique situation. This thing was speaking to him freely as if it were a dinner conversation. Desperately seeking some way to gain the upper hand again, to glean some information that might save them, he pressed on.

Amusement? Is that why you're speaking with me? For more amusement?

NO. (a pause) YOU ARE A.... SPECIAL CASE.

Kaheel says nothing in reply to this. He already knew that. The entire SUO2 team had been hiking through the forest with vials of his blood strapped to them as protection. The way the tree dwellers retreated was...

Kaheel's thought is interrupted by a sound from outside the cell. A loud, crackling energy discharge that could only have been from weapons fire. The other team members must be captive nearby. He hoped that was not a fatal blast.


KAHEEL (matter of factly)
I'm next, then?

KRRZKADD (hesitant)

Your people? The forest creatures that attacked us?

Again the low, rumbling mucous-filled laughter from the darkened corner of the cell. Much louder than before. Krrzkadd was having much more fun than anyone deserved under the circumstances.


Kaheel takes in this statement with shocked disbelief.


It begins again. A low rumble that grows in volume until it fills the cell and echoes down through the dark halls of the Ishnu City. Kaheel is forced to cover his ears to shield himself from the onslaught of alien laughter. Evil, derisive, full of mocking scorn.

Krrzkadd, alien mad-scientist and seeker of all things amusing, was truly in good spirits today.
I have a little more to wrap up this part. Stay tuned!

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I have meetings up the yin-yang today, so I'll post later this afternoon when I get near a computer. Go crazy - just don't touch Keller! I have plans for her!

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Well, way back when this was a B5-related fic, I added the Titans on purpose. It is an Earth Alliance Warlock class destroyer, Captained (at least in 2262) by none other than Susan Ivanova. I was going to have her meet up with G'Kar, before she got demoted to Leiutenant and renamed Henderson.

Then we effectively de-B5ed it, losing G'Kar, the mystery Ranger, and the Liandra altogether.

I don't know. Does a small ship named Titans make any sense?

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> The Captain charging in is a sci-fi convention that refuses to die. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yet, it's ridiculously EASY to kill.

Just don't make the Captain your viewpoint character.

Take the way Cop shows work. The Main characters usually have a BOSS they report to on a periodic basis. He/she gets maybe 5 minutes of screen time per episode, mostly to ask for reports and chew them out for lack of progress.

Why is SF any different??

I'm not asking this story to necessarilly Change the way the characters interact.

I was just commenting on the fact that it jumped into the "classic" Trek/Kirk/Picard mode so quickly.

Taking the Different approach and using Junior officers as the Viewpoint characters would allow for some different types of sequences:
Juniors make Mistakes.
They are expected to Learn from those mistakes.
The Captain is hoping not too many crewmen Die from those mistakes.
After it's all over, the Juniors have to clean up their Mess.

It actually allows for a Greater scope of stories in most ways.

BTW, I do think that, if the various contributors were to get together later, these threads could be polished into an interesting Novel.
It might not look much like its current form after polishing, but the seeds are there.
Wait until the Series gets going and a Publisher might just Jump at it, too.

Famous Names sell books.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I can see it now:


co-authored by Channe and B5-Obsessed.

Are we the newest Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens?


"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5_Obsessed:
I don't know. Does a small ship named Titans make any sense?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Why not? Nashville has a football team named the Titans.

Rob Scott
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

My, the new banner ad is obnoxious.

Bear with me, because I'm currently suffering from a rather nasty strain of Terran influenza - so here are things as I see it, and if you know me you know very well that I always say things as I see it

We're going in your direction already, Bakana. Daly, although he's the Captain, isn't the main character - I feel that it's been Henderson all along, and growing a bit with the last few posts is Kaheel's role in things. It's not Daly whom the Vai wanted; it was Henderson, this random secondary squad leader. It was Henderson's necklace they took, Henderson's father that dissappeared, Henderson who's had the most "screen time," etc...

I have yet another meeting to go to tonight, so I promise I'll get back to Keller when I return.

Yes, there is enough material here to write a novel... though I'd hardly be jumping to conclusions like *that* at this stage in the game... *chuckles*

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.

[This message has been edited by channe (edited October 23, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


Yes...My thoughts exactly regarding possibly taking what we have so far, off line, revising...etc...and then posting it again...We can weed out the inconsistencies...

Also, the idea of a possible novel proposal or screenplay is very good...that is very possible if this story comes together fluently...

What is unique is the way this story is being composed! Is it possible that this could be the first time an entire story be composed by writers through the internet that have never met! This could be a great selling point for us! Interesting...


Yes, you are correct about "Kate Henderson" being the main focus...and possibly the main character. That was my intention all along!

I tried to make notes on the character development by relating each role with well-known actors/actresses that I thought would best represent each character's traits...personalities...trying to avoid actual character discriptions in detail...

Angelina Jolie is the best fit for "Henderson"...she has the look and personality feel that I wanted for "Henderson"...Ed Harris for "Captian Daly"...Jude Law for "Kaheel"...Steve Buscemi for "Reg"...etc...

Getting back to this online creative writing phenomeon! I think that it is quite incredible what we have composed so far...there has been some uncanny experiences to date...for me that is...

There have been many, many times where Channed and B5_Obssessed had gone exactly where I was going to go with the story or character...

The one that comes to mind off the bat is when "Henderson" is escaping from the Mysterious City of Ishnu...and she discovers the surface of the domed city to have moved...That was Channes input...which was my intention all along! I thought that was neat...Channe mentioned it before me...

I always intended this Mysterious City of Ishnu to be some kind of mechanical machine...or made from some kind of organic organism...something like that...The city has the ablility to pick up and move...maybe even through the trees...literally...

What is unique about all of this...is that we, the writers have not come in physical contact...have never really met on a formal introductory basis...yet, we are able to write together...and pretty much stay insync!

Anyways, I have to digest all of this and will try and post at a later date...there are many complicated issues to resolve in this story...as mentioned by B5_Obssessed...the inconsistencies came about from all of this starting from my joke posted at "A Few Words from your Weapons Officer"...

You guys are brilliant...Channe and B5_Obssessed...I applaud you both!

Any all that have commented on this online creative writing game...thanks! Great input indeed...I think we could have something special...

Cheers! -Warren-

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I have to incorporate some elements that don't make any sense at the moment...It has to be resolved...

1.The burial ceremony...(originally was the Ranger's characters)

2.The mysterious casket. Who or what is in it? And now, something has dug it up from the cemetary...and it now sits in some room within the Mysterious City of Ishnu...

3.Who the hell was that mysterious "Hooded Ranger" who is not a Ranger anymore because of the story change...

4.Dr.Chenei's research with the vai...her blood that she dropped into this mysterious green fluid and got the reaction that scared her...Where did Dr.Chenei get the green fluid from?

Is this the same green fluid in Kaheel...?in the glass vile attached to "Henderson's" stolen necklace...?

Vai has been traced in the ore that was sampled from the surface of "Ishnu"...how much vai is there?

Thinking, thinking, thinking...


Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Just a warning...

I have some really interesting ideas coming along...and it might makes things more complicating...we shall see how we deal with them...

Just a note...I am very much interested in the area of "Cryonics" and "Genetic Mutation"...these things intrigue the hell out of me!

I loved elements in the last instalment of the "Alien" feature film series...The fourth one with Winona Ryder (didn't like her character though)...Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet...

And believe it or not...I really enjoyed "The Island of Dr.Moreau"...yeah, yeah, yeah...well, I enjoyed it...

This might give you some clues at to what may come...and then I have some other ideas that I will not mention. These will be surprises! (Ha ha ha -echoes off in the distance) -Warren-

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

There is a good reason that Sci-Fi is normally based on the captain rather than the lieutenant, only the captain can order the ship to open fire.

Andrew Swallow
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


Actually, no - I've beat us there. Four years ago, an online friend and I on a lark wrote and submitted a few Voyager spec screenplays. He lived in Utah and I lived in the Northeast. This was six or seven years ago, of course, and we wrote it knowing full well that we'd get a nicely signed rejection letter for our efforts.

Eerily, we were watching the 100th episode of Voyager, and found that most of our story ideas had been incorporated into that episode; if you want to get a feel for what we wrote, go pop in that episode and make the popcorn. That rejection letter's somewhere in my file cabinet. I'm very proud of it.

I agree that we should stop the story here, and try to answer those questions. First of all, though, I think we need to establish these questions:

1. Who do these people work for? Are they mercenaries, Earth military, working on contract for a genetics company? That's the first thing, I think, that we need to establish. In a way, having them be contract workers would give it a different air than Earth military. They'd be entirely different people...

2. Why were they on Ishnu in the first place? In the original fanfic, it was because of a funeral; should we even include the casket? I'm not sure it fits, anymore. I think we began with Henderson's team being wiped out.

As for the atmosphere itself - I really enjoyed the Alien series. I was scared shitless by it, especially I and IV.

This is very intriguing.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.