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"Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Don't worry, I'm not taking the bait.

Instead, I'm figuring out my next post, which will be up sometime today, depending on when my lunch hour is.

Durn that thing called "work," right?

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Ok, I lied. I'll get it up tomorrow. My in-box is practically overflowing with work to do.

Where'd Warren go?

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Where'd Warren go? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

to Work?

Work IS a 4 letter word, after all.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

"Home" is also a four-letter word!

I'm visiting my folks for Turkey Week, and as they have a very unstable internet connection and my defense is fast approaching, I'll post... when I can...

Hmm. Starting December 4th, I should be full steam ahead...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited November 18, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


A few moments after we saw it last. Langley yanks off the VR apparatus like it's hurting her, and stares at it with the eyes of someone who has just been reborn in fire.

She performs a few quick hand movements, and FILES DELETED appears on her monitor.

LANGLEY (swallowing)
Mr. Andrevin. Our ETA to Ishnu.

ANDREVIN (turning to look at her)
About one hour. Are you all right?

Of course, Andrevin.

She gets up and walks to a wall of instruments. She looks them over, and then to either side. She does this to stop, to catch her breath, to hide from the rest of the bridge a face that is haunted by the billion ghosts of humanity's recent past.


What Chenei was alarmed at lies before her: muddy, lain in the dust, nearly buried under vegetation, is a human form, dressed in a Titan jumpsuit and jacket and almost indistiguishable.

As soon as the other two arrive, the form moves, and Daly's face looks up from the mire.

I thought you three -

We were on the shuttle when the Titan was attacked.

The ship? My crew?

Chenei moves to help Daly up, but Daly shakes his head and gets up himself. He could use a shower.

The bridge and port side of Titans was blown away, sir. However, life support systems remained unharmed and there are still crewmembers alive in the sealed research section...

Daly swears profusely in a gruff, pained voice. A moment later, he shakes his head, as if shaking cobwebs from his mind. This is not the time for grief.

Sir, they're still alive, and will be, when the rescue ship is dispatched.

If, Len, if. How far are we from the shuttle?

About one klick, give or -

Which way?

Mar points.

It'll be better shelter than what I was just doing, and we might just survive the night.

He sets off. The three of them follow, after a look is exchanged between Downey and Mar. The pace is brisk, the sounds kept to a minimum as the Bloodsong descends quietly on the forest.

As they walk, an inhuman scream is heard.

Is that -

Our new friends.

Does - that thing - do they have the others?

Shut the hell up, Doctor.

With a worried glance, Chenei continues. She's out of her element with the other two; they glide over the forest like they belonged in it; she lumbers, breaking twigs and swearing softly underneath her breath. She's a researcher, not a Company grunt like these...

CLOSE on Chenei's angry face.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited November 20, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Watch out - I had a JMS moment (i.e. had a epiphany while in the shower) this morning, and will be posting when I get Internet access...

The following goes in front of everyone else. A proposed beginning.



This forest is dark, dismal, and in every way frightening - archetypally frightening. Climbers hang from ancient trees and brush the cheeks of the three human figures running pell-mell through the underbrush, branches whipping at their jackets and jumpsuits. They carry guns, and packs. A slightly misty night masks the forest, and in the distance, something makes an inhuman, bloodcurdling howl. The scene is jumpy, unstable, lingering on nothing but the frightened yet determined faces of the three.

Go! It's getting closer! Go!

The shuttle's too far!

Keep moving! Keep moving!

The howl sounds closer, and this time it's joined by two more; something moves above in the trees. Henderson looks up, gulps. Behind her, HORTON falls to the ground with a crash.

Horton! Bill! Get up!

My ankle's broken. Go. Get the samples to the ship. That's what we're here for. I'm not important.

Yes, you are. I'd rather have you around than some samples. Help me.

The other two drag Horton to his feet and slowly but surely push their way through the forest.

Something black - large, black, and evil - sideswipes Davies, and this destabilizes the three. After putting Horton down, the other two begin firing into the foliage, Henderson gritting her teeth. Something falls to the ground; desperately, they pick up the injured Horton and attempt to move once more towards the shuttle.

A few seconds later, a few black shadows emerge from the foliage nearby and knock Davies out cold, dragging him out of Henderson's sightline. She plunges through after him, but there's nothing, nothing at all but the blackness and the sounds of Bloodsong. She twirls, but Horton's gone, too.

CUT TO: Original scene on-ship.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


With great haste, Daly and Mar manually pull shut the doors to the shuttle, and the four set about engaging the clamps docking it into place. When they finish, a sound is heard, a thumping on the top of the shuttle. Daly turns toward the front of the shuttle. He sets up a small, round flare in the center of the shuttle.

You all right up there, Len?

Yes, sir. Blast doors are secured and tight. We're closed. Orders?

Keep your gun close and your eyes on the shuttle. Just in case those things out there have the ability to tear this apart.

Daly begins to rifle through his pack, and comes out with a ration bar. He sits, and props his gun *very* close.

But these things are built of solid alloy.

DALY (through a mouthful)
We don't know what we're dealing with.

Yes, but -

Captain, what happened out there? After we lost your signals?

Mar and Downey do the same, and are eating as well. The shuttle shakes a bit, and Chenei, startled, draws her own weapon closer.

We came upon a city, a city that moved across the land. It was beautiful, iridescent - and totally unexpected, as Chenei's department told us Ishnu had no intelligent life - native or otherwise. The gates of hell opened and swallowed the others.


The gates of hell. That's all I can... say to describe it. The ground opened and they were gone.

He pauses, and looks at Chenei, handing her a ration bar.

Eat something.

I don't think this is quite the time.

Might be your last meal, Doctor. Eat up, and then you can tell us what's going on.

Chenei reluctantly takes the bar and bites it.

I don't know what you mean.

Come on, Doctor. I didn't get where I am by being blind. You're the highest-ranking Company representative on this mission.

I suppose I was transferred here because of my experience...

I suppose so, as well. I know my crew. What is the only known expert in Vai nanotechnology and genetic engineering doing on a half-assed mission to a backwater planet? Who's stringing us along, Chenei? Why are my people dead, my ship destroyed? What is here?

CLOSE on Chenei, apparently unable to respond.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue


As before. The tension level has just risen more than a tiny bit.

I don’t know.

Want to take a walk, Doctor?


A walk. With our new friends outside. Downey.

DOWNEY (finishing off the last gulp of ration bar)

Show the good Doctor to the door.

Downey begins to rise. Chenei breaks in, obviously considering the threat.

I don’t know why I was assigned to this mission. I just was. Like you.

I was assigned to this mission because I have considerable experience commanding missions in forest settings and getting results with a minimum of damage to crew or equipment. You, Doctor? You worked directly with Schneider, didn’t you? With the Director of Operations?

Well, yes, but I don't see -

Why is the mind behind the Vai Offensive on this mission?

There’s a palpable silence.

Bloody hell.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Daly’s won this one. He has Chenei in a rabbit trap, and she knows it.
I don’t know.

That’s a pretty unacceptable answer. Downey, show her the door.

Downey begins to rise to his feet. With this revelation, it seems like he’s more than willing to leave her to the degenerate denizens of the Bloodsong. Mar looks like she’s about ready to help.

You wouldn’t, Captain.

DALY (rising to his feet)
I would. I’ve had a bit of time to think about this, Doctor, face-down in the mud waiting to die, watching what’s left of my ship burn up in the atmosphere, wondering if my people are alive or dead.

Downey wrenches Chenei’s hands behind her, propelling her towards the back airlock of the small shuttle. She fights him the entire way, but his training and strength are far greater. Mar flanks Daly, her gun at the ready, her expression halfway between carefully neutral and radically angry.

DALY (cont.)
This is a set-up.


The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Useless filler-post, to whet the appetite of those of you still actually tuning in to the unfolding drama while I wait for Obsessed to tell me about the Vai. (No, I literally can't write any more until that's posted, 'cause of where I want to go with this current scene.)

I hope this thread continues to be entertaining to all.



To: Harold Schneider, Dir.Ops
From: Arianna Schenke, Public Relations



Missed you at the holiday party! It was quite the to-do this year - the Hilton was decked out from top to bottom with red and gold ribbon, and you should have seen the gorgeous, gorgeous tree. Mr. Callenegra really outdid himself this time.

Your project has recieved top priority in our office. We've already contacted major media outlets, and three of the major networks - Hay, GajNet, and Reuta - have promised to wait on breaking the story pending a news release. A draft of that release has been written, and is attached to this message.

It's unfortunate that we couldn't have controlled the CSS Shadow situation a little better, but our news crew currently in residence on that vessel should be able to put a good spin on the salvage work. They have instructions as to what to show, and what not to show. The new captain - Langley - has been issued orders not to interfere with their progress. We should have a list of survivors by tomorrow night.

Everything so far looks good. Any questions fielded by the Company about the source of the blast that destroyed the Titans should be answered as if we know nothing at this time. I've forwarded a copy of the plan to all departments - consistency is key.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or drop a line, here or at home - until this blows over, I'm unfortunately on call twenty-four hours a day (and this, directly after the holidays, and all that shopping...)

Don't forget to erase this message and strike the track when you're finished.


The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I'm still here, just had some coursework to complete for University. Ah, the joys of psychology ! Anyway, without further ado !



Pushing through space at a noticeably impressive sublight clip. It's in empty space for a moment until ...


Wreckage from somewhere strikes her bow, other objects follow, hit and create some damage but most is deflected.


A big piece of wreckage moves past the camera and upon it we can see terran lettering spelling out ...





The deck rocks from an impact. LANGLEY and her, now, crew sit at their stations and wait patiently. LANGLEY considers options, purses her lips and then speaks ...

Life signs ?

A male TECHNICIAN scans his console, licks his lips and wipes a bead of sweat from his drenched forehead.


Prepare a shuttle. I want to go
over there and get them, bring
them back here ...
(then, as if she doesn't know)
Find out what's going on here.
Novokavich, with me. Ibsen, you
have the deck.

NOVOKAVICH ( female, african, startlingly attractive BUT the sort of character that you can't help won't make it throug the episode ) stands and follows LANGLEY out.

IBSEN (male, caucasian) stands and moves to the Captain's chair.


A shuttle is lowered from the assault bay into our view. It's running lights gleam in readiness to rescue the Titans crew.


The CSS SHADOW in the debris field.


The debris field orbiting ISHNU.

Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

*rescues the thread from getting buried among the part-ones and part-twos.*

I'll post soon. I've gots myself a thesis defense to do, so until the fourth or so, Daly and the others are gonna have to cool their heels.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

sorry, am I burying the thread???

I keep getting requests to keep going!!

*considers cheekily asking for her own board so she doesn't drown this thread!!*

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

No, don't worry, Sharenn!
I didn't mean it in that way. Keep on posting.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I was thinking ; what we need is a themetune for this 'show' ( if we ever finish this story, it might be interesting to see if it could sustain more 'episodes' and become like a 'virtual series' ) so that got me thinking.

Let's assume regular characters for the series would be:

LEE - ?

Here we go:


Darkness, deathly silent for a moment and then we hear a heartbeat ...

Thought much is taken,
much abides -

And though we are not
that strength that in
old days moved heaven
and Earth -


ISHNU ! Large and omnious, close and foreboading. And still, all we can hear is the heartbeat ...

That which we are, we
are -

One equal temper -

Of heroic hearts -

Made weak by time

And fate -

But strong in will -

We fall towards Ishnu, slowly ...

To seek.

To strive.

To find.

Dissolve into whiteness and still, all we hear is the heartbeat !

And not to yield.


A rapid secession of action shots from the series. The ship in all kinds of trouble. Crewmembers slashing through jungles and avoiding laser blasts ...


Until we realise we are looking at someones eye. PULL BACK until we realise we are now looking at CAPTAIN JAMES DALY !

DALY is standing in front of his command chair with the remainder of his crew in their positions around him ...


MUSIC UP ( chorus of Dido's 'Hunter' )

An action shot of each character accompanies the credit and a front facing shot ( think something like B5's Season 4 ) ...

If you were a king up there on your throne,
Would you be wise enough to let me go?

For this queen you think you own
Wants to be a hunter again,
Wants to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again, so let me go



Hopeless I know, and the music, feel free to change it, but I had the idea ( read the quote on an ANDROMEDA web site ) and thought that TITANS could do with a credit sequence.


Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>( read the quote on an ANDROMEDA web site )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you referring to the song or to the preceeding Tennyson quote? Because the Tennyson quote was featured in Babylon 5, just recently on "Messages frim Earth, in fact.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Obsessed is right, Six. Although one of the best things ever written in the English language, Tennyson's Ulysses is associated with Babylon 5. We shouldn't be using it here. I also have a personal aversion for using other people's works in my own, other than passing references, puns, and the like - if someone else can say it, I can say it myself, in my own words. But that's just my own personal preference.

Here's a good thing to do when writing a post here: just keep in your mind that they started off doing this for money, not to move earth and heaven. Now they're doing it to stay alive. They still don't want to move earth and heaven. These guys, except Kaheel, really don't have any motivations outside a paycheck and a skin-save.

Ah, and Henderson. Henderson definitely has motivations outside her paycheck. To find out what happened to her father, of course - she's been doing that for quite some time.

I think these latest developments might change them, though.


The following post is to get Reg back into action. He's not doing much good where he is, and I definitely know where he could do a bit of good...

Question is, for whom?

*evil writer-grin*



Reginald Lee, recent Company recruit, is despondently running his hands methodically over the walls, tapping every so often. What he finds is not making him very happy - that's evident, as he turns, back against the wall, sliding down with a hand over his face.

And it's almost Christmas, too...

He checks the "bandage" on his leg. Blood seeps through the flimsy covering.

Then, he hears a sound - it begins softly, like a far-off avalanche, and then crescendoes into the sound of a thousand thunderstorms.

A shadow slowly seeps into the frame. Reg, alarmed, begins to scramble to his feet, a look of horror on his face -

After a moment of blackness, we



Reginald Lee plunges stumblingly through the forest, wielding a gun behind him, firing wildly. He wears the same exact clothing as before, as well as carrying his pack. Everything is consistent - right down to the bandage around his thigh. The wound is slowing him.

Mutant bastards - you're not coming to *my* party - AAAAHHHH!

He ducks and rolls to one side and springs to his feet from this position. Two seconds later, a black THING careens into the frame and Reg guns it down from his new position. As he screams, it staggers backwards, and falls to the ground with a muffled sound.

Shit. God, it smells.

He gets up, walks over to the thing - and fires one more shot at its head with a disgusted twist of his mouth.

By now the audience should notice that there's something very wrong with Reg being out and about.


Reg walking through the forest, a scanner held out in front if him, his gun at the ready. Ducking behind a tree, he peeks out and sees -

A shuttle from the Titans: bruised, broken, and battered, it sticks out from within the trees.

About time.

He takes out his rifle and holds it before him, making his way into the clearing, ready to shoot. When he makes it to the shuttle, he reaches up to punch the access code.

Imagine his surprise when it opens seconds before he touches the panel.

The following happens very quickly. The interior of the shuttle is as we left it; Downey has Chenei by the metaphorical scruff of the collar, about to tell him lies. Reg, expecting Hell to pour out of the door, primes his gun and almost shoots - when Chenei, at whose chest Reg has the gun pointed, screeches.

Mr. Lee!

REG (after a second)



Downey and Chenei, their tussle forgotten, lean out to help the young man into the shuttle.


Daly is leaning against the wall as Chenei fixes Reg's field dressing.

I must have killed seven of those things. It's horrible out there. Like a bad dream.

Do you know what happened to Keller and Kaheel? You never were inside the complex?

No - I don't know. I felt myself falling, and then I just - woke up - in the woods. I had to fix up the scanner, of course, but I found you after about seven hours - and the city was gone. God, I'm surprised I'm alive. I got this thing (motioning to the wound) by ramming myself into one of those goddamn thorny trees...

Daly nods, deflated.

You can walk; that's good. Sunrise, we head out.

Daly, of course, can't know that Reg, for some reason, didn't tell him the truth...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited November 30, 2001).]
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

*Brings thread back to top of list*

So, now that your thesis work is mostly out of the way, think you'll have time to continue? And the same goes for the others as well. (read: Warren

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

Give me a few more days, CB0 - I'm still so loaded down with work that I'm pulling 18-20 hour days. I just have to clear this backlog. And then? Expect a lot of "Titans" to roll from my fingers. There's a reason I'm posting at this godawful hour in the morning and not sleeping in my nice, warm bed...

Heh, it's nice to know that we still have readers!
Are we keeping you folks interested?

The return of both Warren and B5_Obsessed are eagerly awaited here in serial-storyland. A lot of what I write next depends on Obsessed's backstory for Krrzkadd...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

I agree. We need Takeuchi-san back. I liked the mix and the division of duties made the story move quickly.

We are three. We are one. We are THE ONE!

Much thankings!

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue

We need *both* of you back. I've had a great time feeding off and bouncing off the neat ideas exuding from you two...

Ok, if we're the One, which One am I?

A question to ponder.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

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