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To Dream in the City of Sorrows...

so having started a war , i will ask one more question :
what is the city of sorrows in the book ?
i cant get the book as i wont get a credit card so i`ll never get it .
Originally posted by Hypatia:
<font color="orange">And I tend to think of B5 as being over and done with after Season 5 anyway.</font color>

I just realized the great irony in that statement. Someone saying that as far as they are concerned B5 was over and done with after Season 5...posting on a forum on a website that was CREATED for a telemove, Legend of the Rangers, which took place well after Seaosn 5. Someone who has been posting here since near the begining.
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by DaRkEnEdStAr: </font color>
i cant get the book as i wont get a credit card so i`ll never get it .

Why can't you walk into a bookstore and buy one, when it comes out?

I might be able to find you a copy (original Dell release). I bought complete sets (Dell 7, 9, and the last three trilogies) for some people for Christmas, and it turns out that these "Crossing Over with John Edward" watchers
will probably never read any of them.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

If you want, I could make some inquiries. I'd rather see books where they're going to be read, not where they'll likely be thrown out or donated to any old place.
i cant get the book as i wont get a credit card so i`ll never get it .

It sounds like your other question was answered but this statement is sorta funny. Don't you live near a bookstore at all? They should take cash or checks. Even major online retailers like Amazon will take checks or money orders.
Even a few bookstores here - and no bookstore here would ever carry a B5 book - would probably be willing to order the book for a customer, and you could pay in cash. It's hard for me to imagine that no bookstore in the UK in DS's area would do that.
"To Dream.." was my first B5 book i brought. I like Sinclair character, story is good and i like how it ended.

And yes, hypatia's comments were a little offensive. I for example think that technomage trilogy is crap but i still rate writer.
what she said was unrespectful for JMS and his wife, but let´s leave it at that. i mean dont take me wrong, im the first who thinks it was offensive, and i said so, but i think she just said something stupid. we all do, at some time or another. gosh, if i were given a cent for every time i said something insulting, id be Bill Gates by now

the thing is she said it unintentionally, and im sure she respects JMS like any other member of this board. JMS has been called an Rodemberry wannabe, a socialist anti american, was sent a virus that wiped out his computer, all kind of things. that people are the real ******.

i think this was just something a fan said without realizing the subliminal message she was making. i mean i very much doubt she thought "Quote from Recoil: You make it sound like she gave JMS a blowjob and because of it, her book is instantly cannon. ".

again, everyone who is offended by those words as i am is right, but its best to let it go. i mean i also say all kind of stuff who hurt people i love without realizing it

"By any means necessary" is my favorite Season 1 episode behind Chrysalis. I think it is probably THE best non-arc episode in the series.

Yes! the episode rocked, the Londo-Gkar moments are classics... though now that i think of it, all of their moments are. "ahhh... g´kar, doing a little shopping are you? is that permited during the holy days of g´quon?"

The city on Minbar that you see at the begining of "War Without Ends"

oh, i always thought that was Yedor
i mean it looks so different in B5LR i just assumed they were at opposite sides of Minbar.

I just realized the great irony in that statement. Someone saying that as far as they are concerned B5 was over and done with after Season 5...posting on a forum on a website that was CREATED for a telemove, Legend of the Rangers, which took place well after Seaosn 5. Someone who has been posting here since near the begining.

hehehe yeah... but remember JMS always said Rangers (and Crusade) were DIFERENT series heh. and i think of books as spin offs, as i said before.

anyways the fact that it is over doesn´t mean we can´t still spend time here discussing it :d
And I tend to think of B5 as being over and done with after Season 5 anyway.

Considering that the last episode of Season 5 takes place several years after the last of the books (the Centauri Prime trilogy), this doesn't make a great deal of sense chronologically. The books just filled in gaps.

I admit that the Technomage trilogy lost me about 70 pages in, but many of the others were fine: City of Sorrows, Shadow Within, and the Centauri books were all fine. City of Sorrows was the best, though.
oh, i always thought that was Yedor i mean it looks so different in B5LR i just assumed they were at opposite sides of Minbar.
No I do believe the city in WWE is Tuzinor, because Sinclair is there with the Rangers. Tuzinor is the city where the Rangers operated out of from what I remember.

It does look different in B5LR, but who said we are seeing the same part of the city? For a more practical explaination, the CGI was lost from the B5 series, so they had to re-do the Minbari city. Personally, I liked how it looked in the series better than in the Telemovie, but thats just me. Either way its supposed to be the same place.
Page 121 says:

"The name Tuzanor," Jenimer said as the transport ship sped high over Minbar's landscape, "comes from a phrase in the ancient Na'sen dialect of the religious caste that means City of Sorrows. It is said to have been Valen's favorite place on all of Minbar"

'Sorrows' is my favourite B5 book. It is the only one that features Marcus

I read it twice within 24 hours when I first got it. I also wrote a book review that was printed in the magazine Eclipse.
I loved it as well... I also couldn't put down the Centauri Prime books... I highly recommend reading those as well.
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by KoshFan: </font color>
I admit that the Technomage trilogy lost me about 70 pages in, but many of the others were fine: City of Sorrows, Shadow Within, and the Centauri books were all fine. City of Sorrows was the best, though.

Lost you as you couldn't follow it?
Personally, I had the most trouble with Psi Corp Book #1 "Dark Genesis." With all the aliases and the sporadic attribution in conversations, it was often hard to tell who was saying what.