1) This is definitely the place where the seams show in the Sinclair/Sheridan transition. Sinclair tries to warn Garibaldi, but later tells Delenn, "I tried to warn them, but everything happened just as I remembered it." His warning would have had no effect on the events
in this episode even if Garibaldi had heard it, and there is no "them" involved, so the line really doesn't make any sense. Also the line about "present time atmosphere" is cut.
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>Sinclair's transformation was
almost complete. It would have to be for Valen to have Minbari children, as we know he did. However, some of his Human DNA remained unchanged and was passed on to his offspring. Delenn still has some, many generations later. Thus the Triluminary identified Sinclair's DNA when he was scanned, and glowed for other Humans
not because they had Minbari souls, but because they shared certain DNA sequences with Sinclair.</font></td></tr></table>
Why does everybody assume a triluminary can only be used once, and therefore each one is "meant" to transform someone. In fact, one of the three seems to be imbedded in the staff that Dukhat carries, and two are in storage.
Zathras brings all three triluminaries, which were created on Epsilon 3, along with the Chrysalis machine, aboard the White Star. When he and Sinclair go back in time, all four devices are with them, and eventually are returned to Minbar 1,000 years ago. At some point Delenn acquires the Chrysalis device from Minbar and spends most of S1 assembling it. Late in S1 she acquires
a triluminary from one of the Grey Council members to activate it.
As far as I know, Delenn still has the triluminary and the Chrysalis device, though at some point she probably returns both to the Grey Council, which would therefore have all three triluminaries again.
Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division