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What are you hopes for The Legend of the Rangers?



Mine is that it does good, and they bring back Crusade, with all the same actors.

There goal is to create the peace. My goal, is to destory that peace. :D
I think if they wait to long, they won't bring back Crusade. Because i don't think the actors would do it.

There goal is to create the peace. My goal, is to destory that peace. :D
If you read Joe's post, you will know what I want.

When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in a confederacy against him.
-Jonathan Swift
Good work, Frizzell. I can now picture Morden asking everyone "and by the way, what are your hopes for B5LR?"
And have a lot of fun figuring out what any of the B5 characters would answer.


In fact, this is a question the Shadows would *very* much like to ask me. And I'm not sure if I would reply "Go. Now! They are not for you!"

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited July 18, 2001).]
A serie that has a 5 year plot and alot of subplots and realistic character developement... must like B5


Gideon: I thought you said you don't hold a grudge?
Galen: I don't, I have no surviving enemies, at all.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I think if they wait to long, they won't bring back Crusade. Because i don't think the actors would do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


So, they hire new actors. Of all the hurdles that Crusade would have to clear before returning to TV, this has always struck me as the smallest. And yet, it always seems to be the first mentioned, even though all of the others are far more formidable.

A) Most of them won't be tied down to other series because very few actors are regulars in TV shows at any given time.

B) If they're free, why wouldn't they want to return? Why should they care if it has been two years or four since they last did the show?

C) The longer the show is off the air, the easier it becomes for WB just to dump the 13 filmed episodes and start over from scratch. They can recast roles as necessary and move on.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Good movie

Great series(I can hope)

Some kind of arc.

Dynamic characters, those that change

An episode where we see a Spoo farm

Occasional guest shots by B5 regulars

A feature film

Crusade, with Gary Cole and Peter Woodward

For all the TNT execs to become hobos, those that screwed with Crusade.

"The pink ones keep ya from screamin'." Grandpa
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>For all the TNT execs to become hobos, those that screwed with Crusade.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

With all the post-merger layoffs at the various Time, Warner & AOL subsidiaries, this may be the most realistic request that anyone has posted so far!



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

I want to see a genuinely epic arc, like B5. We know it's going to be scaled down a bit, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be cool.

I'd also like to see the standalone episodes to be really good. Most of the ones in B5 were, but some were lame. Crusade had a few too. I know the 33-33-33 rule, but still, one can hope.

Oh, and I don't want it to be confined to the ship. I want to see some of the characters go off on their own journeys for awhile, diverging storylines.

I guess it would all boil down to a kick-butt and smart show, with hopes of grabbing more viewers and continuing the universe.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
I don't want to get my hopes too fired up so I am only going to wish for two things,
1. That B5LR is a really great show.
2. That it leads to a 5-year series.

See, I'm not greedy

Mine is that the movie becomes a series, and the series goes to a full 5 year arc like B5. I want it to be filled with lots of action, drama, intrigue, emotion, great CGI, and excellent Christopher Franke music to accompany it.

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
and of course,


"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
"Reflection, surprise, terror. For the future."


Actually, I'm hoping for the same things that a lot of people are hoping for:

That the movie is good.

That it gets approved as a series.

That it is a big hit for Sci-Fi.

That they revive Crusade as well.

That both series survive the full five years and that the "franchise" does well enough that we get the long-anticipated feature film.

"If you're going to have delusions, it is best to go for the really satisfying ones, I always say."



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited July 18, 2001).]
I guess I hope for the show the same thing many of you do..

I also want from this show for the story to be finished..I wish it to be as epic, thougt provoking and as enjoyable as Babylon 5 if not more

I want Rangers to become a series & go 5 years at least, I want to see B5 actors in guest-appearances, & I want Rangers to become so popular that Warner Bros. will finally realize that the B5 saga can make them some good money! I hate how they have discontinued the B5 licenses--I want more B5 products!


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gkarfan:
I want Rangers to become a series & go 5 years at least, I want to see B5 actors in guest-appearances, & I want Rangers to become so popular that Warner Bros. will finally realize that the B5 saga can make them some good money! I hate how they have discontinued the B5 licenses--I want more B5 products!



And bring back...crusade...

There goal is to create the peace. My goal, is to destory that peace. :D
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
"Reflection, surprise, terror. For the future."


Actually, I'm hoping for the same things that a lot of people are hoping for:

That the movie is good.

That it gets approved as a series.

That it is a big hit for Sci-Fi.

That they revive Crusade as well.

That both series survive the full five years and that the "franchise" does well enough that we get the long-anticipated feature film.

"If you're going to have delusions, it is best to go for the really satisfying ones, I always say."




Ditto, and its easier to quote than to type!

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
I'd like JMS to surprise us. I could never have expected B5 to be so good.

All I don't want is the sort of pacing that was the season 5 telepath crap.
Don't get me wrong, good idea, but I didn't much care for getting dragged through the hippie molasses.

"Oh, look, it's a flower. He must like you a lot. He only shows people he likes flowers." Ugh.
I also want to see the kind of awesome romance done with Delen and Sheriden.

And throw in some Zathrus for good measure.
My *hope* is that LR will be an absolutly fantastic show and will surpass even B5 in quality.

However, my fears are that % years of writting b5 has sapped JMS of his creativity and that LR will be terrible and that it turn B5 into a franchise.

Realistically though I believe that it will fall somewhere in between the two. It will never be as good as B5, but it shouldn't be terrible. The failure of Crusade will have definitly forced JMS to pay extra attention to LR to ensure that the same mistakes are not made. Also he has the utmost respect for the fans and love of the show so I doubt he would turn LR into a second rate frasnchise purely to cash in on the success of B5 in the same way that Lucas did with Star-Wars. Especially given the comments that he made about franchises in 'And there All Honour Lies.'

"Watch the Shadows, they move when you're not looking..."

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