From A voice in the wilderness
Londo, "There is a natural law. Physics tells us, that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. They hate us, we hate them, they hate us back. And so, here we are, victims of mathematics."
Ivanova, "It's a Russian thing. When we are about to do something stupid, we like to catalog the full extent of our stupidity, for future reference."
Londo sings the hokey pokey
Londo, "It doesn't mean anything. I have been studying it for seven days. I have the computer analysis it. I swear to you. It does not mean a thing."
Delenn, "We've come at a bad time, haven't we."
Londo, "No, not at all. Here sit, I'll make some hot Joalla."
Draal, "I rather enjoyed the song."
Delenn, "Don't tell him."
Draal, "You're sure."
Delenn, "Trust me
Londo, "The next day, I woke up. I saw her in the light of day, sleeping against my arm and I decided I would rather chew off my arm than wake her up."
Garibaldi, "Oh, that's sweet."
Londo, "No, no. She had a voice that could curdle fresh milk. "Londo!" "Yes, dear?" "Londo!" "Coming, my darling. I'll be right there, my love bug."
Ivanova, "Commander"
Sinclair, "Yea"
Ivanova, "I think I got to go to the bathroom
Ivanova, "And just one more thing. On the trip back, I would like you to take the time to learn the Babylon 5 mantra:
Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova recommendations. Ivanova is god. AND if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.