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What are your favoirte B5/crusade quotes?

I just finished watching In the beginning and found another really good quote.

"I just hope that when I die, I die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end." Londo

Btw, every time I see this movie, it gets better. The first tiime I saw it, I didn't like it, but now it's my favourite B5 tv-movie.
Thanks Nancy, Markas /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The most quotable sci fi films tend to last, don't they? I think that's the tendency with Star Wars and Blade Runner ... they're both very quotable, so they become a small part of the language to the point where even people who have little idea who wrote them know what they mean.

Loads of people in my town know Londo's unforgettable line "What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?" quote, though they look at me puzzled every time I say it.

I think B5 will be around for a long time has a lot to do witht the fact that there are so many quotable lines, and JMS' writing is very recognizable too.

chink chink $2c
From A voice in the wilderness

Londo, "There is a natural law. Physics tells us, that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. They hate us, we hate them, they hate us back. And so, here we are, victims of mathematics."


Ivanova, "It's a Russian thing. When we are about to do something stupid, we like to catalog the full extent of our stupidity, for future reference."


Londo sings the hokey pokey
Londo, "It doesn't mean anything. I have been studying it for seven days. I have the computer analysis it. I swear to you. It does not mean a thing."
Delenn, "We've come at a bad time, haven't we."
Londo, "No, not at all. Here sit, I'll make some hot Joalla."
Draal, "I rather enjoyed the song."
Delenn, "Don't tell him."
Draal, "You're sure."
Delenn, "Trust me


Londo, "The next day, I woke up. I saw her in the light of day, sleeping against my arm and I decided I would rather chew off my arm than wake her up."
Garibaldi, "Oh, that's sweet."
Londo, "No, no. She had a voice that could curdle fresh milk. "Londo!" "Yes, dear?" "Londo!" "Coming, my darling. I'll be right there, my love bug."


Ivanova, "Commander"
Sinclair, "Yea"
Ivanova, "I think I got to go to the bathroom


Ivanova, "And just one more thing. On the trip back, I would like you to take the time to learn the Babylon 5 mantra:
Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova recommendations. Ivanova is god. AND if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
The one quote that will always stick with me is in Season 3, when Capt Sheridan confronts Kosh in the corridor. The one where he needs the Vorlons to score one Victory of the Shadows, so he can form a fighting force with the League of non-aligned words.

I beleive Kosh says "impudent"
Sheridan says: "up yours!"

God! everytime I watch that scene.... I love it!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
From "Infection" (pretty much the only good thing in that episode):

Reporter: "After all that you've just gone through, I have to ask you the same question a lot of people back home are asking about space these days. Is it worth it? Should we just pull back, forget the whole thing as a bad idea, and take care of our own problems, at home?"
Sinclair: "No. We have to stay here, and there's a simple reason why. Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics - and you'll get ten different answers. But there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on: whether it happens in a hundred years, or a thousand years, or a million years, eventually our sun will grow cold, and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us, it'll take Marilyn Monroe, and Lao-tsu, Einstein, Maruputo, Buddy Holly, Aristophanes - all of this. All of this was for nothing, unless we go to the stars."

People need to hear this today.
And another one from Infection:

Sinclair: "The last time I gave an interview they told me just to relax and say what I really felt - ten minutes after the broadcast I got transferred to an outpost so far off the star maps you couldn't find it with a hunting dog and a Ouija board."

Love it. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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