first may I say what a good topic.
I would agree that s5 credits are the best. The whole 2258-2261 is brilliant, and the music underneath that if you listen to it carefully and ignore the speech... great.
After that I think it would be 1, 2, 4, 3. s1 always gets in there for the nostalgia as well as everything else.
Oh, and you know how they re-recorded s2 credits because BB didn't get to see the images at first for "Points", well did they do that with s5 as well because I'm sure G'Kar says "No one here is exactly what he appears" with a little more feeling after about 3 eps?
Crusade credits were pritty poor if you ask me, the writing of the questions in that tacky font just looked cheap.
"If it isn't then it's not;
and if it is, well then there you are."