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  1. B

    Titans II

    I'm baaacckkkk ! Without further ado ... SMASH CUT TO: AN EYE OPENING ... INT. VAI CHAMBER The mutated HENDERSON stands in the middle of the chamber ... beat ... her eyes search the chamber ... beat ... she purses her lips to speak but ... SMASH CUT TO: RAPID SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - David...
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    Titans II

    I don't mind helping either ! prr1ssc@bolton.ac.uk Hope to hear from u ! ------------------
  3. B

    Titans II

    I'm back off holiday ; lemme give a chance to catch up on the bits I missed then I'll post some more ! ------------------
  4. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue ( going away for a few weeks on holiday ; I will be able to read this but perhaps not to answer, so be kind to our 'friends' here ) ! EXT. ISHNU NEARSPACE The shuttle from the SHADOWS soars towards the planet, heat illuminating the hull in cosmic patterns...
  5. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue Hey ; I was only gone 24 hrs - so I'm posting this in the hopes that no ones gone and contradicted what I've written. I've had this in mind since I introduced the CCS SHADOWS back on Pg 2 of this topic. Oh yeah, perhaps we could rename the 'series' WARRIORS...
  6. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue EXT. TITANS DEBRIS FIELD The shuttle from the SHADOWS is clamped to the hull of the TITANS, a tubular airlock connects the mamoth ship to the small craft. LANGLEY'S VOICE Anyone, anywhere, whatever the injuries. We get them and we bring them back ... INT...
  7. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue Babylon 6 have very sad life, probably have very sad death. But still, there is symmetry. No no no no, not Babylon _6_ ! _Babylon_ 6 ! LOL ! Been busy with psychology coursework but then on the 13th I'm flying to Vancouver where I'm going to be for a month...
  8. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue I was thinking ; what we need is a themetune for this 'show' ( if we ever finish this story, it might be interesting to see if it could sustain more 'episodes' and become like a 'virtual series' ) so that got me thinking. Let's assume regular characters for...
  9. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue I'm still here, just had some coursework to complete for University. Ah, the joys of psychology ! Anyway, without further ado ! ********************************************* EXT. CSS SHADOW Pushing through space at a noticeably impressive sublight clip...
  10. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue EXT. DEEP SPACE A sleek blue planet, in the mid-distance, partially covered in clouds ... LEGEND indicates: ONE BILLION YRS AGO INT. ALIEN LAB A male alien, dressed as a scientist, works at a bench and then turns ... A massive STASIS CHAMBR rises out of...
  11. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue Okay ; here's how I'm imagining what's going on on Ishnu and the entire story as a whole. The cemetary scene: substitute Kaheel for G'Kar, Daly for Martel and the coffin ... well ... Henderson's dad is in the coffin, he worked for the Corporation ( this we...
  12. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue Channe, good comments, but I'd prefer to have Mar on the third tier rather than Downey. If Downey works within the Ship Ops division and Mar is in charge of it, then surely she'd be of a highter 'placement' than him. Also, didn't someone have a character...
  13. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue EXT. ISHNU FOREST - EVENING The sun lowers in the sky and there is a sense of foreboding as shadows are cast cross the ground ... SNAP ! MAR, DOWNEY and CHENEI trample through the forest, hampered by heavy packs and their own weary _and_ injured selves...
  14. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue Acknowledged, Channe But I was thinking about the structure of the crew on the Titan and came up with some stuff ... CSS ( Corporate Space Ship ) TITAN CREW MANIFEST ... Captain Daly - CO Lt Commander Keller - Co-XO ( Ground Ops ) Lt Commander Mar - Co-XO...
  15. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue I've downloaded the composite script and, if no one objects, would like to try and rework it to take out the B5LR elements at the very beginning ... ------------------
  16. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue EXT. CCS SHADOW This time, it's heading _away_ from us towards a muddy looking planet that really doesn't appear to support life ... it's a geological expedition presumably. We HEAR footsteps clanging along a metallic deck towards ... INT. SAKURA'S CABIN...
  17. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue EXT. TITAN SHUTTLE Venting gasses, tumbling out of control ... INT. TITAN SHUTTLE MAR, CHENEI and DOWNEY scramble from their chairs, all pretense and animosity quickly forgotten in the emerging chaos. DOWNEY Get to the god damn Hab Suits, people ! All...
  18. B

    "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

    Re: \"Titans\" -Warriors of Virtue I hope no one minds me contributing ; I've been reading with rapt attention to this story ... congratulation everyone on such a magnificent 'melting pot' of concepts ! About, my contribution, I wanted to contribute but didn't want to infringe on the story...