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24: Season 4 (SPOILERS)

As for Marianne- we don't know she's necessarily working for the terrorists. I'm guessing she was talking to that defense contractor company.

I thought Driscoll's teleconference was with the CEO of the defense contractor? If so, why would Marianne call them? Maybe I missed something there.

This last episode was a good one. However, I wish there wasn't a mole in CTU this year. Seems like there is always a mole.

I'm guessing that at some point down the road we'll find out Heller is a bad guy. If someone is going to turn out to be a traitor, I think it will be him. It would put his daughter in the middle also.
Yes, Marianne could have been calling any number of people. I would say that it now looks like her agenda in getting herself into CTU in the first place might have been related to keeping tabs on what they learned relative to the loss of that briefcase.

Actually, my bet right now is that she is not attached to the Arab terrorist element in the show.

Who all knew that that that particular item was on the train? The people who sent it. The people who were supposed to receive it. Potentially one or two other security angencies (FBI, NSA, Homeland Defense, .....). It's a longshot, but possibly some other international group that had been keeping track of this terrorist group, and possibly infiltrated them; maybe Israel, maybe a moderate Arab state, maybe Europeans. Who knows? Marianne could conceivably be working (directly or indirectly) for any of those groups.

I just think that it is a little too obvious, a little too early in the season, to have Marianne be a full-on, working for the terrorists, traitor-of-the-season.
What happened to Tony and Michelle? Two of my favorite characters. =( I'm just now watching Season 3 on DVD, and Kim is pretty damn annoying. She's like the office tattle-tale.
What happened to Tony and Michelle? Two of my favorite characters. =( I'm just now watching Season 3 on DVD, and Kim is pretty damn annoying. She's like the office tattle-tale.

Well ... if you're just watching S3 on DVD, you really don't want to be told what happens to Tony and Michelle.

Just keep watching.

Last night's episode wasn't that bad. I'm getting sick of Audrey's husband and Driscoll's daughter though. They both seem pretty pointless.

Marianne's still the mole, leaking information to whoever the hell that guy is. I figured Jack would be the first to know there was a mole, but I really didn't expect him to call up Tony and get him out of his jam. I guess we'll find out more about what happened to Tony next week, but it was good to see him again. He sure did show up pretty damn quick though.

I pretty much expected Behrooz's mother to go against her husband, but I honestly thought she'd get killed right away.

I'm pretty sure the storyline with Heller's son will come back to haunt him. That kid's hiding something but we'll have to wait to see just what it is.
As soon as he said he was going to call the only person he could trust, I instantly thought Tony. And I think he indeed did get there too early. What was it, less than 10 minutes? I'm interested in seeing how they mistakenly peg Sarah as the mole.

I'm not TOO annoyed by the more personal storylines this season, as they seem to be interwoven and not as prominent. I actually don't mind Driscoll's daughter as much, it seems to contrast her rather rigid CTU persona.
As soon as he said he was going to call the only person he could trust, I instantly thought Tony.

My first instinct was Palmer as I knew he'd still have connections, but Tony did cross my mind for a second.

I'm interested in seeing how they mistakenly peg Sarah as the mole.

Me too. So far I've liked her character. I also noticed they added her name to the opening credits list, and no longer a guest star.
but I really didn't expect him to call up Tony
Neither did I. They did sort of leave what happened to Tony a "mystery" at the start of the season. You left Season 3 assuming he was going up the river, but there was no followup on what really happened...now we know why they kept that out, so they could surprise us. They have done this before though, like Palmer at the end of Season 2. You wondered what happened, but next seaons, there he was.

I really expected him to call Chloe. Was much happier to see Tony come to the rescue though, and I'm curious to see whats been up with him.

He sure did show up pretty damn quick though.
I've noticed that they have gotten away from saying "Events happen in real time" like they did in the first season. They definitely stretch and speed up things in the show, even though they keep the clock running. Season 1 was pretty realistic real-time wise. Season 2, a little bit less. Season 3 and 4 they try to adhere as much as possible, but clearly speed some parts up to "the speed of plot"
I really expected him to call Chloe.

She was my thought after Palmer and before Tony. The only difference being is that I never for a second truly considered it'd be Tony. I figured he'd be in prison or something. My guess is Michelle will end up showing up too, and possibly Palmer at some point.
I read somewhere on the 'net before the season started that Tony would return, so I wasn't too surprised. :D
He sure did show up pretty damn quick though.
I've noticed that they have gotten away from saying "Events happen in real time" like they did in the first season. They definitely stretch and speed up things in the show, even though they keep the clock running. Season 1 was pretty realistic real-time wise. Season 2, a little bit less. Season 3 and 4 they try to adhere as much as possible, but clearly speed some parts up to "the speed of plot"


Even moreso than that was how Edgar managed to regain control of 70 nuclear power plants in about 5 minutes. Before the commercial break, Heller told him to do it and a few minutes after the break, Driscoll's assistant tells her the good news. I turned to my wife and said, "Somebody forgot this is supposed to be happening in real time."

Glad to see Tony back (man, was he geeky in "A Call to Arms" or what?). I hadn't read that, GKE. But I did read that Palmer would show up later.
One thing about this season...is they are throwing so much at us so fast...then resolving a lot of it quickly (for the most part). I hope they aren't begining to go with the "5-6 short mini arcs per season" instead of a true one day event to help with viewers attention spans.

One thing that annoyed me a bit, was at the start of this episode, we were faced with 125 nuclear plants melting down. Deep shit right? ... but at the end of the episode, we had, what? Six? And to try to have a dramatic cliff hanger, the Sec of Def said "either we find a way to stop this or we are faced with a nuclear holocost. Well...125 is a freakin holocost...6 is a severe problem, but not nearly as bad as you were facing ONE HOUR AGO. Yea this whole plant thing came and went in 1 episode. Thats damn quick.

And yea, i realize its not totally over, but still, the looming thread of huge impending doom has passed for the most part, on to regional doom only.
You get little mini-arcs when you don't plan too far ahead. You keep changing and correcting things.

Even with only 6 now still in play, that's still what... around 450,000? Not a small number. And that doesn't even account for fallout. Not to mention that this entire nuclear thing could be yet another misdirection. That seems less plausible since the stakes are indeed already so high given the nature of controlling 104 nuclear reactors for destructive purposes. Don't forget, there's still the angle from that one company that made the nuclear override device to deal with.
Don't forget, there's still the angle from that one company that made the nuclear override device to deal with.

That to me is the most interesting thing so far. We know the nuclear plants aren't gonna go off. But this defense contractor thing can go back to the Sec of Defense, and that could create a conflict between Jack and his future father-in-law or something good like that. And maybe Heller's son will be back and it turns out he's in on it or was trying to expose it or whatever. Could be some interesting stuff.
I would just like to highly recommend all the fellas rent The Girl Next Door, which I watched last night. Kim Bauer is quite... fetching. Yum.

Also I think there's a plot and other characters or something... anyway, it doesn't matter, you see her in nothing but a G-string from he back and in a little cleavage and belly bearing tops and everything. Brilliant film.
I would just like to highly recommend all the fellas rent The Girl Next Door, which I watched last night. Kim Bauer is quite... fetching. Yum.

Also I think there's a plot and other characters or something... anyway, it doesn't matter, you see her in nothing but a G-string from he back and in a little cleavage and belly bearing tops and everything. Brilliant film.

Yeah, I must agree with that. It's actually kind of funny, and also has Seth Bullock from Deadwood in it.

Anyway, tonight's episode of 24 was great. So, now we know what happened to Tony. Jack got him out of jail, and he became an alcoholic. Then, Michelle left him and is working at Division. You do kind of feel bad for him, mainly since he's still considered a traitor (although maybe not by the time the day's over; or he could get killed). I have a feeling we'll be seeing Michelle before the day's up.

Poor hot little Sarah. She has no idea what the hell's going on, only that someone had to have set her up. The best was when Edgar finally realized how Marriane had been manipulating him, and figured out she was the mole. I'm assuming she had a cyanide cap in her tooth or something.

I wonder if we're just going to see Behrooz and his mother driving around for the rest of the day trying to avoid his father.
Yeah, I must agree with that. It's actually kind of funny, and also has Seth Bullock from Deadwood in it.

Oh, snap, THAT's who that was. I knew I recognised that dude. *smacks forehead*

Tony will die soon. It would be the perfect end for him. Having hit the lowest of the low, it would epic of him to go out in a blaze of glory, defending his country and his friend Jack, a hero's death. Like Boromir or something.

I am totally freaked out by Sarah's big pink lipstick, and it was really distracting during the torture.

Some people like to keep a body count for the show. I think this season we could have had a nice torture count going.

Edgar is becomine the Chloe of this season.

I hope Aisha Tyler's character isn't dead. She is so hot.
Tony will die soon.

I'm getting the same feeling. I'm just wondering how long it'll be.

Edgar is becomine the Chloe of this season.

For some reason I don't really mind Edgar. I'm glad Chloe's gone now, but something tells me she may be reinstated at some point. Now if someone shows up and makes Edgar watch a baby I'll never watch the show again.

I hope Aisha Tyler's character isn't dead. She is so hot

She's smokin'! I was just going under the assumption that she was dead, but I've been wrong before.

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