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A message from Christopher Pike

Congratulations, everybody, this was the fastest-growing thread outside of the Off-Topic Lounge.

Channe, the pseudo-Ranger, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
"Foreshadowing! Your key to quality literature!" -Berkeley Breathed
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Congratulations, everybody, this was the fastest-growing thread outside of the Off-Topic Lounge. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Billy uncorks the champagne, and turns on some strobe lights*

Time to party. Enjoy yourselves. I must go eat a banana! In celebration, I'll have some chocolate milk as well...

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drakh:
Originally posted by Galahad:
Bruce Boxleitner pretty much said all along that he considered A Call to Arms to be a torch passing thing, that he felt it would be the last thing he did in B5, those were in interviews prior to Crusade being chalked up as a possible series when ACtA was still in production.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I quote from the Babylon 5 Magazine, issue 9, volume 2, A Call to Arms station log, page 15:

"It's kind of strange," [Boxleitner] begins. "I know I've been saying this the last couple of days, but I'm the last of the old Babylonians to walk out the door. And it's a sad day for me. I really love doing this show, and I'm going to miss all of you. And it's really weird, you know. It really is. But I want to say something. I want to wish you all good luck in the coming Crusade, and I hope it goes another five, and I hope it has the success that the first four or five years did. We may well see each other again in the same universe. But anyway, I love you all, and it's been great, and I'm certainly glad I got to come back and do this picture. I just got to say bye."

Friday, 29th of May, 1998, the day before filming on ACTA ended.

If the film was intended as a pilot for Crusade headed by Boxleitner, then he sure didn't know about it.

Public comments do not always mirror private machinations.

Trust me on this, nobody ever tells the truth in interviews. Actors, writers, directors you name it, we never divulge everything we know or think - I think that's fairly obvious. For political, legal, ethical, pride, humiliation , outright manipulation, whatever the reason, you can't expect people to honestly express themselves publicly over matters that involve so many other people, not to mention their own future - it's human nature.

I don't know anything about Bruce and Crusade, but do you honestly think a well known actor would admit to not getting a role that he actively campaigned for or at one point was told he had. It's one thing to talk about missed opportunities or the parts you didn't get when there's very little pride involved, quite another when something may be construed as embarrassing (even if only to that individual).

It's an old cliche, but don't believe everything you read. I hate publicity, and I don't know of anyone in this business that doesn't manipulate it to the best of their abilities. It's a two way street, kill or be killed.

What a lovely profession at times.

Okay that was downer Dylan, I've sent him away with a little Prozac! Lets all cheer up a little!
New topic anyone?

I was going to write up a whole big diatribe about how the Rangers movie is a pilot, and should be looked at this way; about how the Gathering totally blew chunks but foreshadows and sets up so much for B5; etc.

Then I noticed that Dark Lord already did that.

In B5 and Crusade, JMS started with something apparently bland and tired: a space station with a bunch of different people, and a ship flying around looking for a cure. In B5, he turned it that show on its ass, so that by the time you're watching 3rd season eps, you forget what the show is originally about. Hmm, sounds like real life, which is why B5 was so successful: the characters are realistic. From what little I've read about the would-have-been-future of Crusade, the same would have happened. I can only assume that the same will happen if Rangers get green-lighted.

Anyways, for what it's worth, the argumentative weight of the mighty GKarsEye is behind Dark Lord. Go forth, brother, preach the gospel!

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> I've sent him away with a little Prozac! Lets all cheer up a little! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have plenty! Seriously! 40 mg tablets, it's generic though, but I'm sure I can get you the good stuff if you really need it. Heck, if it's good enough for BlackStar, it's good enough for Dylan.

A caveat, though: doesn't cure everything, I still have occasional... episodes.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dylan Neal:

It's an old cliche, but don't believe everything you read. I hate publicity, and I don't know of anyone in this business that doesn't manipulate it to the best of their abilities. It's a two way street, kill or be killed.

What a lovely profession at times.

We journalists love you guys dearly...
And, it's kill or be killed on this side of the microphone, too.

Mmm, publicity. I love my calling.

Channe, the pseudo-Ranger, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
"Foreshadowing! Your key to quality literature!" -Berkeley Breathed
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GKarsEye:
Anyways, for what it's worth, the argumentative weight of the mighty GKarsEye is behind Dark Lord. Go forth, brother, preach the gospel!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Writes 'happiness' on Narn made bat and beats the daylights of the pessimists*

Come on peeps, chins up, stiff upper lip and all that.

Yup, that's my award winning argument done for the day.

BETH: "Well all I did was go for a really long walk."
JIMMY: "Where'd you go?"
BETH: "I don't know... I mean... all over the city, I guess... and then somehow I ended up standing outside Bill's apartment building and... I wanted to make sure he was... really gone, you know... so I figured out which window was his and then I just started yelling, you know, "BILL, HEY BILL!!!"
JIMMY: "And then what happened?"
BETH: "Well, finally someone opened their window and yelled down, "Shut the hell up you crazy bitch!"
JOE: "That's just what Bill would've done."
BETH: "Yeah, and that just made me think... his spirit lives on in others." - Newsradio
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dylan Neal:
I don't know anything about Bruce and Crusade, but do you honestly think a well known actor would admit to not getting a role that he actively campaigned for or at one point was told he had.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yes, but Thomas' words were:

Crusade did have a pilot - it was called A CALL TO ARMS, and set up an infinitely better series premise had Boxleitner - through clouded circumstances - not been removed from the picture in the period prior to Crusade.

Bruce's statement was made before "the period prior to Crusade". Even more clear is the following exchange in March/April 1998:


[ Summary: Asks about comments made on AOL by Melissa Gilbert:

"A friend just called us to say that someone is saying that the cast quit because they aren't getting their raises. This is an absolute LIE. They were all let go because TNT wants a whole new show. This is not rumor it is fact. In fact it was not done very nicely either. The cast was let go from the show THEY DID NOT QUIT.

Bruce will not be at any more publicity events for the show, he will go to cons only. There is no reason to promote a show that TNT doesn't want, and he is not in the new show. Cons are for fans, publicity is for the producers and network.

Did you guys know that they also fired John Flinn, the director of photography? Don't know why, can't tell who." ]

#: 27071 S2/Bab 5: General
01-Apr-98 21:54:01
Sb: #27045-# I Hate nasty Rumors

See, here's what I don't understand in all this.

It's not that the cast was let go, THE SHOW IS OVER. You can only "let go" of an actor if the show continues and the actor is out. THE SHOW IS OVER. I've been saying for five years, "This is a five year story. When it's over, it's over."

I think part of the problem was that some in the cast didn't want to ever deal with the reality of that until it hit them. I read many interviews where they said, "Well, Joe says it's a five year story, but I don't see any reason why this can't go on." If you cushion yourself from it, then it can only hit you in the face later. (On the last few days of shooting, several people asked, "Why couldn't it have been a *six* year arc? Why the arbitrary five?" It is what it is.

Toward the end of filming, we spoke to all the cast, apprised them of the work progressing toward a feature film, the likelihood of additional TV movies before then, and so on. But we also said, specifically, "Babylon 5 the series is over."

But you must admit that it's quite a jump between "the series is over" and "the actors were fired." Technically speaking, EVERYONE is fired when a show is over.

As for Crusade, there are a couple of people who might transition over, but that is *a different series*. And must have its own identity (should it go into production). You maybe do one or two B5 feature films, with the whole cast, as Crusade runs on a separate track on TV.

As for John Flinn...same situation. John was the DP on B5 for all five years, minus those episodes DPd by Fred Murphy. Babylon 5 is now over, and so that task is over. Crusade (see previous disclaimer) should have an entirely different look from B5, to make it its own show, and that generally requires a different DP. That's pretty much standard in the business.



I have no trouble believing that Bruce may have thought he had good shot at being in Crusade upon reading ACTA (depending on when he was given the script). However I see no evidence that it was written to test out a series format with him as the star.

You are not entitled to your own opinion. You are only entitled to your own informed opinion.
-- Harlan Ellison qouting Gustave Flaubert

[This message has been edited by drakh (edited October 18, 2001).]

So it seems like you're saying that, though you enjoy acting and the career, publicity is the part of the job you dislike. I wonder how much time an actor spends on that?

As a software engineer, I enjoy designing and coding (I know, I'm a geek), but hate all the extra paperwork that goes with it (design reviews, reports, etc). It seems like publicity is the same thing for you.

I'm just curious, because us regular folk never think about acting as a "job," which is silly, because of course it is. It's interesting to look at it in this light.

And thanks for being so honest and straight-up about all this stuff. Methinks Dylan has a bit GKarsEye in him

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
There is another Christopher Pike. He writes young adults/adults horror novels. They're quite good - I've read some of them, ie Wicked Heart, Monster, Witch, etc, along with Season of Passage. Not the same guy as this CP, I take it?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Congratulations, everybody, this was the fastest-growing thread outside of the Off-Topic Lounge.

You should have seen this one thread in the early days of this board, in which Power of Ten got into a flame war with several other posters over JMS's use of the word "dork". I think it rivaled this thread in terms of initial growth rate, but it never got this long because Antony had to put a stop to it.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
Public comments do not always mirror private machinations.

True, but--and no offense to Dylan--that doesn't mean that they *always* are different than the public comments, either.

My point is that the only compelling proof you have offered that Sheridan was to be in Crusade is that you said he was. You say that behind the scenes he was to be, despite the public statements to the contrary. Do you not have something to back up this claim, so that we might at least consider your argument as valid?


[This message has been edited by Capt. Neville (edited October 18, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SataiDelenn:
Dark Lord, I apologise, it seems I have expressed some similar thoughts to those you expressed earlier!

That'll teach me to get a splash exasperated part way throug and jump ahead to post without reading everything written before hand!

Anyway... my apologies!

Great minds think alike!

Lol, no need to apologise.

BETH: "Well all I did was go for a really long walk."
JIMMY: "Where'd you go?"
BETH: "I don't know... I mean... all over the city, I guess... and then somehow I ended up standing outside Bill's apartment building and... I wanted to make sure he was... really gone, you know... so I figured out which window was his and then I just started yelling, you know, "BILL, HEY BILL!!!"
JIMMY: "And then what happened?"
BETH: "Well, finally someone opened their window and yelled down, "Shut the hell up you crazy bitch!"
JOE: "That's just what Bill would've done."
BETH: "Yeah, and that just made me think... his spirit lives on in others." - Newsradio
This thread is a good time to bring up an old warning. At the end on 5 years JMS divorces his actors. Consequently during the gap between filming Season 4 and 5 they should all be staring in pilots.

The agents will have to earn their 10% by arranging the pilots during the filming of Season 4. Whilst still in a show an actor is hot. So the producers of the series will be able to show the studios a script and a hot actor.

Andrew Swallow
I have noticed the comments in this thread and in other threads in the past about folks who use anonymity or don't reveal the entirety of their background. For various reasons, some of those who read items on this site happen to have access to interesting sets of information. Sometimes it is because we are in "the business." Sometimes it is because we are in an associated business. Sometimes we just lucked into colleagues or friends who are willing to share. There are people who frequent B5LOTR.COM in all this categories.

If you think about it, it's actually one of the things that makes this site fun. Many of us liked B5 and really would wish the best for Rangers or other B5-universe series. If we weren't interested in the topic why would we even be reading this web site?

Still, it's a fine line. Even if one can "technically" reveal information, it often can be a better thing not to do so.

Each time I've seen a source sensitively provide direct information, rather than via Anthony, they are interrogated. While it's understandable to have a healthy skepticism, it actually discourages folks with information from passing it on. I can assure you that is exactly how I've felt (and apologies to those who've heard these comments privately from me in the past; I know you understand).

Alternatively, those non-public sources might choose to go through Anthony (as some of us have) or not give you the information at all. The result is that you won't get to interact with the authors and you'll get the information later. In the end, this may not be what you want. It may be what you force us to give you.

I realize that means that sometimes you'll just have to take someone's credentials on faith. I don't know how to change that.

Previously JoeD suggested you trust my information. This time I suggest you trust Chris. I have reason to believe he is reliable. Only you can decide whether you agree with his views or not. That's a different question.

It's unfortunate that B5LR.COM doesn't provide email addresses because some of this credentialing tends to happen more successfully in email. Many of these kinds of topics would benefit from off-line discussion.


**Warning** Adult Content read no further if you are offended by "strong" language or does that scare you too?

WHAT QUALIFIES ME TO WRITE A REVIEW OF THIS TV MOVIE? If you knew my credentials, you'd understand my qualifications -- you might even say "Oh, it's HIM!?!?!?" For numerous professional reasons, I am unable to reveal my identity, although long-time B5 fans may be able to pick-up on a few well-placed clues left here and there. I know this sounds like I'm playing a game, I don't mean it to sound that way. There are...considerations.

[Edited: warning of foul laungage and abuse does not make it correct. The content that you posted here will NOT be tolerated. Count this as one and two warnings... one more warning and it's a ban. - AF]

[This message has been edited by AntonyF (edited October 19, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ala:

It's unfortunate that B5LR.COM doesn't provide email addresses because some of this credentialing tends to happen more successfully in email. Many of these kinds of topics would benefit from off-line discussion.


Well guess thats got allot to do with privacy not everyone wants there e-mail available to everyone.

Anyhow people can easily do what I do just wack the e-mail address in signiture easy

I feel the most important thing to remember is this is one person's personal opinion. His right, and a right I would never presume to question. He has exercised it, and that is admirable.

It is unfortunate for him some people disagree with his opinion, but that is the nature of perception.

People will like LotR, people will hate LotR and people will never be any the wiser.

Let's not burn the messenger in effigy, let's just hear the message and move on.

Granted the reviewer has a certain amount of 'power', but these days most reviews are taken with a grain of salt. Only the most gullible are swayed in such a way.

Plus... any publicity is good publicity, and people will tune in to see how 'bad' something presumably is.

Mr Pike, I commend you for speaking your mind, if what you have written is truly what you believe. I hope when I am fortunate enough to view the film that I disagree with you completely, but as I respect your privelage to hold an opinion, I am sure you will respect mine.

Good luck, and I hope you are stable enough as a person to not take any attack to heart.

There is something I would like to say though - everyone, we fans need to be cautious. We can't hype LotR up too much, and bury it with insane expectations. After viewing the trailor and seeing what I percieved as great potential, I realised I was blowing the MOTW up out of proportion. The key word is 'potential'. JMS is working to a set of criteria we may not be aware of, and one of those is to attract an audience. It may be he is resorting to 'cliches' or whatever as a device to hook people with the familiar. He has to sell this property to tell his story, and that is the simple truth. If we possess too many expectations, we are bound to come away disappointed. That would be unfortunate.

Let's wait, see, keep things under consideration... and pray.

It will be what it will be, and it will have the opportunity to become something more if JMS can hook the fish.

Faith Manages.

Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."

[This message has been edited by SataiDelenn (edited October 18, 2001).]