Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!
AICN is a fan (or "fanboy"
) run site, and gets a lot of its information from folks who are far from professional writers, but who happen upon information. Some of it is accurate, some of it isn't. They don't do much in the way of editing submissions, either, they just post them as-is.
I used to supply them with stories myself, in the early days of the DVD format, when I knew some people who knew some people who could get me information from the studios.
Their TV stuff used to be much better when a guy named Glen was in charge. (He was also a
B5 fan, so my view may be a bit biased.) But AICN broke the story about the infamous "TNT/
Crusade Memo", the one that contributed to the first production shut down, and Glen ran very favorable reviews of "Racing the Night" and (I think) "The Path of Sorrows" when he saw them in rough-cut form.
The current editors seem to have taken one look at
B5, noticed that it wasn't
Star Trek and reached for the remote. This review is actually a pertty good sign, maybe if
Rangers makes enough noise generally they'll be
forced to cover it.
Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division