<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Glacophane: </font color>
Thanks KoshN for helping me out with my bad memory.
my memory is hardly stellar on this subject.
I'm really disappointed in myself that I didn't make a note of of where exactly Londo said it in the book. It's going to bug me until I find it. Argh!
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Glacophane: </font color>
However I haven't read any B5 material except the books. Do you know where I would find the short story? Are they published somewhere or was it just in a magazine?
Seems like I've posted this a million times (Antony, any way you could put this in a FAQ?):
<font color="orange">
B5 Short Stories, Published In, Issue, Comments
The Shadow of His Thoughts, Straczynski, J. M. , Amazing Stories, Summer 1999, Number 597, The Londo Story
Genius Loci, Straczynski, J. M. , Amazing Stories, Winter 2000, Number 599, The Lyta / G'Kar Story
Space, Time, and the Incurable Romantic, Straczynski, J. M. , Amazing Stories, Summer 2000, Number 602, The Marcus / Ivanova Story
Hidden Agendas, Straczynski, J. M. , Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine, May 2000, Number 22, The Ivanova/Warlock Destroyer/Ulkesh's Vorlon Transport/Sheridan/Lyta Story
True Seeker, Avery, Fiona, Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine, July 2000, Number 23, The Narn Story (carries on from episode 17 "Legacies"
http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/guide/017.html )
The Nautilus Coil, Keyes, J. Gregory, Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine, August 2000, Number 24, The Garibaldi/Lyta/Psi Corp/Vorlon story. Connects with "Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps"
</font color>
They're no longer available. Both magazines have gone under. There was some hope that Del Rey (Contact: Saffel, Steve <SSaffel@randomhouse.com>) might publish a B5 Short Story Anthology, but getting Del Rey to move on something is like trying to prod a donkey into moving. It doesn't want to move even if you stick a lit piece of dynamite up it's ass.