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Civil War movies


Civil War movies

I love period films and American history.

Recently I rented Gods & Generals. It took a pretty nasty hit from the critics, but it's hard for me to dislike a movie like this. However, it could have been better. The battle sequences weren't as gripping as maybe they could have been. Some of the characters were a little too "heroic" to be believable, but I do like the theatricality of it.

I don't agree with the political criticisms of the film.

I need to see his other movie, Gettysburg, again. I'll buy it at some point. That was pretty good.

These two films are part of a trilogy. The third installment, The Last Full Measure, will come out next.

I picked up a cheap, used copy of the special edition DVD of Glory. Now that's a damn fine film. Real gritty, hardcore war stuff with excellent performances. I remember seeing this at the theater as a kid and being blown away. I can't wait to watch it again.
Re: Civil War movies

Whatever happened to Gods & Generals? I recall seeing maybe one or two previews on TV for it, wanting to go see it at some point, then I just kind of forgot about it. It's like it disappeared, or something. Was it a limited release thing, or did it only stay in theaters for short amount of time?

And yes, Glory is one hell of a good movie. One of the best I've ever seen, period. It's one of those films that grab you and refuse to let go until the very end.
Re: Civil War movies

I'm not sure what you mean by "what happened to it?" It was in the theaters (I don't know for how long) and it just came out on DVD. Maybe it had a limited run or something, or maybe the length of the film made it difficult to show.
Re: Civil War movies

I loved Gettysburg and have watched it a few times. I can't wait to see Gods & Generals. Andersonville is a pretty good flick. Was one of the made for TV films by TNT.
Re: Civil War movies

None of the local theaters around here showed Gods and Generals, for what reason I don't know. I ended up buying it and watched it yesterday. I liked it but I usually do like movies about historical events. The only thing that I didn't like about it was that it seemed that they tried to make it too dramatic at some points.

Gettysburg has always been one of my favorites. I know a lot of people that have seen it but won't watch it again because it's four hours long. I have no problem watching it over and over. Until the ending of Gods and Generals I didn't realize that there was going to be a third installment, so I look forward to seeing that, whenever it might come out.

Glory is also a terrific movie. It's been a few years since I've seen it but it's one that I always consider buying, but usually don't because I end up buying something cheaper.

Speaking of Civil War movies, even though it is completely made up (and doesn't have that much to do with the Civil War itself) Dances with Wolves is a great movie too. I picked up the director's cut of it yesterday and will probably watch it later. It's almost an hour longer with all the extra scenes.
Re: Civil War movies

Personally, I thought it covered too long of a time period. What I loved about Gettysburg/The Killer Angels was the depth of the detail that the story went into. Gods and Generals, at least for me, didn't have the same level of intimacy that the previous work had.
Re: Civil War movies

That's a good point, Juche, and one of the reasons it wasn't received so well. I prefer to look at G&G and Gettysburg as two different ways of looking at the war- one from a broader, more epic sense and the other from a closer, more intimate perspective.

Speaking of Civil War movies, even though it is completely made up (and doesn't have that much to do with the Civil War itself)

My favorite film that fits that description is The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
I saw Wolves a very long time ago. I only remember being bored, but I was 12 yrs old or something.

I still haven't watched my new copy of Glory. Anyone wanna come over and watch it?
Re: Civil War movies

Originally posted by GKarsEye:
I'm not sure what you mean by "what happened to it?" It was in the theaters (I don't know for how long) and it just came out on DVD. Maybe it had a limited run or something, or maybe the length of the film made it difficult to show.

What I meant was that as far as I was concerned, it seemed to completely drop off the face of the Earth. And I guess it had a limited release in some areas, since I don't think I ever heard about it playing in our local theater.

And if I was anywhere near you, I'd gladly drop on by and watch Glory with ya.
Re: Civil War movies

Some of my other favorite Civil War-era pictures are The Outlaw Josey Whales and The Beguiled, both with Clint Eastwood.
Re: Civil War movies

I saw Wolves a very long time ago. I only remember being bored, but I was 12 yrs old or something.

You really ought to check it out again. I thought it was boring the first time I saw it, back when I was much younger too. I understand the meaning of it a lot better now. To me it shows a glimpse into the lives and culture of the Sioux Indians, a culture that is all but gone today, or rather changed rather drastically. I think it's really an appreciation of who they were and what they stood for.

I actually just got done watching it, along with all the special features and that goes a little more in depth as to what they were thinking throughout all the stages of the film. I'm not the biggest Kevin Costner fan but, along with Wyatt Earp, this is probably my favorite performance of his.

I could be wrong, but after hearing you talk about the Civil War movies and looking through your DVD collection, I think it's a movie that you'd like and/or appreciate.
Re: Civil War movies

I'm not the biggest Kevin Costner fan

Is anyone these days?

I have been meaning to re-watch Wolves. I also haven't seen Wyatt Earp, which I have to, as I love Westerns (and own Gunfight at the OK Corral, and loved and want to buy Tombstone).
Re: Civil War movies

Pi is a good film. Glad to see you have some Sam Fuller, including my favorite, Shock Corridor. You really should have Orson Welles' Touch of Evil. I like all your Japanese films. I don't care for most modern mob films, including highly thought of films like The God Father. I like Resivoir Dogs only because it has Lawrence Tierney in it. I can't stand Steely Dan or AC/DC, and I can't imagine spending money to buy American Psycho. :D :p :D Well, okay, it is sexy in parts, but once the hacking and blood-letting starts, it no longer appeals to me in that manner...

I'd swear I posted this to the correct thread, but no, here it is! :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:
Re: Civil War movies

AC/DC rocks. Rocks!
The new remastered Back in Black is coming in the mail and I'll probably pick up Who Made Who to complete the essential AC/DC collection.
They rock! Power chords and lyrics about f***ing. Can't go wrong, there, my friend.

Steel Dan is a love-em or hate-em band.

I've never seen Touch of Evil. Been meaning to, though.

Sam Fuller is cool. Totally outrageous but fun. I remember seeing Naked Kiss on TCM one late night and just digging it. It's like an old pulp fiction book. Except I can't stand that scene where the kids are singing.
And it has the coolest opening for a movie ever- a hooker beating the crap out of a deadbeat john to a crazy hot jazz soundtrack.

As for Japanese films, the only ones that do anything for me are period pieces and samurai films. Modern Japanese films, or those set in modern times, always end up boring me to tears.
Re: Civil War movies

Oh crap, I just noticed this is in the wrong thread, too.
Could a mod please move these last couple of posts there?
Re: Civil War movies

I'm not the biggest Kevin Costner fan
Is anyone these days?

I like some of KC's movies, but some have been real stinkers. I think I'm one of the few people in the U.S. that actually like "The Postman".

I'm also looking forward to "Open Range". Of course, it's got Robert Duvall, and that's a great reason to go see it!

Re: Civil War movies

I'm by no means Kevin Costner fan, but I think people tend to forget how many good-to-great films he's been in... Wyatt Earp, Silverado, Bull Durham, The Untouchables, Field of Dreams, Dances With Wolves, JFK, A Perfect World... And he's one of the few modern-day actors that doesn't come off as unbelivable/laughable in a Western (take a look at Texas Rangers to see what I'm talking about).
Re: Civil War movies

I was going to try and move those two replies for you but it would start them as a new topic and won't combine them with your other thread.

PsionTen, I'd forgotten about JFK, that's a damned good movie. I haven't seen Field of Dreams or Bill Durham in a long time so I don't remember too much about them, but I do remember liking them.
Re: Civil War movies

Yeah, he used to be cool. That's why I qualified my snide Costner slam with "these days."

To be fair, I haven't seen Postman. I remember hating Waterworld and never wanting to watch Bodyguard because it looked so lame.

JFK is cool, on my to-buy list.
Re: Civil War movies

Well, I liked Waterworld a lot! :eek: :D :eek: I loved Dennis Hopper's over the top performance. It was very campy. The press calling it Fishtar, or Kevin's Gate was undeserved. (After Ishtar, and Heaven's Gate, of course.)

I also liked the Postman, once I figured out what was really going on. By that I mean that Costner/The Postman and his people were the musicians, artists, left wing, while Will Paton/The General and his people were the right wing militarists, who had brought disaster to the world, but were finally defeated by Costner and his people.

I liked Dances With Wolves a lot as well, not as good as The Little Big Man, with Dustin Hoffman, but good. I thought Robinhood, Prince of Thieves, was pretty silly, and anachronistic. I called it Dances With Arrows.

I actually like Costner, I think he is a sincere and well meaning guy, who has made some good films, some not that good. I did like JFK.

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