Hehe .. a few weeks ago, I was at the International School fleamarket here in Vienna, which is basically the main meeting point of the english-speaking community in Vienna .. was a little kid running around yelling "Muuuuummmmy .... Muuuuummmmmy" .. completely freaked me out
As for the season in general .. I loved it

.. some epsiodes I wasn't too fond of (notably .. Rose, The Long Game, Father's Day, Boom Town) .. most I liked .. and quite a few I truely adored (The End of the World, Dalek, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances) .. have especially been enjoying the consistancy of two-parters. Freaky setups have had resolves that just .. weren't lame, which is something quite to celebrate for me as someone that grew up on Star Trek. So everytime there was a buildup, I was expecting it to fall flat .. it never happened.
As for the next seasons - third season has been confirmed, yay!

- not sure completely yet. The 10 seconds of the new doctor where not enough to give an opinion, especially since there now still is the sorrow of Eccleston leaving, who did a great preformance IMHO. Though hopefully that shock will have passed by the time season 2 comes around