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Enjoyed this weeks episode, great fun, next looks even better, and more Daleks!!!

As for the Bad Wolf thing, i feel stupid for missing it, but lots of people have not. Other than Daleks, i think it could be something in the Tardis itself...

there is a lot of chatter refering to this subject , wich in turn provides a lot of theories ranging from the ridicolous to the logical .

The BBC is going to town on this Bad Wolf thing. They have even set up a website.

I think that there is also a Time War thread running through the current series. Every episode appears to have a clue or tool that The Doctor can use to save the Time Lords.

Bad Wolf could be the person showing the clues to The Doctor.

Someone please refresh my memory. I didn't pay close attention to Dr. Who after Sylvester McCoy took over, and it's been a long time since I watched ANY Dr. Who, until the new series. Was it revealed prior to this new series that all of the Time Lords were dead? I don't remember that it was.

Thanks. I didn't think it had been. I guess we will definitely see more about it then. Just noticed that BADWOLF backwards is flow dab... hum... yeah, I know, probably doesn't mean a thing. :D

Curious to see what happens...whether the Dalek's "escaped", or were "recreated"...

Lots of theories tying Adam into that, somehow.

Another possibility is that they were never destroyed...the Time War as the Doctor remembers it maybe never really happened... but that would mean this whole series was some elaborate set up...


I have discovered that Badwolf is a two part episode including the season finally. There could be a lot more in there than we think.

Several new Dr Who books have been published.

I looked in the book on monsters. It contained the walking trees from episode two. The trees were witnesses to the Time War but have never told anyone what they saw.

End of the season.

The Xmass episode is called "The Christmas Invasion".

Do you think the Daleks on the Earth got away?
Or do we get the Cybermen?

The Doctor is back for a new generation of children.

Here is the proof. Back in March, I told my Brownie pack that they all had to watch Dr Who. They looked at me blankly, everyone of them. Not many weeks later, they were running around the Guide hut shouting 'EXTERMINATE!', and last Friday at District sports, anumber of them started chanting 'Are you my Mummy?'

It feels good.

Excellent! :) Apparently the Slitheen, which were less than popular with the older, more die-hard fans were a hit with the kids too. Playgrounds have been overrun with children unzipping their heads! :D


'Are you my Mummy?'

Hehe .. a few weeks ago, I was at the International School fleamarket here in Vienna, which is basically the main meeting point of the english-speaking community in Vienna .. was a little kid running around yelling "Muuuuummmmy .... Muuuuummmmmy" .. completely freaked me out :eek: :D

As for the season in general .. I loved it :D .. some epsiodes I wasn't too fond of (notably .. Rose, The Long Game, Father's Day, Boom Town) .. most I liked .. and quite a few I truely adored (The End of the World, Dalek, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances) .. have especially been enjoying the consistancy of two-parters. Freaky setups have had resolves that just .. weren't lame, which is something quite to celebrate for me as someone that grew up on Star Trek. So everytime there was a buildup, I was expecting it to fall flat .. it never happened.

As for the next seasons - third season has been confirmed, yay! :D - not sure completely yet. The 10 seconds of the new doctor where not enough to give an opinion, especially since there now still is the sorrow of Eccleston leaving, who did a great preformance IMHO. Though hopefully that shock will have passed by the time season 2 comes around :D

Eccle's performance was the greatest thing about the new Who... big "proper" actor taking up a cheesy kid's Sci Fi role was great, and now everyone will want the role - except him! Wish he stayed a while longer, but I guess his character was written with a shelf life of 13 episodes, coudlnt see his Rose/Time War arc going on for 2 seasons.

Is kids TV meant to be so enjoyable for grown ups?

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