I had heard the story about the curtains - they cost $8000 - they must have been made of beaten gold.
I had also heard the story about the tortoishell cats [our word for calico]. I thought maybe they were one of those 'only in America' stories that get about. But there's certainly some rather weird folklore floating around about the Bushy gang.
I certainly couldn't imagine Helen Clark or any of our other politcians going on national TV and doing a song and dance routine - they would be laughed out of office.
I had also heard the story about the tortoishell cats [our word for calico]. I thought maybe they were one of those 'only in America' stories that get about. But there's certainly some rather weird folklore floating around about the Bushy gang.
I certainly couldn't imagine Helen Clark or any of our other politcians going on national TV and doing a song and dance routine - they would be laughed out of office.