Ok, so I just watched the first three episodes of season 4- what the hell is going on? I am so f***ing confused.
Well, yeah, that is pretty much the standard reaction to the early part of S4. I actually think that, to a degree, that was what they were aiming for (from people who had been watching). I remember reading that SciFi had exerted pressure on them to try to make the show more accessable to new viewers joining in S4 (they had a new time slot at the time); so they did this whole "trickle the characters back in a couple at a time so the new viewers can be introduced to each of them" thing that really frustrated the existing viewers who wanted to get the answers to "WTF happened at the end of S3?".
Crichton's in his module long enough to grow a beard before he's rescued by the dying leviathan. He had food, water, and a place to piss that for that long (that beard had to take at least a month to grow).
Crichton was rescued by the dying leviathan quite a while ago. He had been living on it (and growing the beard) for a few months, IIRC. They ae still hanging around where Crichton had been marooned because that leviathan is about-to-die-of-old-age old, and that area is a leviathan grave yard (that is why Moya was there in the first place; to put Talyn's remains, or what they had of them, there).
Now they got a red chick, which is kinda hot, as I do have a major thing red-heads. With Chiana, Sizuki (or what carrot-top's name is) and Jule there, you know this show was created by dudes. But it looks like Jule ain't gonna be around, but the hotness factor is sure to go up when Aeryn returns (unless she's all pregnant).
Just for the record: it is "Sikozu".
Not that you need to know it (or, for that matter, that I actually know it) but since I have a Farscape calendar next to my desk, her full name is Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu.
And Jool got reduced to "recurring" status because the actress got a "regular" role on a high profile mainstream Aussie TV show. Also from this month's page on the calendar, Jool's fullname is Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis.
Why did Suzuki leave the leviathan scavangers, anyway? I forgot.
It has been a while since I watched that ep, but as I recall the scavengers were planning on screwing her over WRT her consulting fees etc. and then killing her. The reason she can't just go back to her old consulting job is that they *had* already reported to her organization that she had betrayed her commission, and they seem to view that much the same way as the Narn assassin's guild does in B5.
And where is Moya, anyway? Jule was with them when they dissappeared, no? So obviously they're OK, and then at some point Jule got away from them? So where did that wormhole come from?
Patience, Grasshopper.