Crichton was rescued by the dying leviathan quite a while ago. He had been living on it (and growing the beard) for a few months, IIRC.
Hmm. I remember seeing him in his module with the beard. But then they don't actually show the rescue. Rather, the episode begins by transitioning from the "last time of Farscape" segment showing Crichton in the module to Crichton in the module months later with a beard. So I guess he was on the module in the leviathan, or outside it after the rescue.
I think it was just edited all weird and confusing.
FARSCAPE was happily a more or less equal opportunity show, run I believe by men, women and IMHO a couple of queens.
Hey, that's cool, whatever. I guess Baywatch is more of a show definitely run mostly by men. Maybe I'm just real good at filtering in the stuff I want. I don't really feel the gay references that so many around here speak of, and of course the lead male is good-looking, as people on TV tend to be (but he still could pass as a normal guy: not boyishly pussy cute like Tom Cruise or buff like Fabio). I notice the chick action. I mean, man, look how those chicks are dressed. Chiana with the mid-riff action, Jool with more cleavage than the E! channel, and the living embodiment of every red-headed fan's fantasy. Maybe it's the same skill that allows me to block out commercials when watching TV- helps protect my sanity from pop culture.