This was good for a laugh on my end, and it really shows how far feminism has fallen from when it actually meant something. My thoughts will follow,
Unfortunately feminism as it stands today is pretty much a joke, and is no different than any white supremacist group searching for reasons for someone to be inferior or black power groups searching for reasons for the white man to hold them down. There are still people out there who understand what feminism really is, but the great majority do not and so they post trash like this. To be honest, it's like my grandpa used to say, "If you go into a commode looking to find shit, well then you're going to find shit." She/he went into watching Firefly/Serenity looking for attacks against women and so she made them up at every chance she had and took things out of context or twisted them to suit her own needs at every turn. As a simple, little hint, when you want your argument to be taken seriously then don't go searching and digging for the proof that you want to find, instead look at something simply and objectively and if your proof is there it will show itself.
But, everyone really should have stopped reading, myself included, the moment she made her first argument about a black woman saluting and yelling sir at a white male. In the armed forces they don't give a shit if you are white, black, yellow, pink, purple, green, or maroon or if you are man, woman, transsexual, dinosaur, dog, or rodent, if you are addressing a superior officer then you salute when required and call whatever that superior officer may be "sir" every damn time you address them. That is the way the military life works, and any moron would know this, well I guess any moron but this author.
Edit: Also, I wasn't sure if this belonged here, or in another forum, so feel free to move it if it is in the wrong place.
Unfortunately feminism as it stands today is pretty much a joke, and is no different than any white supremacist group searching for reasons for someone to be inferior or black power groups searching for reasons for the white man to hold them down. There are still people out there who understand what feminism really is, but the great majority do not and so they post trash like this. To be honest, it's like my grandpa used to say, "If you go into a commode looking to find shit, well then you're going to find shit." She/he went into watching Firefly/Serenity looking for attacks against women and so she made them up at every chance she had and took things out of context or twisted them to suit her own needs at every turn. As a simple, little hint, when you want your argument to be taken seriously then don't go searching and digging for the proof that you want to find, instead look at something simply and objectively and if your proof is there it will show itself.
But, everyone really should have stopped reading, myself included, the moment she made her first argument about a black woman saluting and yelling sir at a white male. In the armed forces they don't give a shit if you are white, black, yellow, pink, purple, green, or maroon or if you are man, woman, transsexual, dinosaur, dog, or rodent, if you are addressing a superior officer then you salute when required and call whatever that superior officer may be "sir" every damn time you address them. That is the way the military life works, and any moron would know this, well I guess any moron but this author.
Edit: Also, I wasn't sure if this belonged here, or in another forum, so feel free to move it if it is in the wrong place.