The Great Galactica Timeline
Mankind lives on Kobol. It's a happy time, a good time.
Mankind creates Cylons. Skinjobs are created. They are created by humans.
Q: Were Centurions also created here, or was it the skinjobs that rebelled?
Big war. Things blow up. Skinjobs leave to find a "homeworld of their own." Earth is this homeworld.
Humans leave and settle the 12 colonies.
Skinjobs on Earth populate the planet. They can procreate.
Skinjobs create Centurions.
Final Five also receive warnings: Tori sees a man / Anders a woman (warning them about the destruction to come.)
Final Five rediscover resurrection technology. (I put this after the warnings because it makes sense to me that they would start to panic and go searching for means of immortality.) They are urgent about this (due to warnings?)
Centurions rebel against skinjobs on Earth. Huge war. Cylon against cylon (skinjob against centurion)
"Final Five" (skinjobs) resurrect in a ship orbiting Earth thanks to their re-inventing resurrection. They head out to find the humans who have settled the 12 colonies in hopes of telling them, "be kind to your AI."
Queston: Did the Final Five return to Kobol to leave clues? The Temple of Athena? Or was it just the algae planet?
12 Colony starts to tinker with AI again. The cylons are created (centurions) to make life easier on the 12 colonies.
Centurions rebel against humans. Big war.
Centurions leave to find a homeworld of their own.
The Final Five catch up with the cylons. (The question here is, did they come during the war and convince the centurions to cease their hostilities? Or after?)
The Final Five give the centurions the technology to create skinjobs and also gives them resurrection technology. Centurions promote the "One True God" and program it within the skinjobs in hopes that it will soothe the savage beast within.
Cavil rebels. Corrupts model 7's amniotic fluid. Boxes the Five, then resurrects them sans memories and places them amongst the humans. Whether or not this is from birth (and they were babies) or as full grown models is uncertain.
Cavil convinces the other models to attack the humans. To get revenge.
Second cylon war. The 12 colonies are decimated.
Mankind flees. Cylons pursue.
And we are where we are.
Just trying to keep a solid timeline up. Sorry if it's repetitious.