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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

One thing to consider is that "Daniel" is a new face and is one that will be revealed at the end, AND one that will play heavily into the spinoff. It could be their way to redirect current Galactica viewers to the new show. It would be kind of lame, but I'd be ok if it was Starbuck's father. At least it would connect her to the cylons which is reasonable.

OK Seriously. Is that how this is going to go down? Or are we all making a MUCH bigger deal out of this Daniel shit than they mean for us to? Could the Daniel thing just be a throw-away explanation for why there was a Model 8 and a Final 5 (adding to thirteen) but supposedly only 12 models? Or also just a reason as to why Cavil did what he did? Is that what they meant for us to be doing here, are we reading too much into it?

Or are we going to spend the last few weeks guessing who yet another final fucking Cylon is? Cause if so:

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final episode directed by M Night Shamalamalan.

This thread is more fun than the show itself.
The only reason that I'm wondering if Daniel might be Starbuck's father is because something strange is up with Starbuck. Artistic ability is something that's been a quality of particular importance for Starbuck, and Ellen refered to Daniel as being artistic.

I think the theory that Baltar is Daniel is based off of Baltar's "seeing" Six juxtaposed to Anders saying that he and Tori saw people that weren't there prior to the destruction of Earth back before the "Final Five" left Earth to find the other colonies.

The theorizing that Daniel is involved with either of those two theories is forming out of wondering what the explanation will end up being for what's up with Starbuck and Baltar, respectively.
OK Seriously. Is that how this is going to go down? Or are we all making a MUCH bigger deal out of this Daniel shit than they mean for us to? Could the Daniel thing just be a throw-away explanation for why there was a Model 8 and a Final 5 (adding to thirteen) but supposedly only 12 models? Or also just a reason as to why Cavil did what he did? Is that what they meant for us to be doing here, are we reading too much into it?

Or are we going to spend the last few weeks guessing who yet another final fucking Cylon is? Cause if so:


Yes, it may have been just to explain the surface of things, or, we may not be going off teh deep end trying to figure out who Daniel might be.

Starbuck definitely needs some explaining, they've made it obvious she is somehow different and mysterious, so, one would have to assume they intend to give an explanation, so tying her to Daniel (Either actually being Daniel or being sired by Daniel) works well for that explanation. Baltar, too, needs some explaining due to his "Six in the head"
None of the revelations of this episode shocked me with their retardedness, really. Mostly because I, after the revelation of "ZOMG!Tigh has been a Cylon all along", I was not expecting a resolution that wasn't retarded, and what we got made more sense than I was expecting, really.

Damn it was clumsy though. Magic bullet makes Anderson know all! :LOL:

I actually laughed out loud when John Hodgman suddenly appeared as geeky brain surgeon. Aside from that, though, quite looking forward for this show to be over.
Aside from all of the other illogical things happening in that show, I've been wondering what are the odds of Ellen and Tigh knowing each other and getting married after their memories were erased by Cavil.

1:10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or something like that. ;)
Aside from all of the other illogical things happening in that show, I've been wondering what are the odds of Ellen and Tigh knowing each other and getting married after their memories were erased by Cavil.

1:10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or something like that. ;)

I got the impression that Cavil "directed" all the Final 5's lives to put them in the positions he wanted them to be in, so, it seems he ensured Ellen and Tigh end up together.
I got the impression that Cavil "directed" all the Final 5's lives to put them in the positions he wanted them to be in, so, it seems he ensured Ellen and Tigh end up together.

Yeah agree that, of all things, didn't bother me.

I did chuckle at the Chief's reaction to the idea that he and that former presidential aide chick were madly in love and getting married. I just love that if the laugh would be a 2nd shorter, it would be enough of a reaction at just how odd it would be because he never thought he had such a relationship w/ her, but the added beat made it seem like he really really did not like her at all.

Forget Caprica- can we please have the Chief and Tigh Variety Hour?
Kevin Spacey model = Doral. I had forgotten his name. lmao...

And I guess Doral is #5
#4 is Simon

It's just been pieced together throughout the series.
Yeah agree that, of all things, didn't bother me.

I did chuckle at the Chief's reaction to the idea that he and that former presidential aide chick were madly in love and getting married. I just love that if the laugh would be a 2nd shorter, it would be enough of a reaction at just how odd it would be because he never thought he had such a relationship w/ her, but the added beat made it seem like he really really did not like her at all.

Well, when (if) he finds out that she spaced Callie, I wonder what he'll think of her then? :)
Am I the only who thinks that if Cally wasn't killed and Chief wasn't a secret robot, their marriage still wouldn't have worked out?

You know folks, they say love conquers all, but I wonder- can it really conquer secret resurrected robot cyborg scientist stuff?
Tyrol and Cally served together for some time, so they had a friendly connection, but with their husband/wife level relationship beginning after he beat her, yeah, I'd say it was doomed from the start.

But then, they had always wanted to kill off Cally in the story. I remember reading that they had originally planned on her being killed somehow in the first season but changed their mind and kept her on longer.
My theory:

Baltar and Starbuck are both Daniel models.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

It's not as crazy as some of the canon. :)
Tyrol and Cally served together for some time, so they had a friendly connection, but with their husband/wife level relationship beginning after he beat her, yeah, I'd say it was doomed from the start.

But then, they had always wanted to kill off Cally in the story. I remember reading that they had originally planned on her being killed somehow in the first season but changed their mind and kept her on longer.

Well some of the best characters happened after the creators decided to keep 'em around instead of killing them. First one that comes to mind is Omar from the Wire.
Well some of the best characters happened after the creators decided to keep 'em around instead of killing them. First one that comes to mind is Omar from the Wire.

Spike on Buffy was another such character. From what I've read, they had originally planned on him full-on dying halfway through season two instead of just being wounded.
You know you executed poorly when an episode recap needs a flowchart.



That's an interesting chart. My assumption is that the whole human race was annihilated on Kobol. The Twelve Colonies were populated by the next generation of cylons, who forgot their true nature and started believing that they are humans.

"All of this has been confusing before, and all of this will be confusing again." Cool. ;)
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I'm a software engineer and I've participated in my fair share of group design meetings, architectural planning, and brainstorming sessions. A common problem I've encountered is that a group of people can tend to over-complicate solutions, with a lot of "well if that happens then we need to add this and that" and things can easily blow way out of proportion, and you're left with an unmanageable, impractical mess, because groupthink and weariness caused otherwise smart people to overlook simpler, more elegant solutions.

Looking at the flowchart above caused me to have this vision of a BSG writer's meeting looking like a software architecture meeting gone bad. Various types of cylons were invented separately in parallel? Seems... unnecessary, somehow.

By the way I nominate this post, drawing parallels between software architecture engineering, flow charts and Battlestar Galactica as the nerdiest ever ever.

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