Holllllleeeeeeeee FRACK. I just watched this episode. I was utterly speechless. It was hard enough watching Cally almost ice her and her son, but when Tory took that child and spaced Cally, God, it was just heart-wrenching. I also liked Cally a lot. I think the writers just didn't know exactly what to do with her after she got pregnant and had a baby. But, I still liked her character. Nobody can say, "you FRACKIN' CYLON" with as much venom and hatred as she can.
Tory is scary. She's embracing her cylon status a little too quickly and intimately, I think. First she's crying her eyes out while Baltar is borking her, now she's hitting on Chief and spacing people. She'll be the first to go if they realize a cylon is on board. She'll probably be the first named and dealt with.
How bad-ass was it when new-hotness-6 had to say "please" to the centuirion. Cylon civil war!
Best part of the entire episode!
I kind of enjoyed the whole Starbuck/Anders thing. That whole "I dare you to make me feel something" was kind of hot. Yeah! GET IT ON! I don't think he's letting her shit on him, I think that he's still a bit lost about who he is and she's already told him that if he was a cylon, she'd put a bullet between his eyes. She's all he's got, I think, besides his cylon compatriots, which he doesn't seem to chummy with.
As for Kara herself, she is off her rocker a bit. I am adament that she's not a cylon. Something else has happened to her. The alien thing in side her is probably some kind of tracking device. =)
I have a thought on this. At least how I'm hoping it gets handled. This series did pay a lot of homages to the original one. One plot point of the original which I thought was kind of cool was that "spaceship of lights" that Starbuck encountered.
This has been brought up a lot on the BSG boards, the Ship of Lights. Though the episode has been referred to as one of the biggest POS ideas in original BSG history, they could redo it. Moore also stated in some interview, that he'd love to redo that whole concept. So, that could very well be it. That's why I think Starbuck is not a cylon. I think it's something else. Ship of lights has a nice spot in my top ideas/theories.
I'm a little disappointed, to be honest, that they are having the Cylons come apart at the seems like this.
I am, and then again, I'm not. I'm a bit torn. I wanted to see the 3's resurrected this episode. I hope it happens soon. Can never get enough Lucy Lawless. But, the rift is riveting to say the least, and makes me uncomfortable more than anything. Same way I felt when they fast forwarded on New Caprica and it all felt so disjointed and surreal. But, good things came from that. Perhaps from this as well.
1) Baltar planned on being the 5th Cylon the entire time? (someone mentioned several sources, but that RDM was thinking of changing this)
This makes no sense. If he was a Cylon, then why did Six need to sleep with him to sabotage the defense system in the first place? HE could have just done it!
If he was (for argument sake,) the other models don't know who the other 5 are--they have either had their programming erased on that level, or they were programmed without that knowledge? Not sure. She wouldn't have recognized him. She didn't recognize Chief, Anders, Tigh or Tory.
2) Are the "Final Five" Cylon models unique? In other words, are there other copies of them around somewhere, or are they just individual units? If killed can they download?
I'm thinking that YES they are unique. It would be too weird and WAY too much of a coincidence to have Tigh have been a Cylon this entire time and get to where he did (for that matter the rest of them too). I think that they are not a model LINE, they are individual models with no duplicate copies.
I think you are absolutely right. They are unique. Moore suggested they will "redefine what it is to be a cylon." I also think they are w/o copies. I don't imagine they download just like the others. Perhaps they can be revived with consciousness (memory) in tact or something. I can't wait to find out, though.
3) Which came first? The Final Five, or the other 7?
Well, if we go off model numbers, then 1's were made first, then 2's, etc. Let me repost the list of known cylon numbers:
1. Cavil
2. Leoben
3. D'Anna
4. Simon
5. Doral
6. Six
8. Sharon
7 is out of order. Perhaps the first 8 were the same model, leading me to surmise that #7 can download and exists as the others do. 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are the final five. The last four are perhaps the different "type" of models. My guess is that they are Chief, Tigh, Tory and Anders. The one that is yet unrevealed is #7 (which is also a very holy and godly number if I remember correctly!)