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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Yep. I have my VCR set to record (the little one has bathtime and bed-time stories when Galactica usually starts and I don't wanna wait until the second showing on sci-fi.


That's RIGHT! MY VCR! (prances around with it above her head)
Yep. I have my VCR set to record (the little one has bathtime and bed-time stories when Galactica usually starts and I don't wanna wait until the second showing on sci-fi.


That's RIGHT! MY VCR! (prances around with it above her head)

You keep that thing next to your Pop Rocks, G.I. Joes and Hall & Oats cassingles?
Pop rocks are awesome! And it's certainly not Beta (though my parents had beta when I was in junior high school.

It functions.

Hall and Oates (barf!) I was more a Michael Jackson / Madonna type gal.
Well, that was an amazingly enlightening episode. I feel that I understand so much now that I've seen it. They really explained a lot.
Let's see, a bunch of flashbacks which (for the most part) made no sense:

Lee chasing a bird after being drunk. Check. Good job. Thanks for that.
Adama being told, "it's just an hour" for something and him griping that he captained 2 battlestars.
Roslin having a baby shower for a sister who died (with her other sister) in a car crash with her dad, then she goes and sits in a fountain.
Kara and Zach. Other than the fact that Zach was hot, I don't know what I got from this. Yay!
Six finds a retirement home for Baltar's dad who was funny as hell. Why can't Baltar's dad be a recurring character?
Sam in a bath-tank was hot. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way (looks at someone in particular.)

All I can think of is that they'll carry this over into the finale where they'll continue to examine their own mundane lives before the 12 colonies went splat.

Baltar was set up to do something selfless and if I watched this correctly when the big red line came up, he opted not to.

Adama found a pic of Hera on the wall and changed his mind.

Roslin donned her wig and joined the crew.

Climax was peeps picking a side to go get Hera.

Yeah. WTF?

How are they going to resolve this stuff in 2 hours? It makes me think that nobody lives, that they never find a planet to inhabit and everyone is obliterated. Who knows. Maybe they'll just do a Sopranos ending.
Lee chasing a bird after being drunk. Check. Good job. Thanks for that.

Actually I thought that was Zach. But whatever. One of the many WTF moments.

Who knows. Maybe they'll just do a Sopranos ending.

Funny you say that, but I remember RDM was a HUGE fan of the Sopranos ending when that came out. He said he wished he would have thought of something like that. Maybe he is going to try for something along that line.

Either way, I'm braced for disappointment next week.
Other than the fact that Zach was hot....

Seriously. Very nice smile. :D

Sam in a bath-tank was hot. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way (looks at someone in particular.)

Honestly, they should have just had him sitting there doing nothing but soaking because as it was I got seriously distracted by trying to figure out of all the dialogue they had him saying actually meant something since I was so desperate for something resembling meaning to come out of this episode.

Climax was peeps picking a side to go get Hera.

Sad thing is that it wasn't actually much of a climax. Seriously, that they were going to rally and go off for a battle was all contained in the preview adverts for this episode. When nothing more comes from an episode than what's in the adverts for it, something is seriously wrong with the storytelling.
Funny you say that, but I remember RDM was a HUGE fan of the Sopranos ending when that came out. He said he wished he would have thought of something like that. Maybe he is going to try for something along that line.

No, no, no "Sopranos" ending or I'm throwing my BSG collection out of the window.
If they do a Sopranos ending, Moore is going to really piss off a lot of people and ruin future potential viewers (through DVD sales) once word gets out.

Furthermore, he'll ruin all chances for Caprica and probably turn people off from the movie.

Let's hope he's not that utterly stupid.
Funny that The Sopranos came up here, because both series turned out the same way: the first two years were awesome, and then everything after was overblown, pretentious and boring. Therefore it would only be appropriate for BSG to end the same way.

The Sopranos ending didn't anger me because, like BSG, I was already disenchanted with the show so, whatever, at least it got people angry, which always amuses me. My hope is that BSG ends in a really stupid or vague or confusing way just so that we'll have something to make fun of.
Funny that The Sopranos came up here, because both series turned out the same way: the first two years were awesome, and then everything after was overblown, pretentious and boring. Therefore it would only be appropriate for BSG to end the same way.

The Sopranos ending didn't anger me because, like BSG, I was already disenchanted with the show so, whatever, at least it got people angry, which always amuses me. My hope is that BSG ends in a really stupid or vague or confusing way just so that we'll have something to make fun of.

I hated the the ending of Sopranos, it did not satisfy. If BSG does an unsatisfying ending then forget about Caprica, what would the point of investing in such a show?
I hated the the ending of Sopranos, it did not satisfy. If BSG does an unsatisfying ending then forget about Caprica, what would the point of investing in such a show?

Right- my whole point is that the last 3 or 4 whole season of The Sopranos did not satisfy. The ending was just consistent with that.

Likewise, do you feel that the last couple of season of BSG were so great? I mean if you did, hey, that's cool, but I'm saying from my perspective, I can't be emotionally invested enough to demand some sort of great ending to a show that turned sour.

Compare The Sopranos to two other HBO shows- Carnivale and Deadwood. I loved those, especially the latter. But they ended on cliffhangers. Since those shows were consistently great, I was devastated by the lack of a real ending.

As Recoil said, many of us are already prepared for disappointment next week. So if we're gonna be disappointed anyway, wouldn't it be more fun if it were a completely infuriating, confusing nonsensical self-indulgent bullshit ending than some middling thing that sort of explains barely enough to end the story and lead into a prequel series?
My only hope is that don't do a half cop-out and say "well the movie The Plan will reveal some additional answers" and that some of the stuff before the fall of the Colonies we saw wasn't setting up things for The Plan. (I don't think they would be setting up Caprica because that show took place a good 40 years or so prior).

But having your series finale set the stage for an upcoming movie and not answering all of your questions set up in the series and leaving some for said movie is complete bullshit, if any of that ends up happening. The series needs to be all addressed and contained in its own finale. If you want to do a prequel movie, fine. But don't not answer lingering series questions until this movie just to get your viewers to watch it.

Once again, what I loved about B5, the series finale (and episodes leading up to it) pretty much closed all the hanging threads. The movies that came afterward added to the universe the series was in, but were not required viewing. You could just watch the series and see the whole story told. Even In the Beginning, while being a prequel and revealing back story didn't REALLY tell us much more content wise than we already knew watching the series. But we got some GREAT character moments and a wonderful tale of the almost final days of Earth, all told in a moving way. But no real content the series didn't already address.

So I'm not sure really what I saw last night, nothing really important other than setting up for the big battle and the big ending ---- which the previous episode could have easily done. Again feels like they wasted another good 42 minutes of time. I'll reserve final judgment until the end of the finale next Friday, but confidence is low. Repeat, confidence is low.
I think there were some really awesome bad-ass moments in the last two seasons of Galactica, sure. So, I can't toss away entire seasons. It just seems that Moore has no idea how to fill his seasons with quality content. The fans have more ideas than he does on some of this.
My only hope is that don't do a half cop-out and say "well the movie The Plan will reveal some additional answers"

Yeah, and can you imagine how after The Plan doesn't reveal enough RDM saying to the fans :

"Expect The Plan II for more answers". ;)

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