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Guess what I got in the mail >8-P

*Channe mutters idly about really needing to get a life, as she opens up Adobe Illustrator once more.*

Ooo. Wait. Adobe Illustrator -is- my life. I had forgotten. (Really.)

Ok, how's this, folks. Credit the first one to... ooo, I forget who it was, back in the Gus Lynch thread. On the bottom of the design, they'll all say: "b5lr.com/jan19"

As it is, I can't do much - I know nada, zip, zilch about the show. Which, as our favorite Vorlon says:

{kosh} As it should be. {/kosh}


Once you go Drazi
you never go back


I don't know about you
but I'm sworn to the shok'na


(And, just for Gus and Tygirwulf

Kit Rules


Mm. That's all for now.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited December 11, 2001).]
Speak Softly...
And Carry a Big Pike.


The Anla'Shok...
We Ain't ALL Virgins!

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Free David Martel

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Got two of the t-shirts in the mail today.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM & 11PM EST, January 20, 2002 at 5PM on The Sci-Fi Channel (US). http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited December 13, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5_Obsessed:


Wouldn't that be Le Morte Darthur ?

Didn't Lancelot say that?


Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM & 11PM EST, January 20, 2002 at 5PM on The Sci-Fi Channel (US).
Actually the most likely thing for JMS to have been referencing with the phrase:

"We stand on the bridge and No One may pass"

is "Horatio at the Bridge" from "Lays of Ancient Rome" by Thomas Babbington Macaulay

It's too long to post the whole thing here, but here's verses 29, 30 & 31...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> ...

``Haul down the bridge, Sir Consul,
With all the speed ye may;
I, with two more to help me,
Will hold the foe in play.
In yon strait path a thousand
May well be stopped by three.
Now who will stand on either hand,
And keep the bridge with me?''


Then out spake Spurius Lartius;
A Ramnian proud was he:
``Lo, I will stand at thy right hand,
And keep the bridge with thee.''
And out spake strong Herminius;
Of Titian blood was he:
``I will abide on thy left side,
And keep the bridge with thee.''


"Horatius,'' quoth the Consul,
"As thou sayest, so let it be.''
And straight against that great array
Forth went the dauntless Three.
For Romans in Rome's quarrel
Spared neither land nor gold,
Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life,
In the brave days of old.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Credit the first one to... ooo, I forget who it was, back in the Gus Lynch thread. <snip Vorlon speak>


Once you go Drazi
you never go back


That was me...

I'm so honored and proud... lol...


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
Got two of the t-shirts in the mail today. Here's links to some digipics of them:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I totally missed this thread today. I guess I was so excited that I actually got the t-shirts! I was so worried there for a while that I missed my chance.

Anyway, I immediately took some digital photos and posted them on my web site. I then trotted off back to B5LR.com to post them only to see KoshN beat me to it.

Well, mine are a bit different perspective and quite a bit easier on the bandwidth as well so I don't feel that it was time wasted. Enjoy!

SciFi.com B5 Rangers T-Shirt Photos

Monica Hübinette | monica.hubbe.net | The Abyss : B5
It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe. --Banana Yoshimoto (Lizard: Dreaming of Kimchee)
You are supposed to wear a short-sleeved T-shirt in the winter? I guess that's laboring under the assumption that most theaters freeze you in the summer and boil you in the winter months, right?
Oh, well, anything for the cause.

I'm just sitting here contemplating our first snow of the season. I live in southeastern Arizona, and we have snow already. And not just a dusting, either. I would not be wearing a T-shirt right now, that's for sure!

I bet many people will wear them over something else, anyhow. They look good, and will probably get people asking about it, which is the whole point. So good luck spreading the word, folks. I'll see if I can sneak in a reference or two to it next semester to my students without violating any school policies.

If nothing else, I'll tell them not to call me at home that night because I'll be glued to the tv.

(Spirit): “If it is too hard a lesson for you to learn, then learn this lesson:”
[Shows emaciated children at his feet.] (Ebenezer): “Are these yours?” (Spirit): “They are Man’s. They cling to me for protection from their fetters. This boy is ignorance, this girl is want. Beware them both, but most of all, beware this boy.” (Ebenezer): “Have they no refuge, no resource?” (Spirit): “Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?”

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5_Obsessed:
Speak Softly...
And Carry a Big Pike.


The Anla'Shok...
We Ain't ALL Virgins!


Thanks, B5. I needed a good laugh this morning. We go into finals tomorrow, and most of my students are skipping the review days. *Sigh*
We are all looking at the highest withdraw rates and flunk rates in years. It's going to be a tough week.

I'll just picture a t-shirt with "The Anla'Shok... We Ain't ALL Virgins!" when I need a laugh!

(Spirit): “If it is too hard a lesson for you to learn, then learn this lesson:”
[Shows emaciated children at his feet.] (Ebenezer): “Are these yours?” (Spirit): “They are Man’s. They cling to me for protection from their fetters. This boy is ignorance, this girl is want. Beware them both, but most of all, beware this boy.” (Ebenezer): “Have they no refuge, no resource?” (Spirit): “Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?”

Well, I have about 6 designs so far (made 'em last night while watching War Without End II). It won't be hard for me to add that one, hypatia, if you really want it!

Given our tradition on b5lr.com of being... hmm, shall we say, "a little raucous," such a t-shirt should fit right in.

They have a saying where I work, which is: "don't get Channe started, or she'll never quit."

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
You could always wear a long sleved shirt, say a turtleneck, underneath the t-shirt.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
I must admit, for some inexplicable reason I came up with that slogan for Dean-Dean the Love Machine.

Who'da thunk?

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
you guys make me so jelous! I missed my chance for a t-shirt...*sigh* I had a major papers due the week they were collecting names and wasn't online. *sigh*

I guess I'll just have to make some of my own.

Faith Manages
Ok. Here's one of the designs I've come up with, in teensy thumbnail format:

I Went To Z'ha'dum And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt

If you folks approve, I'll go and post the entire bunch somewhere. They're the same basic format (font and stars).

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited December 12, 2001).]
I guess I'm just T-Shirtedly deprived....
How come no one told me that they were giving these things out?
Well, yeah, they were probably just for US people...
It's okay, I can't stay mad at all'yall!

When it comes to thought, some people stop at nothing - Anonymous
You can't have everything.... Where would you put it? - Stephen Wright
The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action - Anonymous
Can someone PLEASE tell me where the heck I can get one of these shirts?

I would really appreciate it!

"The truth points to itself."
--Kosh(The Original)from "In The Beginning"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
Well, I did make 'em JPG(0) so they're as compressed as possible. They were ~800K apiece before I compressed 'em. I did do 'em in a hurry though, and just left some of them the default size of 1600x1200, which is what my digicam is always set up to capture.

Well, I guess I just took more time than you did.
I made a web page and thumbnails for them for the ease of viewing. You know me and my abhorrence of the horizontal scroll.

All my pics were 1600x1200 JPG which started out between 350K and 1016K. I then reduced them all to 550x413 JPG so they ended up being between 23K and 46K. Quite a vast improvement I must say.

I have noticed that I will have to brighten them up a bit when I get home. The laptop monitor is kinda bright so I didn't notice it before ...

Monica Hübinette | monica.hubbe.net | The Abyss : B5
It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe. --Banana Yoshimoto (Lizard: Dreaming of Kimchee)
Sol and Sinclair97 ... you had to write in to SciFi.com to request the t-shirts. They sent out an email with the information which KoshN posted in this thread. I am not sure they are still accepting requests but it might be worth a shot.

Channe ... I have really enjoyed your shirt designs (I just wish that one wasn't so LARGE) and slogans even if I have not commented on them so far. I cannot decide which one I like best!!

Monica Hübinette | monica.hubbe.net | The Abyss : B5
It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe. --Banana Yoshimoto (Lizard: Dreaming of Kimchee)

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited December 12, 2001).]

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