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JMS confirmation of ratings

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by das Monkey:
and it's sad that it gets stereotyped by the same people that complain about being stereotyped for enjoying science fiction. I'll echo the sentiment to grow up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Woooo ... if I learned something today, it's that never EVER blast football in front of an american
So again, SORRY for any emotional distress I may have provoked. My post wasn't profoundly serious, just a thought on the moment.

But about the "Grow up" thing, any time I read that poor "argument" from someone I just want to answer "grow up yourself".

(Damn ! I think I falled in my own trap !)

Let's go. Be happy. Life is Beautiful !

- Garibaldi's Hairs

"You are all in violation of security ordinance 22V3A. That means get the hell out of here!
- Zack
GH, it's not you, it's the whole attitude around here. I just finally had to vent.

And yes, the argument is valid: lambasting someone for being into sports is just as stupid and immature as attacking someone for liking sci-fi.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GaribaldiHairs:
Woooo ... if I learned something today, it's that never EVER blast football in front of an american
So again, SORRY for any emotional distress I may have provoked. My post wasn't profoundly serious, just a thought on the moment.

But about the "Grow up" thing, any time I read that poor "argument" from someone I just want to answer "grow up yourself".

Oh, I wasn't replying to you per se, just echoing the sentiment that "jocks vs. geeks" is juvenile. I agree, though ... "Grow up" is typically a weak argument, just as "I'm entitled to my opinion" is a weak argument when that opinion is based in ignorance. Anyway, when I said "grow up" that was hardly my argument ... more of a request ... the argument was typed below.

But to be clear, I meant nothing negative towards you ... just addressing the childish issue of "jocks vs. geeks." I proudly wear both labels, along with many others, and will continue to embrace people who enjoy all manner of expression.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> ...it's the way PsionTen says things that annoy me. He just seems like he's a troll having fun at our expense. Sorry, but that's how I see it.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>.... Tammy is only expressing frustration that we all feel regardless of what we thought of the pilot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm sure Tammy is frustrated, but getting pissy at me isn't helping a thing.
The thing you have to remember about that particular football game is that it wasn't just a playoff game. It wasn't even just an extremely good, close playoff game. It was a playoff game played in extremely unusual weather conditions that was also very close down the stretch.

Those kinds of things are once or twice per generation kinds of events that even very casual fans (basically anyone who isn't actively anti-football) likes to be able to say they watched live. Heck people still talk about the "Ice Bowl" game in Green Bay against Dallas from the early to mid-60's. That includes some people who couldn't tell you anything about any other NFL chanpionship for 5 or 10 years in either direction of that game.

You just can't plan months in advance for that kind of confluance of events (weather, close game, trailing team driving late, etc.)
And, as I have seen pointed out elsewhere, when SciFi scheduled that date and started their marketing (pre 9/11) Jan 19 was scheduled to not have any football, much less that kind of freak event.

Lets not forget the 'Fog Bowl' in Chicago either! I was at that game and couldnt see the field from my seats. It was still cool though cause we were all standing around drinking beers, and those fans near the field that could see the game were shouting up what was happening to us. Fun stuff!

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I spent that night at a bar with some friends, and a few women (italics mine)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Interesting way that you phrased that.

And sports don't build character, they expose it.

But I agree, the whole geeks vs. jocks thing is idiotic. (The Onion had a great piece about a sports fan - living in a room filled with jerseys, posters, trophies and autogrphed footballs - making fun of the Star Wars fan down the road. "I mean, how can he spend so much money on all that crap and all that time talking about what might happen in the next movie?" wondered Steve, as he checked his stats in his fantasy football league and increased his bid on a Wayne Gretzky jersey being auctioned on eBay.) Sadly that the article isn't in their on-line archive or I'd post a link.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

It's amasing how many fans want to lash out at Football.

If "West Wing" or "The Sopranos" killed the movie, who would they be blaming then?

Hey Joe, would you also call hockey players "ballerinas" ?

Maybe they should pair up and start skating to a dance tune

Ever been a goalie in a hockey game
Body armor isn't just for American football.

"I walk, i shop, i sneeze. I'll be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out ... and i don't sleep on a bed of bones."
>If "West Wing" or "The Sopranos" killed the movie, who would they be blaming then?>

Ya..but West Wing and Sopranos don't go into OVER-TIME.

Thats what killed B5: LOTR in the ratings. The over-time.


I don't like football. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

I think it mindless. Its Wrestling meets Basketball.

(and Wrestling is very mindless).

Another example of why I don't like football, last night the football went over-time and Simpsons ran late.

Thankfully FOX ran the whole episode..but usually they say, " WE NOW JOIN THE SIMPSONS ALREADY IN PROGRESS."

You NEVER see The Simpsons or Sopronos or West Wing run over time.



or something like that!

And how a B5 fan could choose, " football in the snow" over a new B5 series pilot that could lead to a series (AND WE KNEW THIS BEFORE IT EVEN AIRED; that the ratings depended on the series. Football is forever. There will be other games..but their may not be other B5 series...) I have no idea...



[This message has been edited by Citizen DF (edited January 28, 2002).]
Okay, I saw some comments on here that forced me to get into this argument. I know I'm running the risk of offending some people, but I don't care.

Here goes: Someone on this board (maybe more than one) has said that using "I'm entitled to my opinion" is a weak argument. I have to disagree. Everyone IS entitled to their opinion! It doesn't matter if you agree with them or not. Whether it's a weak argument doesn't matter. It's a fact and a right of democracy. I AM entitled to my opinion which is: I hate sports! I always have and I probably always will. I'm especially pissed that a football game may wind up being responsible for a potential sci-fi show to NOT be made as a weekly series (especially since it's B5)!!

The other thing someone said (this is not the exact comment, but similar): "The whole Jocks vs. Geeks thing is stupid. Grow Up." Okay, obviously the guy or girl who posted that is a fan of both sports AND sci-fi or else he or she wouldn't have said that. All my life it has been "The Jocks vs. the geeks (or nerds)". It started out in school, but as can be seen by the ratings, it still affects us into our adult lives. The reason most people are frustrated is because sports (especially football) is considerably more popular than science fiction. I hate to say it, but it's true. There are so many more people that like sports than sci-fi, it's not funny. So, it does feel like it's "Us vs. Them". And when sports fans (aka Jocks or Jock-wannabes) make fun of you for liking sci-fi, THEY (sports fans) are the ones who need to grow up! If you've never been made fun of for the type of things you like to watch or read, then you don't know what it's like! The sports fans (who don't like sci-fi) are the ones who make it "Jocks vs. geeks". They're the ones who always make fun of us (the geeks), so why shouldn't we "retaliate" and say we hate sports? Most of them say they hate sci-fi. And it is true that MOST sports fans HATE science fiction and look down on people who like it.

So, whoever posted these comments, forgive us (sci-fi fans) for being pissed that a damn football game screwed up what would have been a huge ratings win for LOTR! If you can't forgive us, then YOU are the one who needs to grow up! Sorry, but this whole thing has touched a nerve in me. When someone says that we can't even express our opinions (for fear of offending sports fans), that really pisses me off. It may sound hokey, but this is America. We've got a right, whether you like it or not! (Also, I just can't believe THAT many sci-fi fans would also be sports fans. It doesn't make sense to me. It sure doesn't happen that way in my hometown.)


[This message has been edited by ranger32 (edited January 29, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Ever been a goalie in a hockey game

No, I like my teeth right where they are, thanks.

I used to work with a couple of hockey fanatics when I lived in New York, and they got me into a Rangers practice once. Those people are insane.

Which is why I limited my comments to soccer.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Thats what killed B5: LOTR in the ratings. The over-time <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The game started at 8:00 pm. The movie began at 9:00. Overtime began after the first showing of the Rangers movie was over, and that first showing seems to be the most important (which I don't understand- seems to me they should consider all showings).

ranger32, first of all I have one request to respectfully ask: please use carriage returns and paragraphs when posting long messages. Your post was very difficult to read. Thanks in advance.

I think you're confusing stating an opinion with using it as an argument. The first tell us what people think, the second is invalid. "Football sucks" is not a fact, it is not evidence. Therefore, you can't use it as an argument.

Furthermore, the statement "football is mindless" is just wrong. It is an activity that requires quick thought, strategy, and coordinating various talents in a productive way.

It is an incorrect statement, and you can't just say incorrect statements and then validate it by using the "o" word. Well, you can, but you won't make sense. I could say, "the sun revolves the earth, that's my opinion," but it wouldn't mean much.

And as for the whole "jocks-geeks" thing, I've been on all sides of the fence- a football player, a nerd, both, neither, etc. Because of all the nonsense and that develop amongst cliques and little self-involved groups, I became disgusted with all of it. So I've been there. There is no reason to be bitter. For every "jock" that bully's a dork, there's a Matrix fan that sticks his nose up at a linebacker- and they're both idiots.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Heheh, er just be careful Joe D, in some circles football is seen as rugby. And NO ONE can tell me that's a pansy sport.

Oh and Down Under where I live, the same thing could happen with a big cricket match. There's a big one day series going on right now with Australia vs South Africa vs New Zealand.

And after years of being used to tv shows being cancelled, delayed or run half way through, I can easily understand the frustration of those that are pissed at the recent circumstances. Even here sports gets more coverage, more 'prestige' and more moolah than most artistic endeavors.

But hey, I still love to play and watch sports. Especially cricket.

I'm not a fan of grid iron, but the idea of a big NFL game being played in the snow, that does sound exciting.

As for Psionten, newcomers may not realise that he's our resident Mr Doom and Gloom who says he loves B5 but spends most of his time in a severely critical mood. At least he's here for the debate and he HAS been around for a long time so technically he's not a troll.

*hugs Tammy*



[This message has been edited by Zoriah (edited January 28, 2002).]
An interesting perpectative I guess will have to wait and see......In the mean time I will pray that scifi will see the light of day.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
Which is why I limited my comments to soccer.


I would strongly suggest *not* insulting the greatest sport in the world, Joe. Some of us here *cough* happen to be huge fans of football, the real thing, that is.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:
I don't like football. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

I think it mindless. Its Wrestling meets Basketball.

(and Wrestling is very mindless).

Another example of why I don't like football, last night the football went over-time and Simpsons ran late.

Sorry, you feel that way. I would only add that I know some people who find the Simpsons "mindless" and some that find the Simpsons funny, but still "mindless."

For example, it may surprise you that the ad yesterday for the Simpson's cartoon: [scene of Homer falling] "Homer gets his head in brace after injuring it. Will he become a changed man? [cut to Homer dancing with Marge struggling to say "I'm horny" without moving his mouth because of the brace] does not impress a number of people as the most intelligent of entertainment choices.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
And how a B5 fan could choose, "football in the snow" over a new B5 series pilot that could lead to a series (AND WE KNEW THIS BEFORE IT EVEN AIRED; that the ratings depended on the series. Football is forever. There will be other games..but their may not be other B5 series...) I have no idea...

(1) You have a hardcore B5 fan.
(2) The fan has knowledge that the ratings were crucial.
(3) AND a Nielson Box that measures ratings in your household.

I would also find it surprising if such a knowledgeable hardcore fan with the ratings equipment in his/her household, did not watch the B5 pilot.


"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!" Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Zoriah, if anyone badmouths rugby I'll be the first to jump on them. I don't play pansy sports.

That being said it is hardly a surprise that football killed Rangers or that many of us choose to watch football live and Rangers later. Football is America's past time. Forget what the eighty year old sportswritters say about baseball it hasn't been number one for some time now.

All you ever need see to understand how idiotic it is to call football mindless is an NFL playbook. They are often grow to Tolstoy thickness.

Yes you can passively watch without thinking too much by focusing on only whoever has the ball but to truly understand the sport requires much more. This includes even, gasp, looking at what the line is doing.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
I disagree that football is a mindless game. I actually think there's a lot of strategy to it.

I also disagree that it's a bad thing that people aren't into sports. I think sports are only one of many ways you can build character and other skills. And, while the jock vs. geek mentality *is* juvenile, the fact remains that I never got assaulted by someone from math club.

I do hate football as an enterprise. I hate it because it is a sport where complete idiots (the players) can make millions of dollars (which include my tax money). I also hate that this can destroy the ratings for a show like Rangers (where people are scraping by for an extra few thousand dollars to use higher-quality cardboard on the set). Note that this is not a comment on the quality of the movie itself.

And I do agree the opinions should be shared freely. If somebody wants to say football is mindless, fine. If somebody absolutely loves football and would rather watch it than Rangers, that's great. But people tend to elevate football far higher than it should be.
>For example, it may surprise you that the ad yesterday for the Simpson's cartoon: [scene of Homer falling] "Homer gets his head in brace after injuring it. Will he become a changed man? [cut to Homer dancing with Marge struggling to say "I'm horny" without moving his mouth because of the brace]>

Actually thats, " I'm hungry." Not horny. I actually saw the episode. It was a really funny one too. Specially liked the reference to Dilbert. (aside: I'm a Dilbert fan. Best comic strip ever, imo)

> does not impress a number of people as the most intelligent of entertainment choices.>

Never said it was the most intelligent of entertainment choices...but IMO, its certainly got more to it then Football does.

Like I said earlier, in another post though, I guess its a matter of taste.

I still think picking football over B5 is..well..nevermind.

I've already told you all how I feel about Football.

Just hope that B5: LOTR gets a series..


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:
(aside: I'm a Dilbert fan. Best comic strip ever, imo)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well see, there we go! Another thing we disagree on.

*cough* Calvin & Hobbes *cough*

Now that's a matter of taste.

BTW, I never said that *I* thought the Simpson's was "mindless." I was just trying to give you some perspective.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
I still think picking football over B5 is..well..nevermind.

I think if you notice most people who "picked" the Game over "Rangers" said they recorded Rangers. So they didn't really *pick* anything over Rangers. They just postponed something they had been waiting months for a couple more hours so they could enjoy the best of both worlds.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Just hope that B5: LOTR gets a series..

I think eveyone here will second that!


"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
- Monty Python and The Holy Grail