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JMS confirmation of ratings

Recoil <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Let’s not forget the 'Fog Bowl' in Chicago either! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yeah, I thought about that one too. Very strange. The whole thing that made it different / interesting was that everything was virtually invisible in a dense fog. But millions of us watched the whole thing on TV, just because it was so bizarre.
What were we thinking?

Citizen DF <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Just once I'd like to see, " WE NOW JOIN THIS FOOTBALL GAME ALREADY IN PROGRESS." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, that happens all the time. Granted, it is generally because the preceding show was another football game, but .....

Ranger32 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Also, I just can't believe THAT many sci-fi fans would also be sports fans. It doesn't make sense to me. It sure doesn't happen that way in my hometown. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hmmm, ..... In my experiance there isn't much of a correlation either way. Being a fan of science fiction (beyond the oooh-ing and ahhhh-ing over sfx event movies) seems to have more to do with how far you are willng to go with suspension of disbelief and with how comfortable you are with more abstract, what-if modes of thinking. I haven't noticed that mental trait being linked (positively or negatively) with any physical traits (like size, speed, jumping ability) that tend to make one good at athletic endeavors.

Almost all of the science fiction fans that know are also into some form of athletic recreation (although, there were a few of the anti-sports sf/fantasy fans back in the dorm in college). That includes things like kayaking and volleyball. Some of them aren't really into the "major" (or "revenue") sports (many are fans of those, however), but if you put on something with whatever their sport is then they will be likely to watch it. I realize that my sample space is somewhat skewed because of the activities that I participate in and the people they bring me into contact with. I suspect that, similarly, what you like to do (and consequently, who you tend to come into contact with) also skews what you see into looking like sports and sci-fi must be more mutually exclusive than they actually are.

As for the "football is mindless" debate:
Football can be (and fairly often is) watched in a pretty mindless way. However, the strategies, tactics, and level of coordination required between teammates precludes playing it in a mindless way. Or, at least it precludes it from being played well in a mindless way.

Edit was just to try to make my quote attributions a little clearer.

[This message has been edited by PillowRock (edited January 28, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
No, I like my teeth right where they are, thanks.

I used to work with a couple of hockey fanatics when I lived in New York, and they got me into a Rangers practice once. Those people are insane.

Which is why I limited my comments to soccer.




May we conclude from that that while you value your teeth, you'd happily go without your legs? Ya know, there's a reason the guys wear shinguards. Only they don't really help when someone comes in from behind or from the side. Nor do you look particularly happy when someone shoves a leg between yours while you are in full run. There's plenty of soccer players being carried off on a stretcher. But given that in the US, the ladies play about ten times better than the men, it's not surprising that that fact is unheard-of

As an aside, knocking a ball flying at full speed into the goal with your head is not productive for your brain function in the long run either...

If I tell you my name is Lorien, what good is that?

(Whatever happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I hate it because it is a sport where complete idiots (the players) can make millions of dollars<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you have a problem with activities where complete idiots can make millions of dollars, you'd better smash your TV, throw you radio out the windows, burn all your records, tapes and CDs, and swear off movies forever. And, while some cities have built stadiums with tax dollars (to keep the teams and the revenue they generate for the local economy from going elsewhere) the players aren't being paid with them.

People in these lines of work make millions of dollars (which is only a fraction of what the organizations they work for make) because they generate many millions more dollars by what they do. Those dollars come from us in the form of ticket sales and ratings points (which translate into advertising fees, which translate into network contract prices or TV airing rights.)

Would you turn down millions of dollars to do something you love doing anyway? Why should they? Would you hesitate to pay millions of dollars to an athlete or a singer or an actor who can add tens of millions of dollars to your bottom line? I doubt it. And the vast majority of "journeymen" NFL players (like the vast majority of SAG members) are not making "millions of dollars" anyway.

Nor, finally, is it the athletes' fault (except in so far as they are so good at what they do that people want to watch them) that the game out-scored the movie. It was millions of Americans with remote controls who were responsible for that.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banapis:
I think eveyone here will second that!



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by Citizen DF:
(aside: I'm a Dilbert fan. Best comic strip ever, imo)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banapis:
Well see, there we go! Another thing we disagree on.

*cough* Calvin & Hobbes *cough*

Best ever? No, but certainly one of them. If only Bill Watterson would come back.

My favorites:

Calvin & Hobbes
Mother Goose & Grimm
The Far Side
Garfield (now and then)

Vorlon Empire

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gkarfan:
Oh, just admit it, PsionTen--you hate B5, you hate Rangers, & you are just here to cause trouble. Quit wasting our time.



Come on Tammy. His reply wasn't that bad. We're all ticked off and down at the same time because of the 1.7 ratings number.

The thing is that we just can't give up now. We've got to try to convince Sci-Fi to go ahead with the series.

Vorlon Empire

>Well see, there we go! Another thing we disagree on.
*cough* Calvin & Hobbes *cough*>

Well..I've only read Calvin & Hobbes a couple of times and it didn't seem funny to me..but again..a matter of taste..

Dilbert is the best, imo!


Best ever? No, but certainly one of them. If only Bill Watterson would come back.

My favorites:

Calvin & Hobbes
Mother Goose & Grimm
The Far Side
Garfield (now and then)>

Well...I still say Dilbert is the best ever.

Got three Dilbert books and I've read it on-line. Hilarous comic strip!

Though Far Side is a VERY close second and Peanuts is on the list.

And so is Garfield.

And don't even get me started on Comic books.


Anyway..getting off topic here.

Way, Way, Way, WAY off topic..what was the orignal topic anyway..?

Oh wait. JMS confirms the bad ratings.

Boy, this was downer today. Well, sort of a downer. The west coast got a better rating.

Here's hoping for that series!



[This message has been edited by Citizen DF (edited January 28, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GaribaldiHairs:

What puzzled me more is WHY the hell a fan of the B5 can actually watch a football match instead of a B5 pilot ... damn it !

- Garibaldi's Hairs


I wonder how Nielsen counts it if you split your cable signal and watch the game on one feed and tape the movie on the other feed? (assuming you have a Nielsen box, of course)

Is there some way they insist that their equipment is hooked up? I run my cable to a 1-2 splitter, and then run the splitter output to two VCRs. Those VCRs, a Laserdisc and a DVD then go to a 4-1 which goes to the monitor.

Vorlon Empire

JMS said that it got a 3.2 or 3.6 in some markets on the west coast. What I'd really be interested in finding out is the average rating in the Pacific time zone. For all we know, 3.2 and 3.6 could have been the highest numbers.

Also, is it really unheard of for a TV movie on basic cable to get a rating like that? Didn't "In the Beginning" get something like a 4 on TNT?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A_Ranger:
I must be living in Down Below, cause I didn't even know there was a football game that night



Vorlon Empire

Nah I'm sorry, but if American football was that good, the entire world would be playing it (thats how you judge popularity).
To think that Rangers was effected by a sport featuring people with padded space suits bumping into each other like WWF (something else that everyone outside of the States laughs at), will just make B5 fans beyond the States cry.
I could understand a sporting event getting such good viewing figures if it were the States versus another country, but this is just mindless 'sport' that keeps stopping every few seconds played between cities with advert breaks every 40 seconds.
American 'football' (the sport and term football was born in the UK 150 years ago), is purely a domestic thing with no bearing on the outside world, so its sad that Rangers has been effected by such a jokey sport

'I plan to live forever, or die trying' - Villa Blake's 7
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ranger32:
Okay, ...

Boy, that was a bear to read. Paragraphs, man, paragraphs!

That's been my experience as well, Ranger32.

Vorlon Empire

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Citizen DF:
>Well see, there we go! Another thing we disagree on.
*cough* Calvin & Hobbes *cough*>

Well..I've only read Calvin & Hobbes a couple of times and it didn't seem funny to me..but again..a matter of taste..

Dilbert is the best, imo!


I've got most of the Dilbert books, and almost all of the Calvin & Hobbes books.

While, I love the Dilbert comics, sometimes they're just too painfully close to the truth (kinda like those CDW ads. during TLaDiS).

Vorlon Empire

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
I wonder how Nielsen counts it if you split your cable signal and watch the game on one feed and tape the movie on the other feed? (assuming you have a Nielsen box, of course)

That is not unusual for VCR watching. They'll count both.

Actually they'll count that VCR as "watching' even if you record the tape and then don't watch it. VCR's don't account for a significant amount of TV watching so they don't seem to be bothered by it. Personally, it is not uncommon for me to tape things which I don't watch. They are often programs which will eventually fall off the VCR when something better comes around. I've just been too lazy or busy to change the programming.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
Interesting way that you phrased that.

Now, now, they were a couple nice ladies whom we met while we were there. They werent professionals dammit!

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
God this is depressing, American football has done more possible damage to B5 then the Shadows ever did.
As for the sport itself, I could understand it if it were the soccer World Cup (y'know, a sport that the rest of the world plays), but the Supergame 'sport' that is only played in America??

What is going on? Its almost as bad as WWF.

'I plan to live forever, or die trying' - Villa Blake's 7
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I could understand it if it were the soccer World Cup (y'know, a sport that the rest of the world plays)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course, this country didn't get where it is by doing things the way "the rest of the world" does them. (If it did, we'd all still be living under monarchies.

Besides, the rest of the world doesn't play American football because it can't.
European "football" is a game that is played by guys running around in uniforms that look like a pair of shorts and one of the nightshirts my nieces wore as little girls. American football is a game where you have to wear body armor just to venture out on the field, and even then there's a good chance you'll be carried off on a stretcher. "Soccer" my eye. Football is a man's game.

Also, I can't remember the last time fans destroyed an American football stadium, killing and injuring dozens in the process, after a loss, or when two states mobilized the national guard and went to war with each other over a bad call.

You know, we really need a "tongue in cheek" icon around here.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

*pumps fist in air*
Joe, I now you're being facetious, but...
Right On!

Hey orac, why don't you go through a fraction of the football training I did and then tell me if it's a "sport."

This whole soccer vs football nonsense is infuriating. They are two completely different sports, unrelated- why compare? Because their names are pronounced the same in different parts of the world? Please.

And if you want to compare football to wrestling, then I think I might start a thread comparing Babylon 5 to Andromeda.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
If I may be so bold as to make some observations, as a Brit who hasn't seen the pilot and (as evidenced in other threads) actually doesn't have a huge understanding of the US TV system.


1. Given what happened on the night surely SFC will take into account the potential ratings of a series. If, as seems to be the case, the movie performed much better than expected in areas not affected by the football coverage I would hope this is taken into account in making a decision.

2. Being a lover of sport and B5, this would have been a hard choice for me and the game may well have won out because it was live - particularly knowing that the movie would be on again at 11pm.

The fact of it being a fantastic game is almost irrelevant because no-one could have known that before it happened.

3. As for the Jocks v Geeks argument, frankly I'd rather not be classed as either thank you very much.

4. "Football v every other sport in the universe" has turned into a very interesting (if off-topic
) debate. Unfortunately I think everyone is right and everyone is wrong.

I love ...

Soccer because played well it is very skillful, but essentially it is such an easy game to get into and to play

Football (as you Yanks like to call it
) for the strategy and sheer spectacle, although a bad game is just as dull as a bad soccer game

Hockey for a combination of both the above reasons (speaking as an off-ice official of 10 years experience).

(Not bad for a Brit, huh?)

The experience of TV shows in this country is that a major live sporting event will tend to blow everything else out of the water. When you have in excess of 20m (out of a population of 60m) all watching a European Soccer championship semi-final there is just no hope for the other shows.

Back to the text ... hopefully, SFC will feel able to write this off as a one-off, never to be repeated event, recognise the potential demonstrated by the West Coast figures and give the go ahead.


"Let me be the first to say that this is the nuttiest idea you've ever had."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GKarsEye:
The game started at 8:00 pm. The movie began at 9:00. Overtime began after the first showing of the Rangers movie was over, and that first showing seems to be the most important (which I don't understand- seems to me they should consider all showings).


Who says they won't consider the ratings of the other showings?

Just because the first airing is all that we have been told, doesn't mean SciFi ignores the others.

What it the other ratings weren't anything to brag about either?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
I wonder how Nielsen counts it if you split your cable signal and watch the game on one feed and tape the movie on the other feed? (assuming you have a Nielsen box, of course)


All TV's and VCR's are metered in Nielsen households. Videotaping a program is counted as part of the program's rating.

It's known that 15-20% of the rating for daytime soap operas come from people taping them.

If a Nielsen household watched another showing of B5LR, it would be counted. If they taped B5LR, it would be counted.

The only thing that wouldn't be counted is if the blew the whole thing off and decided the movie wasn't worth them watching at all.


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