Recoil <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Let’s not forget the 'Fog Bowl' in Chicago either! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yeah, I thought about that one too. Very strange. The whole thing that made it different / interesting was that everything was virtually invisible in a dense fog. But millions of us watched the whole thing on TV, just because it was so bizarre.
What were we thinking?
Citizen DF <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Just once I'd like to see, " WE NOW JOIN THIS FOOTBALL GAME ALREADY IN PROGRESS." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, that happens all the time. Granted, it is generally because the preceding show was another football game, but .....
Ranger32 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Also, I just can't believe THAT many sci-fi fans would also be sports fans. It doesn't make sense to me. It sure doesn't happen that way in my hometown. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hmmm, ..... In my experiance there isn't much of a correlation either way. Being a fan of science fiction (beyond the oooh-ing and ahhhh-ing over sfx event movies) seems to have more to do with how far you are willng to go with suspension of disbelief and with how comfortable you are with more abstract, what-if modes of thinking. I haven't noticed that mental trait being linked (positively or negatively) with any physical traits (like size, speed, jumping ability) that tend to make one good at athletic endeavors.
Almost all of the science fiction fans that know are also into some form of athletic recreation (although, there were a few of the anti-sports sf/fantasy fans back in the dorm in college). That includes things like kayaking and volleyball. Some of them aren't really into the "major" (or "revenue") sports (many are fans of those, however), but if you put on something with whatever their sport is then they will be likely to watch it. I realize that my sample space is somewhat skewed because of the activities that I participate in and the people they bring me into contact with. I suspect that, similarly, what you like to do (and consequently, who you tend to come into contact with) also skews what you see into looking like sports and sci-fi must be more mutually exclusive than they actually are.
As for the "football is mindless" debate:
Football can be (and fairly often is) watched in a pretty mindless way. However, the strategies, tactics, and level of coordination required between teammates precludes playing it in a mindless way. Or, at least it precludes it from being played well in a mindless way.
Edit was just to try to make my quote attributions a little clearer.
[This message has been edited by PillowRock (edited January 28, 2002).]
Yeah, I thought about that one too. Very strange. The whole thing that made it different / interesting was that everything was virtually invisible in a dense fog. But millions of us watched the whole thing on TV, just because it was so bizarre.
What were we thinking?

Citizen DF <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Just once I'd like to see, " WE NOW JOIN THIS FOOTBALL GAME ALREADY IN PROGRESS." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, that happens all the time. Granted, it is generally because the preceding show was another football game, but .....

Ranger32 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Also, I just can't believe THAT many sci-fi fans would also be sports fans. It doesn't make sense to me. It sure doesn't happen that way in my hometown. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hmmm, ..... In my experiance there isn't much of a correlation either way. Being a fan of science fiction (beyond the oooh-ing and ahhhh-ing over sfx event movies) seems to have more to do with how far you are willng to go with suspension of disbelief and with how comfortable you are with more abstract, what-if modes of thinking. I haven't noticed that mental trait being linked (positively or negatively) with any physical traits (like size, speed, jumping ability) that tend to make one good at athletic endeavors.
Almost all of the science fiction fans that know are also into some form of athletic recreation (although, there were a few of the anti-sports sf/fantasy fans back in the dorm in college). That includes things like kayaking and volleyball. Some of them aren't really into the "major" (or "revenue") sports (many are fans of those, however), but if you put on something with whatever their sport is then they will be likely to watch it. I realize that my sample space is somewhat skewed because of the activities that I participate in and the people they bring me into contact with. I suspect that, similarly, what you like to do (and consequently, who you tend to come into contact with) also skews what you see into looking like sports and sci-fi must be more mutually exclusive than they actually are.
As for the "football is mindless" debate:
Football can be (and fairly often is) watched in a pretty mindless way. However, the strategies, tactics, and level of coordination required between teammates precludes playing it in a mindless way. Or, at least it precludes it from being played well in a mindless way.

Edit was just to try to make my quote attributions a little clearer.
[This message has been edited by PillowRock (edited January 28, 2002).]