<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>I'm glad you were all around here through it all. (Even GKE, but that's just because I needed someone to pick on. *grins, ducks*)
Bitch /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>I'm still a supporter of a Rangers series. Who knows - someone might pick it up. I want my Sarah Cantrell!
I also want her, but I think in a different way than you...
Check this: sci-fi says they are moving away from space stuff, and I believe they also said aliens. Leaving aside debates about what is technically sci-fi, it stands to reason that anything that calls itself a Science-Fiction channel will have lots of space and aliens involved.
In their effort to broaden their appeal and market to a wider audience, I hope they learn that catering entertainment and art to a pre-determined audience is failed tactic. Yes, I'm a bitter person who wishes harm on others, and I don't care. I absolutely despise that way of thinking: "Oh, jeez, let's figure out what we think more people would want, and if that doesn't work, let's tell them what we think they should want, and then give them a safe, harmless version of it." The result: disco music and bad movies getting worse sequels.
Hypatia, your concern regarding programming for intelligent non-teenage women, or lack thereof, is a valid one, and, for what it's worth, shared by the mighty GKarsEye. All typical chauvenistic and sexist ramblings aside, I am royally pissed that network execs think they have everyone pegged. The truth is, they think that you are more interested in Oprah and movies about "two women struggling with love, life, and their journey..." blah blah blah.
The sad fact is, you are not the audience that most advertisers and programmers are concerned with. I am: white male middle-class, 19-45, with expendable income. And as a member of their target audience, I have this to say to them: a big fat fuck you to you and yours for ripping any potential for quality, intelligent entertainment and even, *gasp*, art from television.
Rant over.
Bitch /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>I'm still a supporter of a Rangers series. Who knows - someone might pick it up. I want my Sarah Cantrell!
I also want her, but I think in a different way than you...
Check this: sci-fi says they are moving away from space stuff, and I believe they also said aliens. Leaving aside debates about what is technically sci-fi, it stands to reason that anything that calls itself a Science-Fiction channel will have lots of space and aliens involved.
In their effort to broaden their appeal and market to a wider audience, I hope they learn that catering entertainment and art to a pre-determined audience is failed tactic. Yes, I'm a bitter person who wishes harm on others, and I don't care. I absolutely despise that way of thinking: "Oh, jeez, let's figure out what we think more people would want, and if that doesn't work, let's tell them what we think they should want, and then give them a safe, harmless version of it." The result: disco music and bad movies getting worse sequels.
Hypatia, your concern regarding programming for intelligent non-teenage women, or lack thereof, is a valid one, and, for what it's worth, shared by the mighty GKarsEye. All typical chauvenistic and sexist ramblings aside, I am royally pissed that network execs think they have everyone pegged. The truth is, they think that you are more interested in Oprah and movies about "two women struggling with love, life, and their journey..." blah blah blah.
The sad fact is, you are not the audience that most advertisers and programmers are concerned with. I am: white male middle-class, 19-45, with expendable income. And as a member of their target audience, I have this to say to them: a big fat fuck you to you and yours for ripping any potential for quality, intelligent entertainment and even, *gasp*, art from television.
Rant over.