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JMS speaks..

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I feel that some good things are coming, but with no Rangers, I'll probably be watching even less Sci-Fi than I already am. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kribu:
<font color=yellow>I'd just like to add my thanks to the cast - you were wonderful, all of you, and I would dearly have liked to see where and how your characters would have developed. And it was a treat to have you all here. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Yes, I forgot to mention my own thanks to the cast and everyone involved with the making of TLADIS. If we can't have you on Sci-Fi I know the chances of selling it to another station are pretty small.

At least I hope all of you can find fantastic projects to move on to. You're all very talented people, and deserve quality projects.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>The fans on this site have made this board into the *only* board I've ever seen where the discussion is still civil, where people can, for the most part, put together a decent few thoughts, and where I can dig my teeth into SF's finest with SF's finest fans.<hr></blockquote>
Here here!

This is definately a great board. Even if our shows are all dead, try and keep it running. Its worth it I think.
I think everything I want to say has been said, except that I would like to thank the cast and crew for giving us B5 fans hope. This news doesn't turn me away from the B5 world, it just means that I await for something that is at least half decent (Farscape is the closest).
Even though we kind-of saw it coming . . . what a blow.

The actors are great and not to be able to see them develop their characters is so disappointing. Best wishes to all the cast and hope to see them soon in other projects.
Well this sucks /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

I'd also like to extend a thanks to the cast and crew of Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers. It's truly a pity that there won't be a series, but I hardly think this spells the end of Babylon 5. Babylon 5 endures.

Admiral Dave
Hmm, if this really is the end of the B5 franchise, then I'd like to give some shout outs and parting comments.

To Mad Dog Mike who first told me to peep this show called B5 back in the day, thanks dupe. You my Cap'n Kirk, road dog -- whoop-whoop

To that chick I was dating back in school who kept saying, "listen to me!" while I was trying to watch Sleeping in Light, I cheated on you.

To whoever the fool was that spilled beer on my Legions of Fire novel, I got your number.

To Mr. Comic Book Guy that charged me $25 for issue number one, I'm glad your business went belly up.

To that guy at work who laughed at me and said "you can't be serious" after finding out I was a B5 fan, I ate your lunch.

To my Uncle, who first suggested that the Shadows weren't evil, just misunderstood, I hope you make parole.

To my ace boon coon C-murda for clearing up some of my nagging concerns about WWE I and II, you are the Kwisatz-Haderach.
I cannot help it. I am an incurable optimist. Even if everything goes wrong, I still remain certain that given enough time and trying, everything can be changed. My depressing optimism tells me to check the temperature in hell before formulating any "parting comments". Because... now that I think of it... what would I be parting from?

1. Parting from the idea that quality science fiction
will eventually prevail? <font color=yellow>Hell no.</font color=yellow>

2. Parting from the possibility of future works
in the setting of Babylon 5? <font color=yellow>Not really.</font color=yellow>

3. Parting from the many interesting discussions
on this board? <font color=yellow>Not in my plans.</font color=yellow>

4. Parting from the possibility of one series making it to screen
in the less painful way? <font color=yellow>Perhaps yes.</font color=yellow>
Yeah, no Ranger series really sucks, but life goes on in the B5 Universe, albeit with regret and sadness. I am glad we at least got to have a Ranger movie and get to know Alex, Dylan, Myriam, and the rest of the cast. It was great interacting with them in the months leading up to the movie, and then finally seeing them in action. They are such great people, and it's been a pleasure getting to know them a bit.

Now, I don't know what's going to happen to this site if there is no Ranger series, but I hope Antony will keep it up and running. This site is more than just about the Rangers, it is about the B5 universe, about good science fiction, and it's about all of us. We have all come together here and laughed together, cried together, held our collective breath for a Ranger series, discussed and debated the B5 universe, and made new friends. I personally am glad that this site exists, and I hope it will continue to. And I also hope that the Ranger cast will keep in touch with us and peek in every now and then to let us know how they are doing.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>
The fans on this site have made this board into the *only* board I've ever seen where the discussion is still civil, where people can, for the most part, put together a decent few thoughts, and where I can dig my teeth into SF's finest with SF's finest fans."

Originally posted by IceFire:
<font color=yellow>Here here!

This is definately a great board. Even if our shows are all dead, try and keep it running. Its worth it I think.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Yes! Agreed 100%

I just have to think that somewhere, at some time, JMS is going to find a cable station that actually wants the educated female population tuning in. I just don't see a lot of what I want to watch in the sci-fi channel's new schedule. I don't think I'm alone.

I am not desperate enough yet to double my cable bill by adding Showtime. But if American TV gets much worse, I might have to consider it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

Firestarter. Oh goodie. I'll be setting my vcr for that one, I tell you.
Whatever happens - whatever I write, and I'm going to write, and you're going to see it - it will be intelligent, damn it. I swear that to you today, hypatia. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I was just scanning my cable channels and I started watching Tech TV. I watch this station ever so often. I work in the computer field as a programmer; however, I really do not watch Tech TV to often. Well, they are going to be showing COMA tonight or Saturday. This got me thinking; TechTV I believe has a small market share of Paytv. How would an intelligently written scifi show that has worked with NASA in the past go with TechTV (The build in audience of TechTV should like B5). If they could afford it, perhaps it would open up a whole new audience for this station and they would have a new original show that would somewhat cater to there core audience.

Just an idea, what do you all think.


Perhaps we should make a GIANT thread devoted specificall for thank yous to the cast. Or not if you don't want to copy and paste.
This pretty much describes me right now.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LondosHair:
<font color=yellow>This pretty much describes me right now.

</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Smile! Things could be worse. And, of course, when you do, they get worse. <LOL>
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>Whatever happens - whatever I write, and I'm going to write, and you're going to see it - it will be intelligent, damn it. I swear that to you today, hypatia. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Thanks, Channe, but are you sure you will be able to get it published? /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

Even harder than that, sold to a network? /ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif Damn them. I'm going to take KoshN's advice and write another note to Bonnie and the gang. Not impolite, but stating that I'm terribly disappointed with their choice of programming.

And I thought they wanted the 30-ish female viewers. /ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif If Sci-Fi stops showing B5 reruns, then the classic Outer Limits would be my only reason for watching their station. And that not for long, once I get tired of seeing the same episodes over and over again. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hypatia:
<font color=yellow>Thanks, Channe, but are you sure you will be able to get it published? /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

Even harder than that, sold to a network? /ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
I think anybody who goes into writing *sure* that they're going to be a success is in for a nasty surprise: the world will wipe the floor with them and leave them pulverized on the floor while it moves on to the next victim. Anyone who goes into writing sure that they're going to sell is stupid - and is in for a nasty surprise when they fail.

I've seen it happen more than once.

No, I'm not sure. I'm working as a writer now, yes - but it won't last very long; I guess you can say I'm on contract, and my contract ends the second week of May. At this point, I'm pretty sure that I'll have to relocate. And I would, if it meant that I could wake up in the morning and know that I'll write all day.

Work isn't very easily to be had around here.

All I know is that I *have* to write. It's like breathing. Even if I don't write for anyone else, I'll grab my notepad and go to the coffee shop and make up stories about the barista for my own edification (and sometimes, about the barista's alien girlfriend). I think up plots in the elevator. I get a nasty pleasure out of a nicely-crafted sentence in one of my academic papers. I write on *vacation,* for heaven's sake.

In this business, everyone pays their dues. Everyone starves. I could *paper* my walls with rejection slips, and sometimes you can get so poor pursuing your dream that rejection slips are your only insulation.

I'm young right now and I have only *started* paying my dues to the Society For Winnowing Out The Wheat From The Chaff. So, can I say I'm sure that I'll write, I'll sell, and I'll make it? Not by the hairs on your chinny chin chin.

And I may never get to the West Coast. I may not ever sell a novel to a major publisher or a script to a major studio (hell, even a *minor* studio). I may not ever break into the business. I may never get to apply the smackdown to some ape in Puxtawaney who thinks he can write my stories better than I can.

But, let me put it this way.

As long as there is a smidgeon of hope - and since I'm a Catholic, giving into despair is out of the question - I'm going to pay my dues. I'm going to try. I'm going to write. 'Cause I have to.

And this was way longer than I know you (or ANYONE!) needed to hear. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>And this was way longer than I know you (or ANYONE!) needed to hear. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>


It's good to see someone light a candle in the darkness. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif