Yes I too, like Catheryn above me had no idea who this Kitaro Sasaki was. I have been debating whether or not I should wait till I see the telemovie, or find out as much as I can now! What to do...!?
I am just as delighted as everyone to discover that this Kitaro individual is a member of the new telemovie 'To Live and Die in Starlight'.
To him, Dean, Miriam and Gus... and others I have not yet encountered... welcome.
I can only echo what has been said about sixty times already - we are very pleased to have you here. One could indeed say honoured.
One request - in the months before your film airs, and however long before the inevitable series begins - do not forget us.
Catheryn mentioned that Science Fiction fans are dedicated, passionate people, we are (for the most part) also intensley welcoming and friendly.
So Dean, if you need friends, I would dare to say you have found quite a few! *laughs*
Also, thank you all for engaging in the light hearted conversation that occurs, and also for engaging in speculation on other topics, not only your film. Many of us do not just want to know your characters, but are just as interested in each of you as people.
Science Fiction fans often follow their favourite actors across genre as well.
Do not worry about the series, it will be. A very wonderful Minbari Religious Caste quote, spoken often by Delenn -
Faith Manages.
We have faith, you as a collective seem to have faith, The Great Maker has faith.
No Network can stand against us!
We are Grey... We stand between the Candle, and the Star...
Between Darkness, and the Light...