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Latest From JMS

Re: They guessed the acronym.

You guys are missing the obvious...

"Telepath Make Out Session"

Oh wait, that was Season 5. I also apologize in advance for calling anyone buddy, I do that to "calm the waters" after lively debate. :)


Re: They guessed the acronym.

The 56 Pre-Friday, January 30, 2004 9:40PM guesses (some ridiculous and obviously wrong, but kept for sake of completeness), mentioned before JMS posted his confirmation that somebody had guessed right (sorted in alphabetical order):

Talia, Marcus, or Susan
Techno-Mages of Silliness
Techno-Mages of Song
Techno-Mages on Strike
Telepath Minds on Speed
Telepath Monopoly of Space
Telepathic Mindwipe of Sheridan
Telepaths Move on Saturday
Telepaths: Meet our Sponsor
Terribly Mean of Straczynski
Terrific Marvels of Space
That Mean Ol' Straczynski
The Making of the Series
The Mammaries of Susan
The Man of Steel (Never mind... wrong universe...)
The Mark of Shadows
The Marriages of Sheridan
The Martyrdom of Sinclair
The Meaning of Shit
The Meaning of Spoo
The Meaninglessness of Speculation
The Meatballs of Swedes
The Memory of Shadows
The Memory of Sheridan
The Men of Space
The Mighty Obvious Script
The Minbari of Steel
The MIND of Straczynski
The Minstrations of Sugar
The Misdirection of Speculation
The Mollari of Spoo
The Mother of Sheridan
The Mound of Scripts
The Mouth of Sheridan
The Movement of Shadows
The Movement of Starlight
The Movie of Surprises
The Movie on Sunday
The Movie opposite SuperBowl
The Murder of Shiv'kala
The Music of Sondheim
The Mutation of Sinclair
The Mystery of Sheridan
The Mystery of Souls
The Myth of Shadows
The Myth of Souls
Theatrical Movie of Sorts
Theatrical Movie, original Story
Throw Morden off Station
Time Makes Our Society
Too Many odd Suggestions
Total Marmallisation of Spacestation
Trans Morphing Optical Stuff
Triluminary-Modified operating System
Twenty Minbari Order Sandwiches
Two Marsupials on Speed

I'm going with:
The Memory of Shadows (my favorite)
The Movement of Shadows
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Before I read any of the speculation, my first thought, like a lot of people, was "The Meaning of Spoo."

Well, if by "a lot of people," you mean me... :)

I was actually the first person to respond to JMS's acronym-post over on the moderated newsgroup, just because I happened to be awake and reading/posting the moment it appeared, and that was, officially (check the timestamp!), the first guess.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Yes, your list is the same as mine, with two exceptions:

Mine featured "Terribly Mean of Straczynski" twice. Fitting.
Yours is missing "The Movie Script".

So. What prize does the correct guess get? And who will sic the NBS on JMS?
Re: They guessed the acronym.

There's a difference between someone saying, "I disagree considering jms has stated the title is in the list," and "But since they're not on the list the JMS has told us contains the correct title, that's rather beside the point, isn't it?" The former is polite; the latter is obnoxious and demeaning.

I had to go back and reread this, as on first glance I thought you must have mistaken "former" for "latter"...because the latter seemed quite polite to me.

I don't have a problem with you two speculating however you choose to do so, but I find it highly offensive when you two try to tell me how I'm supposed to speculate.

It's not that they were trying to tell you how to speculate; it's that the point of this thread is the excitement over JMS's posting the acronym "TMoS," and our trying to figure out (i.e. "speculating") what it means. Lucky us, we aren't just operating blindly: JMS himself gave us a _big_ clue. He told us where we can find the actual title! Given that, the game has now turned to figuring out (i.e. "speculating") which of the titles already expressed (before a certain point) _is the correct title_.

What you're doing, in guessing titles with "Sorrow" in them, isn't speculating; it's fantasizing. And in fact, I don't think pointing that out to you was meant to restrict you in any way. I'm sure if you'd posted, "Yeah, but what _I'd_ really like to have seen is a movie called The Memory of Sorrow, so it's a shame that isn't going to be it," no one would have said anything to you. I think it was your failing to note that you realized that that _couldn't_ be a title that caused people to point it out to you. Maybe they just thought you weren't paying attention, and wanted to make sure you knew that we already know where to find the title.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

wanted to make sure you knew that we already know where to find the title.
Well. I got a bit confused by those titles. I started searching in the list for them, since I couldn't remember them being mentioned.
I think this is one of those situations where people don't really disagree, but misunderstand what the other person is saying. I had a real life session like that last Wednesday. 5 people discussing at length in a group of ~30, suddenly realising that we all agreed after all. What a silly feeling. :eek:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Oh dear God. Will people just LET IT GO!

channe, if there's anything you can do to get people to move on and get back to discussing instead of bringing my speculation back up again and again, please do so. This is really starting to get old.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

There's really not much to speculate on, which is why people keep on going back to vacantlook's "Sorrow" thing. But I agree; it is getting old. So... I suggest getting back to the business at hand -- what on earth does "the memory of shadows" mean? :)

Or whatever else you think may fit the bill. (That's my own guess, there.)

Spacing is cruel, even for Morden. :)
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Spacing is cruel, even for Morden. :)

Geez, Channe! If you're one who thinks that ripping someone's head off his shoulders and displaying it where the birds and insects can pick it apart isn't cruel then I'd hate to meet up with you in a dark alley. ;) :p
Re: They guessed the acronym.

[commercial] You want to see cruel? Start reading Rangers Redux (in the b5related forum). We're getting back to Beta Durani 7 at this point... [/commercial]

Hee hee.

Well -- that's a good topic for another thread. Did Morden deserve what he got, in the end?

There are plenty of Shadow memories lurking about in the aftermath of the Shadow War. The Warlock vessels -- one of them, of course, captained by Ivanova. The Drakh, and eventually the Drakh plague. Et cetera. :)
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Here's something with room for SPECULATING, when will it be set. If it's during the Crusade time period would could get some of Galen's mission(to track down and get rid of shadow tech) from other angles. If it deals with the telepath war shadow tech probably won't have much to do with it since the Drakh hadn't made themselves known yet. Later may be better since the aging of the actors will be easily explained.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I'm going with:
The Memory of Shadows (my favorite)
The Movement of Shadows

I'm surprised that no one has picked up on the fact that there was one title suggestion that JMS replied to that seems to me a big indicator as to which one was correct. Maybe not but it is worth speculating on. ;)

"The Movement of Shadows"
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Before I read any of the speculation, my first thought, like a lot of people, was "The Meaning of Spoo."

Well, if by "a lot of people," you mean me... :)

I was actually the first person to respond to JMS's acronym-post over on the moderated newsgroup, just because I happened to be awake and reading/posting the moment it appeared, and that was, officially (check the timestamp!), the first guess.


Well, I guess that at times our minds run in the same rut, because before I saw any guesses, just "TMoS," I immediately thought "The Meaning Of Spoo." I then read it as a guess here, and later where you posted it, so it seemed to me like several people had made the same guess. So, I'm happy to see you get credit for being the first. But, I'm sure we both know it won't really be that. I'm sticking with "The Movement of Shadows" as the most likely. Someone should strike off the obviously wrong possiblities from the possible list, so we can concentrate out attention on what remains...

For the record, as soon as I saw "TMoS" posted, I started thinking of possiblities, before reading any more posts, and also thought of "The Movement of Shadows" on my own. I was actually a bit sad to see JMS post that the correct title had already been guessed, since further guesses were useless. But at least we know it won't be The Microsoft operating System! :eek:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I am not convinced by "The Movement of Shadows", given that there has already been a B5 episode called "Movements of Fire and Shadow" - I would have thought that was just too similar for JMS to use it for a new project.

Although I guess that would depend on whether we were supposed to make a connection between the two ... perhaps the new project has something to do with the situation on Centauri Prime after Londo becomes Emporer.

Frankly Im not overly concerned about what the title is, it will just be great to see something new.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Actually, the similarity of the old title was, in part, what made me think that the guess "The Movement of Shadows" was the likeliest guess. :D It has a ring to it, more that the others, to me, at least. But I agree, something new is most welcome, whether my guess is correct or not!