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NBC Viewer Survey


Super Moderator
Found this thought I'd share. It's a several page survey from the greater NBC company regarding various shows and movies and such on the various networks owned by NBC (including channels like Bravo and SciFi and USA and the like).

Link to Survey

There's one section of movies that haven't aired anywhere where you're to state how interested in the movie you are based on the name alone. The names are mostly atrocious! Stuff like:

Ghost Monkey
Man with the Screaming Brain
Hammerhead Shark
Hammerhead Island
Shark Island
Caved In
Cave Bear
Puppetmaster vs. Demonic Toys


They all sound like the horrid crap movies made for the SciFiChannel!
Oh, come now. You KNOW they're all horrid crap movies for the Sci-Fi Channel. What else could they possibly frelling be? :D

Well, Man with the Screaming Brain I'd accept, since it's a Bruce Campbell thing.

And as it is, I'd accept them ALL, simply because I enjoy such crappy things. And every now and then, they do happen to star someone who makes the movie semi-watchable. Well.... sometimes. In most cases, you could give the movie an allstar cast and still have it suck the balls of a monkey. A GHOST MONKEY. Hey! There's a rough idea for a sequel to one of those movies.

And of course, some are just so bad, they're funny. Not exactly a good sign, mind you, but if it allows you to watch it, it's not all THAT bad.
Who let GKKR out of the Babbleon forum? :confused:


Let me know which of the "best at being worst" movies I should catch on the skiffy channel, by the way. Unless they are showing Twilight Zone I just don't tend to catch their programming anymore.

Although Earthsea is coming up eventually, isn't it? :confused:

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