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The Official BSG S3 Spoiler Thread

I don't think she's a (full) cylon or she is dead. I think that the writers/creator would not bring about this huge build up (that they obviously began at the beginning of season 2.0 with her painting on the wall,) and then just have it fizzle into nothing.

The cylon answer would be too "easy" though it would be intriguing, I give you that. My thoughts are that she is either part cylon (her ma was involved in the original cylon war,) or there's something waiting for her down at the bottom of the maelstrom. Perhaps there really was a cylon raider and Leoben's waiting down there or such. Hard to say. Full cylon? Naw. Something in between or so forth? Maybe.

I also think she'll be the one to "find Earth." But that could change by the season finale, that's for sure...

Also, found this on the web:

By David Eick given in a TV Guide interview:
"What happens in the Mar. 4 episode will greatly influence and inform what happens in the cliff-hanger. The last four episodes all kind of tie together as a piece. But I would say that Episode 16 and Episode 19 are the two tentpoles, and are really the most shocking and revelatory."

Again by Eick, in a recent Wizard Magazine interview:
"Kara is going through a profound change that will impact the future of the show in a very momentous and significant way. Her role on the show is going to undergo a profound change, and the revelations that it inspires will definitely be shocking."
I wasn't a big fan of this episode, but will like it more as long as we get adaquate payoff.

I also really felt like Kara is "Half Cylon." Maybe something like Leoban is her daddy. Wouldn't that be funny and twisted in a Redneck kinda way.

I also think she will be the one to find Earth, especially going back to the S1 finale with her finding that arrow of something or other. She seems to have always been on that path...

But I'm certain she isn't dead. No way they would do a death scene so lame, meaningless, and non-emotional. I'm also fairly certain she isn't one of the "Final Five" Cylons.

We will see though.
I don't think she's a Cylon, either...and I don't think she's dead. I think she ejected.

I was really impressed with EJO in this one. Watching him destroy his model ship, and the way he cried over her, ripped my heart out!
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Definitely don't think she could be dead, I find it unfathomable that they would spend so much of the episode reminding us of her destiny and the prophecies and such, just to kill her off. If they wanted to kill her off, one would think they would just dump this storyline and pretend it doesn't mean anything afterall, rather than sum it all up, right before killing her.

Ya know, I don't believe that they have outright ruled out the "ship of Lights" storyline from coming up, and I think they've even hinted they may go there one day. Maybe Kira is half one of them? ;)

This whole thing is a complete circle, so I don't think time has any bearing on the prophecy, as long as it happens somewhere in the circle, it can count towards the prophecies, so an Adama Cylon, doesn't need to be an Adama yet, as long as they become an Adama at some point, such as D. having married Appolo, or Roslin marrying the Admiral in the future if that ever were to come about, so when looking for clues, and theorizing, I don't thin we can look only to what has actually happened, we need to look to what is likely to happen as well.
Still think Lee's projecting himself into a lake when he was apparently dying... looks a bit fishy and makes him a candidate for the toaster brigade.

It is also possible that the cylons have a Zach model... designed specifically to mess with Adama, Apollo and Starbuck's heads at a later date. How do you open fire on someone who looks and acts like your dead son? Would it mean that the child you thought you had was your son in the first place? Or was he a cylon all along? You'd have to know.
Ya know, I don't believe that they have outright ruled out the "ship of Lights" storyline from coming up, and I think they've even hinted they may go there one day.

Ya know, this is what I was thinking of when I watched this episode. I was wondering if she was going to find the "ship of lights" from the original series, or its equivalent in this retelling. I had a feeling we might see that, and that the "final 5 Cylons" are maybe part of that group in this version of BSG.

As far as the whole thing being circular, and the "its happened before and will happen again." Unless Time Travel is involved, I take that all as 100% double-talk and nonsense. The only way things CAN be circular is with Time Travel. I can't see them doing that in this series though...
As far as the whole thing being circular, and the "its happened before and will happen again." Unless Time Travel is involved, I take that all as 100% double-talk and nonsense. The only way things CAN be circular is with Time Travel. I can't see them doing that in this series though...

Unless they plan to pull a Matrix on us ... :p
I think Anders is a cylon. That's my #1 guess.

My thought as well, we met him in the resistance on Caprica, and we saw D'Ana abusive to him, so it works that she would apologize for not knowing who he was when she witnessed the final 5.

I'm not sure I think the "Ship of Lights" may involve the final 5, but, definitely a possibility they seeded the 13 colonies and are responsible for the prophecies/destinies, and the clues to Earth.

The crack about Kira being half "light" was just a joke, but, I wouldn't be surprised if they were responsible for not dying.
Yet again I seem to be in the minority: I thought this one was pretty darn good. And I don't get people saying it was an "emotionless" death. Telegraphed right from the get-go, of course. But sweet release for a tortured soul.

She'll be back, of course.
Yet again I seem to be in the minority: I thought this one was pretty darn good. And I don't get people saying it was an "emotionless" death. Telegraphed right from the get-go, of course. But sweet release for a tortured soul.

She'll be back, of course.

I thought it was quite decent too, actually. But then, I don't have a problem with anti-climatic deaths. In fact, I hate climatic deaths - how common is it for death to be glorious, meaningful and well-timed?

She will be back, yes - I'm sure they have some cop-out up their sleeve - hopefully not too lame a one, like that she just ejected (that would make NO sense) or that she's a Cylon (again, NO sense - what with the farm). Though I'll enjoy this one week of telling myself that they don't have a copout, and that the witch is dead :D (I never much liked Starbuck, but this season, I've been finding her purely tedious)
I thought it was quite decent too, actually. But then, I don't have a problem with anti-climatic deaths. In fact, I hate climatic deaths - how common is it for death to be glorious, meaningful and well-timed?

She will be back, yes - I'm sure they have some cop-out up their sleeve - hopefully not too lame a one, like that she just ejected (that would make NO sense) or that she's a Cylon (again, NO sense - what with the farm). Though I'll enjoy this one week of telling myself that they don't have a copout, and that the witch is dead :D (I never much liked Starbuck, but this season, I've been finding her purely tedious)

Well, she did have her hand on the eject lever. ;)

I say she's not dead, because if they intended to kill her, why would the entire rest of the episode remind us of her place in the prophecy and her destiny? Surely if she was meant to die all along, her arc would've been handled differently, and if they suddenly decided to kill her, for whatever reason, they wouldn't remind us so well of her destiny and the prophecies, they would just hope we forgot about it, and kill her. The way the episode summed up her story arc, is inviting us to rail on them for no pay off, if she is in fact dead and not coming back. I suppose she could be dead and be a ghost or become a duplicate or something, if they go way out, but, she can't be gone forever from the BSG universe.
But surely making it "obvious" that she isn't dead only serves to lessen the impact of discovering that she is, in fact, not dead?
Well, she did have her hand on the eject lever. ;)

Yeah, but what will ejecting do to her if she's in a part of the atmosphere where the pressure is so high that not even her viper can take it? She'd just float around a few seconds, being squashed by the pressure, and would fall right back down onto the hard surface thingy.

In theory :eek: .. in theory, injecting embryonic cells won't miraculously make cancer vanish either.
Yeah, but what will ejecting do to her if she's in a part of the atmosphere where the pressure is so high that not even her viper can take it? She'd just float around a few seconds, being squashed by the pressure, and would fall right back down onto the hard surface thingy.

In theory :eek: .. in theory, injecting embryonic cells won't miraculously make cancer vanish either.

Notice the winky face. I was joking, they would have to write very hard to make it believable she ejected and survived.

GH, I wouldn't say they made it obvious she didn't die, as alot of people think she did die, I just don't believe they would've laid out the episode the way they did, if she's not going to return in some manner.
Notice the winky face. I was joking, they would have to write very hard to make it believable she ejected and survived.

I suspected you were :D .. just that .. after the Roslyn cop-out last season, I would be very surprised if there wasn't again a cop-out this time. I'm actually counting on it - so I'm mostly hoping it won't be lame, as the Roslyn one was.
Looking at a pic of the final, it occurred to a poster at another site, that Zarek could be one of the Final five, according to the little bit of face we see. I had never considered Zarek, myself, but, that would be really neat to have the Original Apollo as one of the final five.