<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
On the issue of artists as public property –
It happens far too much! Too many times fans believe that just because what an artist does is presented in a public forum – in television, in the bookstore, etc., - that that person as a fan has a right to own the output. And that’s just not true.
This mentality has led to the Napster debacle, the hundreds of B5 fans thinking they can just bandy about JMS’ Crusade scripts, the numerous reprinted full-text novels that are NOT on permission-bound sites like Project Gutenberg, and the trolls that infest SF sites complaining about the fact that they didn’t like what a certain actor did.
I think this stuff honestly needs to be addressed in school. It’s too much a part of our society to ignore, and it’s a very destructive mentality.
Interestingly enough, it is being addressed, at least for business majors in college.
A bit ago (maybe the 70's or 80's, I can't remember) there were a rash of big businesses and businessmen getting caught doing very illegal things with all of their power. All of the sudden, these business ethics courses started to pop up all over the place.
As I was leaving lecture one day I passed the instructor coming in for his class in the room after mine. I spoke with him briefly, and he was going into his business ethics class. I commented to him “so, they still teach those, do they?” He said it will be a permanent part of the business curriculum because it is always such a slippery issue. As new technology emerges, new issues arise. If he were at a big university, his entire job might be teaching business ethics.
I must confess, I myself obtained copies of two of the scripts JMS had on that website that shut down. The weird thing is, I actually read one of them on that site before it shut down. But after reading the postings from another thread, I felt so bad that I deleted both of the scripts from my disk.
It had honestly NEVER OCCURRED TO ME that I was stealing from JMS himself. And I’m an educated person, and one who is a field where the exact same thing is seriously being debated. A college instructor somewhere let a course of his be taped. The entire course, class included, discussion, etc. He left that school and they continued to use that tape, I think with a teaching assistant taking care of the “day-to-day” running of the class. Can you imagine it? The school claimed the teacher had no right to compensation. I don’t know how that ended, but I can guess. Northcentral, or whoever is in charge of academic standards in that state, probably stopped it for academic standard reasons!
I certainly feel stupid for doing the same thing in terms of the scripts. Live and learn, I guess. I’ll certainly never make that mistake again.
"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo