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uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Hi, folks. I haven't been around here for awhile, but I wanted to pop in to add my voice to the chorus. Many of you may remember that I've worked in the entertainment industry - and, I have retained some friends and contacts there since leaving five years ago. Anyway, I'm sad to tell you that this little bit of leaked news is indeed legitimate. So, PLEASE don't hesitate to send those letters to WB!

It hardly costs anything, and is very little effort, and even if this is completely bogus and we're all faking you out (which we aren't!), how can it hurt to let WB know that the Babylon 5 fan base isn't statistically insignificant? Remember, we're part of the reason there's a film at all. Reportedly, WB was "staggered" by the DVD sales - and nearly every single one of those sets was bought by a _fan_. So, yay us!

Let's not lose momentum now: GET THOSE LETTERS WRITTEN, AND SENT. Mine went out today.

Thanks for helping,

Amy (the artist formerly known as Aisling)
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Where has Joe D been lately anyway? Haven't seen him on in ages...
Your guess is as good as mine, bro... I may try emailing him tomorrow to see what's up.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

My guess was that Joe was laying low until after the elections, since he seems to get a bit hot under the collar on political issues, which were rampant here, mostly on the other side of the political spectrum from him. I was hoping he would show up once the elections were over, but he hasn't. I hope he isn't experiencing some personal crisis.

I don't think Joe has as much insider info connection as Jan and CE. He does have a good knowledge of how the industry works, and does a keen logical analysis of what info is available, which often provides some good insights. That said, I'm not certain he would have any more insights than those presented here so far, but he might, and I'm sure we would welcome them.

My own take on this is as that of many others here. I am not totally convinced the rumor is true, because I do think JMS would find a way to leak it, but on the other hand, he most likely knows about the rumor by now, and one would think that he would deny it if it wasn't true. A real quandary. But, as others have said, writing a polite letter in support of a B5 movie, and its original cast, can't hurt, in either case.

I'll admit that I don't find the rumors encouraging. Of course I would like to see the old cast, well, except for Tracy S. :rolleyes: , and with central roles, not cameos. I don't mind a star or two, in important, new roles, but they should not outshine our favorite actors! Also, Earthforce taking over B5 makes me grind my teeth in anger! :eek:
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Yeah, just resist the temptation to put a santa hat on Peter Woodward, or hanging a misteltoe on a shadow wessel...

Wessel? What are you doing, channeling Chekov (from old Trek)? :LOL:
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I do think JMS would find a way to leak it
It's possible he already has. If you want to talk about what we don't know, whether or not JMS himself is one of these "inside sources" we cannot say.

Once again: I figured no harm done. Maybe 10 minutes to draft a short note, print it, address an envelope, stamp it and mail it. 15 minutes if you have to hunt for a stamp. :eek:
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Look folks, just keep fighting the good fight and mailing those letters. Both KeepB5Alive.com and my site www.sppictures.com (click on news and scroll down), all have sample letters, but remember, make them your own...personalize them, put them in your words...it makes a difference.

Also, keep them positive...(check out my letter at sppictures.com to see an examply of this). Use good examples of successes with TV cast, etc.

Next, get over to the WB boards, where WB might have eyes watching, and post, post, post!

Jan is right, there is some resistance to stepping up, but I believe that it's fading and people are starting to believe. Now that a couple of news sites are reporting, I think we'll see things start to turn.

Then, get out to every site you can and spread the word...everywhere you can think of.

A few can't reach everywhere...the more talking the more letters.

And last...remember...Faith Manages!

CE :)

Voices in the darkness can be heard!

OH! and KoshN...I need you to get over to sg1archive.com and post in the thread there under Off-topic...we need to keep the thread at the top of the list so folks will see it.

And one more thing, folks...whereever I go where there's a thread dedicated to this the number of views are high and getting higher...so word is getting out!
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Then, get out to every site you can and spread the word...everywhere you can think of.

And remember to stop back and respond to any posts you think may need clarification or encouragement to write. A lot of people may disagree with the campaign and that's fine. Still, what can it hurt to tell WB that we support B5?

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

repost from filmjerk.com:

My Triumphant Return, and the Return of Babylon 5
Written by 12-12-2004 by AmyLawrence

The Babylon 5 feature film begins shooting in April!
My triumphant return!

What brings me back to FilmJerk.com? I'm totally geeking out over the feature film Babylon 5: Memory of Shadows. I've been a B5 fan since my pal Sam (Hi Sam!) turned me on to the show in Season 2. The last I'd heard is that JMS (the shows creator, J.Michael Straczynski) had put the project on hold after Richard Bigg's death. Biggs played Dr. Franklin, and died in May of 2004. Memory of Shadows is back on track now, and will begin filming in England next April with director Steven Beck.

The story follows Diane Baker, an Earthforce Intelligence Officer whose brother is killed in an explosion. She teams up with Techno-Mage Galen, previously played by Peter Woodward but whose part is being re-cast, to find the truth behind her brother's death. They discover that dark forces are unleashing ancient Shadow technology--technology that was supposed to be guarded by Galen--and the two uncover a huge conspiracy.

So far, the only original character participating is Elizabeth Lochley, played by Tracey Scoggins. She is still the commander of Babylon 5. She is friends with Diane. Part of the action takes place on B5, as the station is taken over by Earthforce Marines, including new lead character Colonel Joss Morgan.

Galen will battle childhood friend and Techno-Mage, Tyrell. Tyrell is sort of a mercenary, with an agenda of his own. Are you seeing Gandolf fighting Saruman in your head right now? You know you are. I can only imagine we'll see more original cast members on the station. Believe me, I'll keep you all posted. Damn, it's good to be back!

Tracy Scoggins. WTF. This is the worst character on the show. Galen a great character is now recast. :mad: I wonder what the point of being a fan is?
Related: Mailing services

It turns out, both those online mailing services that I posted are only available if you have a US issued credit/debit card. So no luck for us Europeans.

There's a Norwegian Postcard service that I could use, but the postcard would have to be sent all the way accross the Atlantic, thus taking longer time.

Anybody know of a US mailing service that also take non-US credit cards, or preferably PayPal?
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I am getting my letters out today. It annoys me to no end that we have to do this again (I mean, why can't any of these entertainment companies get a *clue*, anyway? We want B5, we want the original cast, & we want a good, intelligent story. Why do they always have to mess it up?), but I will do what I can.

Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

I've contacted an acquaintance of mine in the film industry, and aside from everything that's been said so far, he hasn't heard much. Rumors abound, as the business goes, but this one makes sense and he believes it. He suggested to me that the fans start a letter-writing campaign, at which point I promptly directed him to KeepB5Alive. He hadn't seen it yet, so he promised to get the word out about the site.

He agreed that the timing on this thing is probably all WB's doing, as they hope the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season will keep this news from getting too widespread.

I'll be writing my letter tonight and sending it out first thing tomorrow. If the studio refuses to see reason, I hope the entire project gets scrapped. A re-cast B5 movie is not better than no B5 movie at all, if you ask me, and I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I won't go see such a film if they do in fact go ahead with it.

My guess was that Joe was laying low until after the elections, since he seems to get a bit hot under the collar on political issues, which were rampant here, mostly on the other side of the political spectrum from him. I was hoping he would show up once the elections were over, but he hasn't.
Joe's realized (like so many of us) it's futile to debate anything political with people who don't/won't listen. He kept a regular presence in forums other than Off-Topic up until early October. Where he's been since then, I don't know. I looked for his email address, but I've lost it.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

My guess was that Joe was laying low until after the elections, since he seems to get a bit hot under the collar on political issues, which were rampant here, mostly on the other side of the political spectrum from him. I was hoping he would show up once the elections were over, but he hasn't.
Joe's realized (like so many of us) it's futile to debate anything political with people who don't/won't listen. He kept a regular presence in forums other than Off-Topic up until early October. Where he's been since then, I don't know. I looked for his email address, but I've lost it.

I emailed JoeDM a few days ago. I have not received a reply.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Isn't Joe supposed to be the moderator of this forum? What are we supposed to do with no parental supervision? Anarchy will reign! ;)
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

repost from filmjerk.com:

My Triumphant Return, and the Return of Babylon 5
Written by 12-12-2004 by AmyLawrence

The Babylon 5 feature film begins shooting in April!
My triumphant return!

What brings me back to FilmJerk.com? I'm totally geeking out over the feature film Babylon 5: Memory of Shadows. I've been a B5 fan since my pal Sam (Hi Sam!) turned me on to the show in Season 2. The last I'd heard is that JMS (the shows creator, J.Michael Straczynski) had put the project on hold after Richard Bigg's death. Biggs played Dr. Franklin, and died in May of 2004. Memory of Shadows is back on track now, and will begin filming in England next April with director Steven Beck.

The story follows Diane Baker, an Earthforce Intelligence Officer whose brother is killed in an explosion. She teams up with Techno-Mage Galen, previously played by Peter Woodward but whose part is being re-cast, to find the truth behind her brother's death. They discover that dark forces are unleashing ancient Shadow technology--technology that was supposed to be guarded by Galen--and the two uncover a huge conspiracy.

So far, the only original character participating is Elizabeth Lochley, played by Tracey Scoggins. She is still the commander of Babylon 5. She is friends with Diane. Part of the action takes place on B5, as the station is taken over by Earthforce Marines, including new lead character Colonel Joss Morgan.

Galen will battle childhood friend and Techno-Mage, Tyrell. Tyrell is sort of a mercenary, with an agenda of his own. Are you seeing Gandolf fighting Saruman in your head right now? You know you are. I can only imagine we'll see more original cast members on the station. Believe me, I'll keep you all posted. Damn, it's good to be back!

Tracy Scoggins. WTF. This is the worst character on the show. Galen a great character is now recast. :mad: I wonder what the point of being a fan is?


That's pathetic. That's the lamest plot someone could make up for this movie. Either it's someone's fan fiction trying to pass for the real thing, or someone in WB has gone insane. Either way, funny shit.

I really would not understand why WB would pass over the telepath war. A) Telepaths are cooler and more scary than technomages, which nobody really cares about or has heard of besides b5 fans. B) Really fits with the current times, civil liberties that would be restricted in a society with no privacy. C) War takes place mainly ON EARTH, so attracts a broader audience. and D) Isn't this the project JMS has always wanted? He left out the war in the books, the series, the movies, and Crusade. It's the untold B5 story the fans want.

Technomages suck. A siege of b5 has already been done and the action would be boring. I wouldn't watch that movie.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

Tracy Scoggins. WTF. This is the worst character on the show. Galen a great character is now recast. I wonder what the point of being a fan is?

Personally I'm not too surprised to see Tracy Scoggins cropping up since it sounds like the movie follows on from Crusade and she was a (semi) regular in Crusade. (And since we haven't seen as much of her, there are plenty of blanks to fill in). Also, she's arguably more famous than many of the other actors from the show.

I'm also beginning to think that we will see the original cast having smaller roles in this film than might have been expected.

I can see the logic behind this. Given some of the stuff that's happened between people since the series finished (or even before in the case of Claudia) it's possible that cast members might choose not to appear in the film or try and push for more money than WB is prepared to pay, reasoning that they can't make the movie without them, because they are integral to the plot.

By starting with a movie that doesn't strongly feature the main cast JMS can kill two birds with one stone :

1) The story that he developed for Crusade can finally be told. (Judging by comments about possibly including the story in the background of LotR if it became a series you can tell that JMS has just been itching to tell this story)

2) Any of the original cast that do wish to be involved can be plugged into the movie without making major amendments to the plot since they are not centrally involved. (And I'd guess that they would be, quite happily)

Another thought: Whilst JMS is signing people up for virtual cameos in this film he could get them to sign up for possible sequels at the same time. (Which I think is fairly standard for movies that might be expected to have them?) Then he'd know who was 'in' for a second movie and could write the story accordingly.

Of course this all assumes that :

a) The reports we've heard are true

b) That WB haven't messed things up by insisting on big name casting
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

No. JMS has always said this is the main cast's big paycheck.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

With a plot of secret EarthForce projects involving leftover Shadow technology, I personally would love to see Ivanova pop up commanding the Titans given what we know about the Warlock class ships from the shortstory Hidden Agendas. I don't know if I can see it happening pragmatically, but the groundwork is there that it could be brought in; and I'd sure like to see it personally.

*sigh* If only we could tell stories via customizable holodecks, eh? ;)
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

The problem with the Telepath War is making people like the telepaths sufficiently to support a group of terrorists. With luck the telepaths will be the heroes of this story so that the war can be shown in the second movie.
Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.

If Earth is being taken over by the Psi Corps, any help will be welcomed. They wouldn't look so much like terrorists. Or I hope so. :confused:

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