Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good.
OK ... got off my backside and sent my letters this morning.
The bottom line for me is that this could be the start of a domino effect, because I can't see JMS sticking around if WB proceed with this ridiculous plan to re-cast B5.
Problem with that is that WB
can do B5 without JMS, as it is their property. If they feel strongly enough that they want the movie, on their own terms, and JMS decides to walk then they could carry on regardless and that would conpletely and utterly alienate the existing fanbase and possibly kill the "franchise" off once and for all.
Even worse, perhaps, would be a massively successful re-cast movie leading to a massively successful series of movies that move further and further away from JMS' original vision for his universe. That would be a disaster for the fans.
Let's consider two recent examples.
The Avengers
Aside from the fact that it just wasn't a good movie, Ralph Fiennes did a decent job but, I felt, completely failed to convince me that he was Steed. Uma Thurman likewise.
Starsky & Hutch
Good movie, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't Starsky & Hutch. Like the new Battlestar Galactica, which is essentially a new show with a "classic" name attached to it for marketing purposes, so this is just a light comedy buddy cop movie with the S&H name attached to sell it.
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are great, but like RF they were just not Starsky & Hutch.
In both these examples it can be rightly argued that the original TV actors were too old to reprise their roles, but with only 6 years having passed since SiL, I can't believe that WB seriously want to risk alienating those of us who made B5 a worldwide TV and DVD success (and a UK VHS success) by doing this.
Unless, what they really want is a no-brainer blockbuster SF movie with a "classic" name bolted onto it to help sell it.