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What are you watching now?

I'm currently on the complete series of Alien Nation. A serious drop off after having just finished seasons 1 and 2 of Carnivale, but still a fun little show.
Actually just finished rewatching the six part 1958 British serial Quatermass and the Pit, written by television and scifi great Nigel Kneale. the is one of the finest scif television drama ever written its a 6 part serial.Workers digging at a building site in London start unearthing proto human remains and then they find what they at first think is pipe the as they dig deeper unocover it they think it might be a bomb or a german V weapon, but it isnt't its something else something nasty, so in come Professor Quatermass to investigate. I won't say anymore but fans of the Xfiles would love this one, its a precursor to the X Files. It was made int o cinema film in 1967 and Nigel Kneale wrote the screen play for the movie version known also as five million years to Earth on of the greatest Classic Sci fi films of all time. Both versions are great but i think the 1958 version is better in some ways.
I'd add it to my DVD list at Netflix, but it has not been released here yet, I gather. I put it on my "Save" list, which I think means I'll be notified if it ever is available.

I heard of this a long time ago, but have never seen it. It sounds like an excellent story.
I'm on some fluff right now:

Entourage Season 3
Gilmore Girls Season 2 (it's a good show!)

Almost caught up with this season of Lost.

Still have the last episode of Jericho to watch. I think a part of me is saving it so I will always have "something" to watch and it won't be over. :)

Saw Ironman in the theaters. It rocked my face right off! Seriously. No face Lulu, that's my new name.
just finishing the shield season 6, moving onto v the tv series, and considering the wire next, i hear good things about it from all over the internet.

Well FWIW, I'm the resident Wire pusher of the forum. I'm one of those pricks that go around telling everyone to watch this show, it's amazing, blah blah blah. I got KoshFan into it and he digs it.

So, yeah- do that.
As V the televsision series from the 1980's? I remember it ,honestly not a great series by any stretch of the imagination. The first miniseries was very good almost Orwellian in with a little touch of Damon Knights classic Twilight zone episode " to Serve Man" the second mini series the good guy triumph , was alright, though the whole star child concept was a little on the loopy side. There is a new V novel by kenneth Johnson which I have yet read, a couple of people I know said its decent and Johnson is supposedly adapting either television or the movies im not sure on this one though.:) Another thing Ive been re watching is the CGI series RoughNecks Starship Troopers Chronicles The Complete Campaigns, 40 episodes based on the Verhoeven's movie but considerably better then the movie. It is a fun series to watch. It departs from the film in a number of ways which is a good thing. But its worth checking out.:)
RoughNecks Starship Troopers Chronicles The Complete Campaigns, 40 episodes based on the Verhoeven's movie but considerably better then the movie. It is a fun series to watch. It departs from the film in a number of ways which is a good thing. But its worth checking out.:)

it does rock, i am planning on having a starship troopers orgy at some point, and watching both films plus the chronicles, to get ready for the new film coming in july (or thereabouts).
Ranger! might i suggest the Quatemass and the pit 1958 six part series that i mentioned above. It is available on dvd by a company called sinister Cinema. It pretty good stuff.
Ranger! might i suggest the Quatemass and the pit 1958 six part series that i mentioned above. It is available on dvd by a company called sinister Cinema. It pretty good stuff.

Any idea why the dvd isn't available at Amazon.com or to rent? sinister Cinema isn't a U.K. store, is it?

I ask because bootlegged copies of all sorts of shows and movies are often available.
Hypatia I just looked it up on amazon QUATERMASS AND THE PIT It goes fro about$16.00 dollars I misspelled it i think and I don't put the 1958 in the search just the title. also I think ther is a region code issue with this your dvd needs to be able to do more then one region, my dvd on my tv can play it but computer dvd cannot. sorry .
It's probably out in Region 2, but not Region 1 then.

Thanks. My DVD player, theoretically, can be made region-free. I'm not sure how complicated it is to accomplish, though.
I'm now close to the end of season 6 of Deep Space Nine.

Which is to say, I have now seen transsexual Quark.

... ???

Wow. That was seriously messed up.
I'm now close to the end of season 6 of Deep Space Nine.

Which is to say, I have now seen transsexual Quark.

... ???

Wow. That was seriously messed up.

Yes, that was seriously messed up.

And what a conincidence, Chilli. I watched the entire DS9 series (other than the one missing disk that got lost somehow over the years :klingon:) and I stopped watching pretty shortly after that episode, I think. I kept thinking I should finish the series, but haven't had enough interest. :eek:

I'll get back to it some day. Guess I didn't want to watch the death of Dax again. But I do want to see the last few episodes again. Some day.
I'm now close to the end of season 6 of Deep Space Nine.

Which is to say, I have now seen transsexual Quark.

... ???

Wow. That was seriously messed up.

startrek.com has wonderful episode summaries that would help steer you away from such nonsense.
Life is just too short to sit through Quarkette twice.
i'm about halfway through V: the series, it's got some of the worst writing i have ever seen, but god damn if it isn't the most entertaining show i have watched all year.

also finished season 1 of the wire, outstanding stuff, checking out season 2 right now.
Actually I am halfway through Space 1999, this show is what i classify as a glorious monstrosity in sciece fiction terms it goes beyond the realm of scientific plausibility, the moon gets blasted out of Orbit yet at sublight velocity they mange to visit planets every once in a while, the acting wooden the stories are silly but you know what the show is entertaining to watch . Made in the mid 70's and special effects for it's time still look good even by today's standards, there are 48 episodes in the series of the two seasons season one is by far the best season 2 was executive produced by Fred Friedberger of Star trek season 3 fame. From what i have read this series almost got a season 3 :cool:
startrek.com has wonderful episode summaries that would help steer you away from such nonsense.
Life is just too short to sit through Quarkette twice.

It was the first, and the last time, I saw that episode. I've been going through DS9 properly, having never done this before, not skipping any episodes, and not spoiling myself about episdoes I haven't seen.

Not a good idea. It's especially bad in season 6, I think - the drop between absolutely great episodes, and complete and utter shite.

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