Re: Who\'d have died?
Hm, good question. Knowing JMS, no one would have been safe. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
David could have been killed, easily enough - not in a first season cliffhanger, probably, but maybe later down the road... and no Lorien to bring him back to life. I'd say that's a possibility, although at least in the pilot too much seemed to be hanging on David's charisma and actions and his past.
Dulann - a definite possibility. First officer and friend of David's - important enough to make his death a real shock. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Another quite obvious possibility - Malcolm. Getting into dangerous situations would have been in his job description. Although that would actually make him a too easy target... hm, have to think about that.
Sarah - again, why not? Did JMS kill off any female characters in B5?
Tirk - could have been smashed by something too heavy to carry... I don't know. He already got himself into a dangerous situation and got hurt in the pilot though.
Firell, Na'Feel and Kitaro - no idea, they didn't get enough screen time in the pilot for me to make any conclusions about their eventual fate. They could have all grown into key people though, so once again, any one of them could have been killed off later. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
As for new additions - no idea whatsoever.