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A message from Christopher Pike

....ORRRR I could wait for terryTVGal to post essentially what I said in 1/10th the space. Thanks :~)


(Hey, I never claimed I was concise.... :)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by terrytvgal:
Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
It's a shame that fandom has neither the intelligence nor the maturity to not go flying off the handle as soon as someone states an *opinion* that might be counter to the one they personally hold.

I, personally, question the the reliability of any source that breaks the rules of his own employer to express his opinion. It's not the opinion he expresses I have a problem with. I'm just not sure I want to give 100% of my trust to an opinion from someone who is admittedly a deceptive person.

I trust you fully, "terrytvgal" - Or do you prefer Ms. tvgal?

Hypocrisy is a slippery slope... Think about it before you seek to besmirch anyone's character...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
LOTR will either be picked up or not picked up on its own merits. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you referring to Sci-Fi's policy, or all TV/cable stations in general? If the latter, I have only three letters for you:


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The K/S people (a contingent of Trek fans believing Kirk and Spock were gay lovers) will have a field day with the two leads in B5: LOTR <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Chris, when I read that I really cracked up. When I think about it I have to agree with your comment.
Purely unintentional, but nonetheless....

May have to make a few adjustments in that department if we go ahead. Then again, maybe not...

By the way, I'm not upset (nice touch in showing up here). We both know a lot of eyeballs are going to be watching regardless of the reviews.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
Are you referring to Sci-Fi's policy, or all TV/cable stations in general? If the latter, I have only three letters for you:




And by bringing that up, you validate my point with one word:


"You know, the truly fascinating part of this "argument" is that it boils down to a multitide of fans unhappy with one person's *opinion* of LOTR."

NO! It does not boil down to just that. It includes the fact that a noname 'amateurish' reviewer claims to have credientals and yet posts such a pathetic, unexperienced review.

To go online and post this, then try to justify it with mysterious, convienently lacking experience/credientals/a bloody name, is utter garbage.

It has been my observation that if someone cannot say what they mean, they can truly never mean what they say.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WarrenGG:
"You know, the truly fascinating part of this "argument" is that it boils down to a multitide of fans unhappy with one person's *opinion* of LOTR."

NO! It does not boil down to just that. It includes the fact that a noname 'amateurish' reviewer claims to have credientals and yet posts such a pathetic, unexperienced review.

To go online and post this, then try to justify it with mysterious, convienently lacking experience/credientals/a bloody name, is utter garbage. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL! I can't believe anyone would be so insecure of their own ability to wait and form their own opinion that they would be so vehemenant in decrying a single person's *OPINION*. If you don't agree with it, move on... Is it really worth your time and energy to try and defend such an indefensible piece of ground? For cripes sake, people - prioritize.

BTW, Dylan... I must say - as a person who as seen LOTR as well - you deserved much better material to work with. Your ability to manage with what was given to you (and your subsequent comments here) raise my estimation of you greatly.



[This message has been edited by Tobias Clutch (edited October 17, 2001).]
Originally posted by Dylan Neal:
Hey Chris, when I read that I really cracked up. When I think about it I have to agree with your comment.
Purely unintentional, but nonetheless....

I figured (presumed?) it was unintentional, but once that popped into my mind, it was really a riot. By the way, thanks a ton for not being mad.

BTW: anyone wishing to discuss this in a more private (and *totally* confidential) venue, my e-mail =


This isn't an effort to drive traffic from this fine board -- but I actually thought the e-mail would be automatically displayed on my messages.


[This message has been edited by chrispike (edited October 17, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by terrytvgal:
This disturbs me too. I don't trust information sources that don't come with verifiable credentials. If chrispike is at risk of losing a job for speaking his mind and expressing an honest opinion in a public forum why express the opinion at all? Further to say that the story didn't get posted in it's entirety due to technical problems...well I'd have told them to wait until it could be posted properly. Nope he hasn't said anything in his comments here to alter the weight I give his review.


Thanks, terrytvgal. IF his job really is so important, then why doesn't it pay his bills? If he had to agree not to engage in this kind of activity, WHY is he doing it?

When I sign an agreement, I stick to it. If I can't stick to that agreement, I'd tell my employer and I'd find a new job.

Maybe I'll end up agreeing with what he has said. Maybe not. But if he can't admit who he is, DOES ADMIT his job requirements don't allow him to do such reviews in the first place, then why should we take him seriously?

Posting on a messageboard is one thing. Claiming to be a reviewer is another. IF your job really requires you to avoid certain activities, then don't look for praise in anonymously pursuing those activities.

I repeat: how pitiful.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo

[This message has been edited by hypatia (edited October 17, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
BTW, Dylan... I must say - as a person who as seen LOTR as well - <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You people with advance access to this project are just coming out of the woodwork, aren't you?

Any chance you'll offer us your thoughts on "To Live and Die in Starlight" Tobias, or has the reaction to Chris P's review dissuaded you?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
And by bringing that up, you validate my point with one word:

Maybe we should have a poll, to see how many people liked Crusade vs. disliked.

However, my point was not whether I liked Crusade or not: I was making the point that TNT made the decision, not the fans. As evidenced by the overwhelming desire in the B5 community to resurrect Crusade.

After all I've seen and read about the disagreements TNT had with the show, and all the fights and torment JMS went through, I find it personally very hard to believe that TNT cancelled Crusade based on any lack of "merit". Unless that "merit" equaled a substantial dose of violence and/or sex and/or lack of storytelling.

But then, that's just my humble opinion. Not saying I'm right or wrong. But it is my opinion.


(stopping my contribution to this now before this turns into a Crusade like/hate thread....:)
Oh, who cares. One bloody review doesn't deserve this much attention. Hell, one fantastic review doesn't.

Let's move on. There are more interesting topics such as Scifi's request for promo ideas. Between the nutcas ... umm ... regular members we should come up with something that would catch attention. Or scare people away screaming with their arms flailing.

"I usually think about you in summer."
"I think about you in the fall."
"We never could agree on anything."
Whoa! Everyone calm down. I saw this morning when I got home from school all the topics on this guy's review, so I read it. Well, it took 10 minutes for it to load, so I guess AiCN is having tech difficulties.

Well, I wasn't bothered by the review at all. I thought it was written in a very amateur way, like a local Joe Schmoe put up a homepage and reviewed the movie himself. However, I'm not here to critique the review! I don't know why everyone is in a knot over it. Yes, he doesn't like Rangers. If what he says in the review is true, then I can see why. But that's no reason to jump down his throat!

We all have to act like adults here. This has been a pretty mature board for the most part, but I found this whole thing regarding the review a bit silly. It's almost like, "We've been waiting for this for so long and we're so convinced it's absolutely perfect. This guy comes in and knocks that illusion, so let's kill him!!" Seriously, that's the vibe I'm getting here. I guess it's human nature to get a little carried away when someone says something against what we believe in passionately.

Honestly, I don't care who Mr. Pike really is. Lots of people post their reviews on various things, and I don't consider him any different. I think he kind of caught himself in a trap by saying "Oh, if you knew my name, you'd know who I am." Most of us shouldn't have to prove our identities, and we don't usually jump down people's throats asking for it. However, if you are going to say you're important/famous, you should be prepared to back it up or back down from the claim.

Well, I believe I will be the black sheep and say:
Welcome to boards! And don't let us crazies scare ya away!

"Medlab, this is Sinclair." -Bruce Boxleitner

We are all the sum of our tears - too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much and the best of us is washed away. - G'Kar
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Springob:
You people with advance access to this project are just coming out of the woodwork, aren't you?

Any chance you'll offer us your thoughts on "To Live and Die in Starlight" Tobias, or has the reaction to Chris P's review dissuaded you?


To be quite honest, my review would be even harsher than "Chris Pike's". As someone who found a great deal to love, respect, and admire about JMS' accomplisment with B5, Rangers was a severely debillitating blow to my belief in Joe - albeit it not as devastating as Crusade was.

If anyone wants to chat about this off board, I can be reached at sturmer40@hotmail.com... That way the blows can come right to my door.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jimmy:
Between the nutcas ... umm ... regular members we should come up with something that would catch attention. Or scare people away screaming with their arms flailing.


He he he. That's the problem: will we "catch attention" in the right way, or the Wrong way?

We are a volitile case of nuts, after all.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
We are a volitile case of nuts, after all.

True, true...

BTW, I'd like to apologize to Chris and Tobias: I did not mean to come across sounding harsh. I do get quite spirited about things, especially when it comes to discussing ethics and morality (whether it be those of a writer or those of a three-lettered cable network or my own). If anything, ethics and morality are more based on opinion than anything else (although I would like to think there is *some* baseline somewhere...)

So no hard feelings, both of you. I still think you're both wrong, for the reasons I've already stated, but then that's just me *thinking* you're wrong. You are both entitled to your own opinions. As I and everyone else are entitled to ours.

If anyone got some scrapes from those opinions clashing, please don't take it personally :) (I still stand by what I said, though.)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
We are a volitile case of nuts, after all.

True, true...

BTW, I'd like to apologize to Chris and Tobias: I did not mean to come across sounding harsh. I do get quite spirited about things, especially when it comes to discussing ethics and morality (whether it be those of a writer or those of a three-lettered cable network or my own). If anything, ethics and morality are more based on opinion than anything else (although I would like to think there is *some* baseline somewhere...)

So no hard feelings, both of you. I still think you're both wrong, for the reasons I've already stated, but then that's just me *thinking* you're wrong. You are both entitled to your own opinions. As I and everyone else are entitled to ours.

If anyone got some scrapes from those opinions clashing, please don't take it personally
(I still stand by what I said, though.)


Wars over opinion are unwinnable wars.

Everyone will make their own conclusions about LOTR when it eventually airs.

Dylan - I appreciate your candid openness about the project... And I'd be interested in discussing it with you further.

I accept the peace-pipe, as well as any questions anyone might want to e-mail to me.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch:
Wars over opinion are unwinnable wars. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But then again, how could you fight a war over fact?

No, wars over opinion cannot be "won" in a sense. But you can attempt to convince the other person otherwise--to accept your reasoning for your opinion over theirs.

Or does that make it fact? :~)

(leaves with head spinning)

Hey, at least we weren't threatened with the Kumbaya thread ...

"I usually think about you in summer."
"I think about you in the fall."
"We never could agree on anything."