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Funniest B5 Quotes

I think his name was Minister Ferini. He later became the Regent.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TheInfection:
A_Ranger said:
Actually, the joke was told by the Minister to Vir. Can't remeber his name right now, but he was played by Damian London.

Oh, damn! Did I remebered this?! I must get a life.



"Ah Mr. Garibaldi have you met my diplomatic staff, just arrived from the homeworld? This is it! Yes Vir, what is it?"- Ambassador Londo Mollari, Midnight on the Firing Line
Garibaldi to Sheridan:

"One time I saw a whole chorus line of purple wombats, doing showtunes in my bathtub. Of course, I was pretty drunk at the time."


Keeper of Rommie's Quarters
Commanding Officer of Zeta Squadron
Sworn to Protect the GODDESS
Recipient of the Golden Rommie
"Harper is sweet, but he believes pretty much anything I tell him. Oh I'm sorry, I may have a brain the size of a planet, but I can't tell the difference between one pretty rock and another."
Someone quoted part of this scene from the 2nd season's "A Day in the Strife," but forgot the punchline. Sheridan is talking about the mysterious probe that's threatening to blow up the station if information isn't sent to it by a deadline.

[Transport Pilots’ Association calls Corwin re another meeting.]
Sheridan: If that thing blows at least it’ll save me from one more annoying conversation.
Ivanova: Always finding the good in every situation ay Captain?
Sheridan: Absolutely. If I didn’t I might end up like you. [He walks away.]
Ivanova [looks up from her hand-held screen after a moment, puzzled and annoyed]:
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? [Looking around.] Did anybody else hear that? Did you hear that?
Corwin [with a straight face]: No Commander.
Ivanova: Good, I swear if we live through this somebody’s going to find their automatic shower preferences reprogrammed for icewater.

Here's another good one from "A Day in the Strife." If I ever get a permanent job, I'll put this on my wall. I think of it as the office professional's "words of wisdom."

Ivanova: Corwin, check these figures again make sure they came through the translator okay. *I don’t want to get killed because of a typo. It’d be embarrassing.*”

When you see what you want, don ' t be afraid -- all love is not unrequited.

Marcus lives!
I really missed this thread, so in bringing it back I'll post a good one.

Crusade, "Ruling from the Tomb".

Max was dancing with Dureena, and Trace had gone outside to get his butt kicked and almost stabbed. Then Dureena came out with her knife out and said:

(Dureena) "Drop the knife or you're a dead man."
Then the other guy said something that I don't remember.
(Max) "She means it man look at the eye." *and then he points at her eye*

A proud member of the Wind Swords.
"War is life and death is the only true peace."