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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Excellent post, Recoil. Certainly if the series plays out with the themes you describe, it would restore the story with some much needed cohesiveness.

I also liked the ep, and I think our reaction was appropriately reflected by Starbuck (a formerly wonderful character who got lost and grating as the series itself did), when she was declared how good she felt having clear enemies and allies and determinate actions to take.

Galactica is famous for its moral murkiness and complexities and so forth, but sometimes it out-murks-and-complexitizes itself too much, like this sentence. Here we had a clear conflict (but still with some moral gray area, because I found myself thinking I'd do the same in Gata's place).

Speaking of which, I like the dramatic tool of having Gata's leg pain exacerbate his irritation over the rest of his life. I doubt he would be willing to go through with the revolt without it. We are more motivated by the physical than we realize. I wouldn't be surprised if whoever wrote these last two episodes recently watched Do the Right Thing.
I also liked the ep, and I think our reaction was appropriately reflected by Starbuck (a formerly wonderful character who got lost and grating as the series itself did), when she was declared how good she felt having clear enemies and allies and determinate actions to take.

Funny you mentioned that, because as I watched that scene in the hangar bay, I remember thinking that I couldn't remember I last time I thought of Starbuck as this tough bad-ass. They always try to write her to be this tough chick, but frankly she has been more disturbed and pulled in so many directions, that flat out bad-ass certainly didnt fit. But I LOVED her shooting the second guy who went for his gun --- a former comrade of hers --- so decicively and then telling Racetrack that she could go on doing that all day. That was simply awesome.

But so many other things in that episode worked very well, it was one of the best I've seen recently.

I never thought about Gaeta's leg like that...but they did make a point to show it irritating him a few times. Good catch.
There were two favorite parts for me:

1. Starbuck (agreeing with you gentlemen on that)
2. Baltar talking to Gaeta on the phone and trying to get him to come to his senses. At first, I thought he was going to turn them in for his own safety, but when he was trying to talk some sense into him, I really enjoyed that scene.
Yea the Baltar/Gaeta thing was neat. I had forgotten that Gaeta was Baltar's aide on "New Caprica". What was that stuff about "sealed with a pen"? Was that when Baltar was being forced to sign the death lists or something? I forgot how all that went down...
On New Caprica, Gaeta was tricked into revealing the names of the resistance by a Sharon cylon (something he always kept a secret). In a later epsiode, Baltar let Gaeta know that he knew his secret. Gaeta retaliated by attacking Baltar with a pen.
Yea the Baltar/Gaeta thing was neat. I had forgotten that Gaeta was Baltar's aide on "New Caprica". What was that stuff about "sealed with a pen"? Was that when Baltar was being forced to sign the death lists or something? I forgot how all that went down...

Actually, I think this had to do with Baltar being forced to sign an execution order by the cylons. They held a gun to his head and said "sign it, sign it" over and over and Baltar was crying out no, no just kill me. Then they held a gun to 6's head and he signed it.

When Baltar was on trial, Gaeta was on the stand and he basically said that Baltar signed it w/o any issues that he was not under duress.
BTW I always thought he kinda had a thing for Dee....so maybe her suicide (seconds after he saw her) and his leg have all been adding up....
I think Gaeta went from this hopeful, loyal guy who kind of had stars in his eyes in terms of the military to someone very discontented. I think Dee is what pushed him over the edge.
I don't remember anything between him and Dee, even if it's something as common and simple as unrequited interest, but it is true that when a man feel he "deserves" a woman and doesn't get her, he can get quite irate.

I think Gaeta went from this hopeful, loyal guy who kind of had stars in his eyes in terms of the military to someone very discontented.

Disillusionment can be a powerful motivator of harmful actions. It's even a common element in the case histories of modern terrorists of various stripes.

I regret not remembering Gaeta in season 2 better- he was a minor character and that was so long ago.
I don't think there was anything romantic between Gaeta and Dee (though I would surmise that since they were both in C & C for as long as they were together that there was a bond of acquaintance/etc.) I meant that he was the last person who saw her alive then found her after she put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger. I think that's one of the biggest motivators for his actions.
There was nothing obvious or direct in the show romantically between those two...but I always had this feeling that Gaeta had the hots for her, so to speak, just from occasional looks he would throw her way. Not sure if it was concrete or meant to be there, or if I was just seeing things, but it was always a feeling I had, thats all.
Ok maybe I'm stupid but can someone please explain to me why Adama and Tigh had to stay behind and try to fend off a bunch of soldiers while Roslin escaped? I mean the ship was already leaving, what are a bunch of guys with guns going to do about it? By the time they started cracking the door open, the ship was already out the gate, what was supposed to be accomplished by the two of them basically sacrificing their lives? I mean I'm sure they'll be fine, but still.
Yeah, I didn't quite get the reasoning of them covering the ship's escape; the ship was gone. If they had planned on remaining behind to try to retake the ship, that'd be one thing, but then they would've gone off after Apollo, Starbuck, and Tyrol if that were the case. Unless of course Adama wanted to end up in the brig area with Six, Athena, Helo, and Hera, and thus he did what he did so he could be captured. But if that were the case, it would've been nice had he said so. As it stands, the covering the ship's escape explanation really just doesn't work.
Maybe he just wants to go down fighting.

What I liked are the various references to things past -- Adama taking over back in Season 1, etc. Yeah, this revolt's been a long time in coming.

The bleakness of having Earth gone was well-handled, I thought.
Unless of course Adama wanted to end up in the brig area with Six, Athena, Helo, and Hera, and thus he did what he did so he could be captured. But if that were the case, it would've been nice had he said so.

Also... "It's been an honor to serve with you my friend." That's something one says when one is about to be killed.

Maybe he just wants to go down fighting.

A man who finally has a happy fulfilling relationship with the woman he's been in love with for 2 yrs doesn't just get killed for the hell of it if he can go on living.
Also... "It's been an honor to serve with you my friend." That's something one says when one is about to be killed.

A man who finally has a happy fulfilling relationship with the woman he's been in love with for 2 yrs doesn't just get killed for the hell of it if he can go on living.

He's been in love with Galactica longer though. One has to ask WWKD? (What Would Kirk Do?)
Tigh said, "you could have gone with her," and Adama replied, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

He won't abandon his crew or his ship.
Yeah but then he also kept going on about how there would be a reckoning for all the mutineers, no mercy. Hard to do that when you're gonna turn around and do some suicidal last stand. Also, smart military men know when to retreat, and that it doesn't mean defeat.

Just didn't make any sense. Would think his immediate priority was surviving and being free, then mounting a re-take-over of the ship another day.

Of course since we know he won't actually die, maybe this'll all make sense. I really like this mutiny thread, so it better end right.