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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Natural dirty-blonde 6 (yes, she is the hottest one) is, I think, the one that tried to start a little Cylon revolution, along with one of the Sharons, back on occupied Caprica. She may even be the original 6 that used Balter to blow up earth in the pilot? Agh...

Again, no, the one that, along with Boomer, not just tried but succeeded in creating a cylon revolution was the one that deceived Baltar and died shielding him from an explosion in the miniseries, she's referred to as "Caprica" Six. After Boomer was shot by Cally and downloaded, she had trouble adjusting, and D'Anna encouraged her and Caprica to hang out, thinking that Caprica could bring Boomer back to the cylon way, or whatever. But the two of them together began to think differently about cylon-human relations, began the revolution, and the result of that revolution was the cylon occupation of New Caprica.

Boomer now has sided with Cavil, Simon, and Doral. Caprica punched her out when Boomer threatened to kill Hera and then proceeded to not just help Athena get Hera off the cylon ship but to go with her back to Galactica, where she has remained in a jail cell ever since. After all of Tigh's visits with Caprica in that cell, Caprica is now pregnant with his child.

Whoever this dirty-blond version of Six is is a new copy that we haven't seen before. I guess it could possibly be Natalie, the copy of Six that Athena shot out of fear that she was going to take Hera; if I remember correctly, Natalie did die before the human-cylon coalition blew up the resurrection hub, so I guess there was enough time for Natalie to download. But dirty-blond Six is definitely not Caprica Six.
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So the one with Tigh's baby = original blew-up-the-colonies 6? If so, that means that after all that loving Baltar and God forever bullshit we had to sit through for like 2 or 3 seasons has disappeared in favor of birthing Tigh's love child?
So the one with Tigh's baby = original blew-up-the-colonies 6? If so, that means that after all that loving Baltar and God forever bullshit we had to sit through for like 2 or 3 seasons has disappeared in favor of birthing Tigh's love child?

Yup. But remember, most of the one-God discussion Baltar went through over the seasons was him talking to his hallucination and not to Caprica Six herself. After Caprica died shielding Baltar's body, Baltar didn't see her again until she walked into his presidential office on New Caprica when he surrendered to the cylons. He hung out and sexed her on the cylon ship from the point of the exodus from New Caprica until he and D'Anna left her behind to go down to the temple on the algae planet. Baltar hasn't seen her since, though he did ask that lawyer guy to pass a message on to her during the prep for his trial.
Yup. But remember, most of the one-God discussion Baltar went through over the seasons was him talking to his hallucination and not to Caprica Six herself. After Caprica died shielding Baltar's body, Baltar didn't see her again until she walked into his presidential office on New Caprica when he surrendered to the cylons. He hung out and sexed her on the cylon ship from the point of the exodus from New Caprica until he and D'Anna left her behind to go down to the temple on the algae planet. Baltar hasn't seen her since, though he did ask that lawyer guy to pass a message on to her during the prep for his trial.

Well are we sure it was just his hallucination he was talking to (post-pilot, pre-New Caprica)? She also "hallucinated" him, and at one point he hallucinated the exact same version of himself that she did?

Also, how do you remember all this stuff?
Well are we sure it was just his hallucination he was talking to (post-pilot, pre-New Caprica)? She also "hallucinated" him, and at one point he hallucinated the exact same version of himself that she did?

Well, Baltar had his head examined physically and Doc Cottle said that there wasn't anything there. So there wasn't any chip by which someone was secretly communicating with him. So he had to have either been hallucinating, and his hallucination was a manifestation created by his mind believing in God but refusing accept that belief, or someone is somehow transmitting the hallucination into his mind without having something there to receive that transmission other than the brain itself. If it is the latter, then I don't think we've really seen what "it" is yet that's doing it, but I would guess "it" is in some way connected to the hybrids and the "cylon God".

Also, how do you remember all this stuff?

I have no idea. Some things stick in my brain, other things, much more important things, just don't seem to want to no matter how hard I try to remember them.
Well are we sure it was just his hallucination he was talking to (post-pilot, pre-New Caprica)? She also "hallucinated" him, and at one point he hallucinated the exact same version of himself that she did?

Also, how do you remember all this stuff?
Its not a total hallucination. Remember when Baltar was imagining one of the Six models picking him up and draggin him away when a bunch of Baltar's groupies and some BSG soldiers were around? He was imagining it...then they showed us how it LOOKED to everyone else --- it was like a Jim Carey scene. He was being lifted/dragged by NO ONE. So if it was a hallucination...he thought it was so real that his body physically reacted to it.

All this Six/Baltar/Tigh stuff is so bloody confusing I dont even try to follow it anymore, because I dont think at the root of things, who did what is really going to matter THAT much and some of that stuff will have just been dropped in the final analysis...
All this Six/Baltar/Tigh stuff is so bloody confusing I dont even try to follow it anymore, because I dont think at the root of things, who did what is really going to matter THAT much and some of that stuff will have just been dropped in the final analysis...

I call it "pulling an X-Files"
It could just be part of the progression of Baltar's character. The hallucination 6 was very much like a mentor to Baltar, it was her who led him on the path towards BSG's form of monotheism... but once he reached a certain point, he didn't need to be led any more as he had become established enough in his own way...and so there was no longer a need for her. This is what happens to mentors.

The question is who or what caused the hallucination/vision... but I agree it's not central to the main arc and perhaps has been left deliberately open to interpretation so as to provoke discussion and interest.
It's too big of a hole to ignore or "leave open" for the fans to decide. I don't think fans require an all-telling explanation, but something has to happen for things to at least be a satisfying resolution.
I have to say, my respect for Felix Gaeta is utterly undiminished...

He stands up for what he believes, or what he thinks he believes. He tries to steer a good course. He fails. He realizes he's lost, and as he's losing does he his best to minimize the damage. And he faces his death in peace.

If I ever fuck up in quite so spectacular a fashion, I hope I'll come to my end like Gaeta.
Totally agree. I saw one review the ep somewhere called "what made Gaeta turn bad?" He's not bad- in his position I'd probably have done much the same, if I had the guts.
I have to say, my respect for Felix Gaeta is utterly undiminished...

He stands up for what he believes, or what he thinks he believes. He tries to steer a good course. He fails. He realizes he's lost, and as he's losing does he his best to minimize the damage. And he faces his death in peace.

If I ever fuck up in quite so spectacular a fashion, I hope I'll come to my end like Gaeta.

Standing up for what you believe is one thing. The METHODS you employ to stand up for what you believe also reflect on you. Conceptually, I agree with you and GKE. But respect for a person that staged a revolt and started killing his shipmates to do it? Planned executions?

Ask yourself. Was he more like Sheridan, or was he more like Clark's side? Sheridan went OUT OF HIS WAY to prevent any human casualties during his entire run. Gaeta made no such attempts.

He loses respect points for his methods.
Totally agree. I saw one review the ep somewhere called "what made Gaeta turn bad?" He's not bad- in his position I'd probably have done much the same, if I had the guts.

That's the beauty of the last few eps. You can see what led him to where he is mentally.

Dude was under Baltar and watched some bad stuff go down. Saw what the cylons were capable of in a position of power. Witnessed the deaths and incarcerations of friends/colleagues/shipmates.
He was almost airlocked by the people he trusted and looked up to.
He lost his leg thanks to Starbuck and the whole mutiny deal.

Now, we're all friends with the cylons, oh that's just perfect.

He brought up some huge concerns and most of them were legitimate. Though we, as watchers, are going to root for Adama and Roslyn, they've broken rules of conduct and acted in a pretty dictatorial manner at times.

He was willing to fight for what he thought was right and in the end, he faced it like one who takes responsibility for his actions.
Ask yourself. Was he more like Sheridan, or was he more like Clark's side? Sheridan went OUT OF HIS WAY to prevent any human casualties during his entire run. Gaeta made no such attempts.

He loses respect points for his methods.

Not sure about that... watch it again. When the fleet splits -- half getting ready to jump, the others staying put out of loyalty for Roslin -- Gaeta tells Zarek that Galactica and the ships loyal to their faction will simply jump away because "there's been enough killing." And Gaeta is utterly horrified at the killing of the Quorum. In fact all of the executions come at Zarek's behest, except the abortive shooting of Adama.
Well that was an episode full of exposition. I'm not sure I got all of it; I think this is one that's going to take more than one viewing. I anticipated Boomer's action long before it happened.
Yeah, I have to watch it again. I'm just throwing stuff out as I'm rewatching . . .

Ellen, Tigh, Tyrol, Anders, Tori were the very first skinjobs created on Kobol by the humans.

Sam said they all saw people who warned them of the end. He noted one of them (Ellen, I think), saw an older man. Sam claims the five all admitted to each other that they were seeing people. He said one of them even speculated they might all have chips in their heads.

Earth was populated by cylons, "The cylons on Earth could have children," Tori said. It was Cylons on Earth, they blew themselves up in civil war, one side worked on rediscovering resurrection so that they could survive.
**Not sure about this. I am still inclined to think that humans were there as well.

The final five were scientists and worked in the same research facility. Ellen put a ship in their Earth's orbit. They worked night and day to re-discover Cylon resurrection technology because the technology was lost due to procreation.

It took them 2,000 years to reach the colonies because they did not have FTL drives.

Organic memory transfer came from Kobol.

Centurions brought in the five to make 8 more models (which makes 13, not 12.)
The 8 models were made to be human.

Cavil/John messed with #7's genetic code--corrupted it.
Daniel was #7 - an artist.
Daniel was then boxed.

Cavil had the five imprisoned then eventually put them out among the humans to learn what it's like to be so near them: implanted false memories (like Boomer.)

Cavil had a resurrection pod set aside for Ellen because she returned. Not sure about the others. Maybe he had a fondness for her.

Cavil boxed 3 because she saw the final 5 and this was a danger to Cavil.

My guess is that Starbuck is Daniel (#7.) He was made a "she" when the genetic code was corrupted. (first thing that came to mind was Starbuck painting on her wall and being an artist herself.) Maybe it's too obvious an answer, but it's my best guess as to what Starbuck is.

Ellen's equipment still being "on Earth" probably means that she made it back to Earth and resurrected Kara/Daniel. I also got the feeling that "Daniel" was a favorite of Ellen or was someone who Cavil was extremely jealous of.

It would also explain Leoben's utter fascination/obsession with Kara--on an unconscious level.

I enjoyed the episode, but it was a LOT to absorb. I need to watch it again.

I hope Sam's not gone. :(

Boomer going back is a good thing. Maybe she and Tyrol will find one another again. She deserves resolution as a character.

President Roslyn talking to Lee was a pretty touching moment, imho. As was Adama seeing how his own quarters were cracked and falling apart. He'd do anything to save "her." (Galactica.)

New quorum? Or will Lee do something different? Romo would make an interesting VP. =D

I like Ellen. I thought she might be made evil, but I'm glad she doesn't seem to be going straight down that road.

Initial thoughts: I like it. It's something I didn't expect and I have to give them points for that.
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