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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Absolutely. There are the "Final Five" or rather the "Original Five." They created 8 models. that means 13.

One was boxed permanently, or rather, the amniotic fluid in the resurrection tanks was corrupted for the #7 model (Daniel) and he's considered gone beyond "the box."

So far, the series has stayed true to the original premise that there are 12 cylon models. They "are" 12 cylon models. The 13th is considered a gonner. I think it leads me more and more to believe that Starbuck is a product of Daniel and her mother. She's a hybrid. It could be that Daniel is nobody we know, but someone Starbuck will recognize as dad. Who knows.

It could also be Baltar, considering that Anders said that the five were warned on Earth. Sam saw a woman. Tori saw a man. Nobody else could see them. Sound familiar with Baltar and Six?
Wait, did that happen? Was a 13th model confirmed?

Have you seen the most recent episode? :) The one with Ellen resurrecting; in it she and John Cavil discuss the 13th, well, technically, as Alluveal notes it, the 7th. Ellen referred to this previously unrevealed model as "Daniel".
...I think it leads me more and more to believe that Starbuck is a product of Daniel and her mother. She's a hybrid. It could be that Daniel is nobody we know, but someone Starbuck will recognize as dad. Who knows.

It could also be Baltar, considering that Anders said that the five were warned on Earth. Sam saw a woman. Tori saw a man. Nobody else could see them. Sound familiar with Baltar and Six?

If Baltar was Daniel, would Ellen recognize him for being such? I mean, she wouldn't have before resurrecting since Cavil had locked out the "Final Five"'s awareness that they were cylons, but after the fact? I guess if Baltar was a copy of Daniel and Ellen recognized him as such, she wouldn't exactly tell Cavil about it given how much Cavil hated Daniel.

But yeah, until I see how more things go in the episodes to come, I'm leaning toward a copy of Daniel being Starbuck's father. We don't really know much about her father other than he was artistic, and that's one of the few qualities that we know Daniel had, given what Ellen's said about him.
I am very much liking this Daniel/Starbuck theory. Certainly if they're introducing a new "character" name at the end of the series, there should be a reason for it, plus the nature of Starbuck is the biggest mystery left on the show, so it would be natural for them to dovetail.
Still, did anyone else go "Oh hell, not this final Cylon shit AGAIN" when they mentioned 13 models? I sure did. I mean not even 2-3 episodes after the whole "ONE WILL BE REVEALED" was answered. Oh, sorry, we meant "TWO MORE WILL BE REVEALED"
Daniel really should be Starbuck. It would explain her masculine jawline (kidding). Otherwise, a new character at this stage would be a bit like Itchee, Scatchee and Poochie.
Have you seen the most recent episode? :) The one with Ellen resurrecting; in it she and John Cavil discuss the 13th, well, technically, as Alluveal notes it, the 7th. Ellen referred to this previously unrevealed model as "Daniel".

I'm actually glad they addressed this. I've always been concerned that model 7 didn't exist, but, model 8 (Sharon) did
Daniel really should be Starbuck. It would explain her masculine jawline (kidding). Otherwise, a new character at this stage would be a bit like Itchee, Scatchee and Poochie.

Well, if Starbuck is Daniel, it would bring a poetic closure to the change in Gender from the original series.

But, we've always known Model 7 was skipped in the 7 known models, so, it's not totally out of thin air that there is a model 7
When Galactica gets the cylon glue will she be re-named Moya?

Ha! :bolian:

I'm actually glad they addressed this. I've always been concerned that model 7 didn't exist, but, model 8 (Sharon) did

But, we've always known Model 7 was skipped in the 7 known models, so, it's not totally out of thin air that there is a model 7

I had completely forgotten about that, but you're totally right.
But, we've always known Model 7 was skipped in the 7 known models,

We did?

I thought there were always 7 models, the ones with lots of copies, and then the Final Five (tm), each unique and former human characters.
Yeah, 7 was skipped.

1. Cavil
2. Leoben
3. D'Anna
4. Kevin Spacey Model
5. Black Doctor dude
6. Hottie Six
8. Sharon

I'm pretty sure that's the lineup.

One thing to consider is that "Daniel" is a new face and is one that will be revealed at the end, AND one that will play heavily into the spinoff. It could be their way to redirect current Galactica viewers to the new show. It would be kind of lame, but I'd be ok if it was Starbuck's father. At least it would connect her to the cylons which is reasonable.
We did?

I thought there were always 7 models, the ones with lots of copies, and then the Final Five (tm), each unique and former human characters.

When we're referencing "Number 7", we're talking about the way the cylons identify themselves by their number. For example, Caprica/Gina/Natalie are Six and is sometimes called "Six" like it's a name. Boomer/Athena are Eight. If enough high-detail attention is paid to the show over the many episodes, one can parse out which model is associated with which number. There's never been anyone identified as "Seven". I think that prior to the revelation of the "Final Five" that we were assuming that "Seven" was one of them. But the revelation of the existence of a irrevocably destroyed model named Daniel fills the position of "Seven".
Well RDM is playing it down. He's claiming he used it more as a tool to flesh out Cavil's character and motivation. He parallels it with the biblical Cain and Abel story.

We shall see though.
It would be a riot if Baltar turned out to be Daniel. then again why not Kara Thrace? daniel in a different spelling is also a woman's name.:)
I see, so they never actually said "hey what ever happened to #7?! they just never explicitly identified anyone as such. I didn't know/remember that some of the lesser ones were assigned numbers.

4. Kevin Spacey Model

I love you guys.

It would be a riot if Baltar turned out to be Daniel. then again why not Kara Thrace? daniel in a different spelling is also a woman's name.

Sure why not, Baltar = #7 = Daniel = Starbuck's dad. What the hell. And therefore 6 is Starbuck's mom. Or stepmom, in reverse time, and that's why 6 fell in love w/ Baltar, because he's Daniel but he didn't know it. Works for me, seems as plausible as anything else right now.

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