One thing I don't get, if they aren't doing space shows, then what the hell are they doing?
Things like Dark Angel, Buffy, Invisible Man, and so on and so forth?
Those are just so goddamn three letter word often used to describe homosexuals or really really crappy TV shows! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
No, I mean it, sci-fi as in science fiction, not the network, I live in canada, so I've never seen the network, but science fiction is about space! Not about stupid morphing vampires cat hybrids going invisible! That's so retarded it isn't even funny!
Like allright, some people like it (obviously the dumb masses that camp infront of their TVs, so that's why it gets good ratings), but otherwise, it's just filler for when they can't show a good space show!