Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers)
They could be human. Since it's a "long time ago," maybe some of them came to earth and populated our plant and we're the decendants. Sounds crazy, but that's the way they played it in Farscape.
Anyhoo, I finally saw this the other day. Some thoughts:
- Despite all my jokes, dismissal of its place in pop culture, Jar-Jar, the extreme corniness of the whole thing, the merchandising monstrosity of the franchise and all that other crap, I must say that when the "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." and the Star Wars title hit the screen, I got giddy.
- The whole theater had a delightful laugh at the "I love you more" contest between Anakin and Padme.
- Palpatine was f'in fantastic. No on-screen villain ever did "evil" better than Palpatine and it was fantastic to see it brought back here. The guy is so evil, he probably smells evil. His "unlimited power!" thing when he zapped Sam Jackson dead was just so sleazy I felt dirty watching it.
- Lightsabers are cool so I can't believe I saw a movie that had too many of them! I swear I couldn't close my eyes for the rest of the day without seeing light sticks dance across the inside of my eyelids. Some of it was cool of course but some was just silly (OB1 vs 4 light sabers). The Yoda/Palpatine battle was superfluous and accomplished nothing and ended stupid (Yoda got lost.. pfft).
- Speaking of 4 lightsabers, what's the deal with that guy? Is he living person with a robot shell? I guess he must be if he was taught the "Jedi arts" because Jedis use the Force which comes from life.
- When OB1 killed him with a blaster, did anyone else think it was an ironice reference to Han Solo saying that "hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side" even before his "uncivilised comment? I really, really liked that part.
- Palpatine sure had the Death Star being built pretty quickly, eh?
- One of the dudes I went with had already seen it. He made two observation worth mentioning:
1. The digital projection theater looks WAY better than the normal.
2. He got the feeling that when Palpatine was telling Anakin the story of the Sith who could prevent death being killed by his apprenticed, he was talking about his own master and that it was he, Palpatine, who killed him.
Of course if not the reason they included that story was to show us how ruthless the Sith are, easily killing off their own masters and apprentices, as seen earlier when Palpatine ordered Anakin to kill Duku.
Of course we know that Palpatine will later try to repeat this chain of events by having Luke kill Vader.
- Question: they kept mentioning this prophecy that Vader would "bring balance to the Force" and destroy the Sith. Is the "destroy the Sith" part from the prophecy or just something the Jedi assumed? Because if it is, than Vader fulfills the prophecy at the end of his life by killing Palpatine and, in the process, himself, thus destroying all the Sith. If not, then I guess he "brought balance to the Force" in this film by equalising the number of Jedi and Sith, for at the end of the film we have two Sith (Palpatine and Vader) and two Jedi (Yoda and OB1).
- I have seen much talk of sympathy for Anakin because he was "tricked" into becoming evil, or that he did for a good cause (saving Padme).
Fuck that. He's a douche. When you encounter a room full of children and decide that slaughtering them all is a good idea, you lose any sympathy or any defense of your actions.
But even before that, he was clearly an arrogant megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. The Jedis' greatest mistake was not killing him much earlier.
And shame on OB1 for leaving him alive like that after kicking his ass, as if he were a Batman villain.
- My gf was not into it of course but she got a bit teary-eyed when OB1 was leaving Anakin to die and lamenting his fate. "You were my brother!" etc. Before seeing the movie I explained to her that I wouldn't mind sleeping through the whole movie just to see a childhood vision finally realised on screen: the battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi that resulted in the final creation of Darth Vader.
- According to some stories and rumours I read before this movie was being made it seemed most people assumed Anakin pledged his allegiance to Palpatine and became Vader after his battle with OB1 and getting his new suit. It was kinda creepy seeing a normal lookin' dude being called Darth Vader.