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Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers)
Sebastian Shaw's (I didn't need to look it up) performance made me want to leave the room when I watched the film years ago. I thought it was pathetic. But I eventually let go and I saw him for being him and not him for being not what I wanted him to be. It wouldn't have made sense to a viewer to have had it been someone else after only having seen Anakin in that one brief moment in RotJ. But the SAGA is more than the one trilogy. The scene now fits the Saga (which I know is what pisses people off since they hate half the saga).

We don't really know exactly how someone gets to become a Force-ghost though. It seems to have something to do with a direct will of consciousness. Perhaps it's the rebirth of the Jedi part of Anakin's spirit that causes his spirit to purge itself of the evil cling it had built up over the years. That when Anakin thinks of himself as a Jedi, it's his young self that he sees in his mind, not any of himself after he became Vader (including saving Luke, which he just sees as him saving his son, not as him being a Jedi). Yoda and Obi-Wan wouldn't think this way in regards to themselves as they see themselves as Jedi up to the point of their deaths.
Ooo, do I get a certificate, or maybe a party thrown in my honor.
And the actor who played Vader before (Sebastian Shaw, whom I didn't bother to look up on IMDB before I made my post), did a great job --- for the 2 minutes you saw him --- which is enough for him to be recognized in the END SCENE of the SAME MOVIE.
Sebastian Shaw's (I didn't need to look it up) performance made me want to leave the room when I watched the film years ago. I thought it was pathetic. But I eventually let go and I saw him for being him and not him for being not what I wanted him to be. It wouldn't have made sense to a viewer to have had it been someone else after only having seen Anakin in that one brief moment in RotJ. But the SAGA is more than the one trilogy. The scene now fits the Saga (which I know is what pisses people off since they hate half the saga).
which, BTW, why would you build one of those freakin endless pits in your throne room? good idea/bad idea?
Technically, he was last a good Jedi when he tossed the freakin emperor down the long pit... so thats why having Sebastian Shaw play him makes sense. If all it takes to be immortal is to be a good Jedi up to a certain point...then turn evil, shit, any Dark Jedi could re-appear as a ghost at his younger age no matter how many bad things he did and for how long.
We don't really know exactly how someone gets to become a Force-ghost though. It seems to have something to do with a direct will of consciousness. Perhaps it's the rebirth of the Jedi part of Anakin's spirit that causes his spirit to purge itself of the evil cling it had built up over the years. That when Anakin thinks of himself as a Jedi, it's his young self that he sees in his mind, not any of himself after he became Vader (including saving Luke, which he just sees as him saving his son, not as him being a Jedi). Yoda and Obi-Wan wouldn't think this way in regards to themselves as they see themselves as Jedi up to the point of their deaths.
In other news: Vacantlook has officially passed up KoshN as of late in the "most back-to-back posts in a given topic" category.
Ooo, do I get a certificate, or maybe a party thrown in my honor.