Right, onto the second segment.
This is far and away a much better piece of out and out entertainment than the first. However, it was less intellectually stimulating yet somehow opening far more questions about the galaxy our heroes live in.
The first point is, that whilst it was a mildly amusing joke, the journalist's camera was completely impractical for it's purpose. When conducting an interview though you generally want to see the faces of both the interviewee and the interviewer. It would have been almost impossible for her to keep twisting her chest to keep his face in frame as he paced and utterly impossible ever to get a shot of her. It was an obvious joke though and she had nice legs, so what are you going to do?
I was very pleased to see Galen's return. He was probably my favourite character in Crusade and I think Peter Woodward was an inspired piece of casting. I know from reading this board that there are many who disagree with me but that's my opinion. I thought his "City that never weeps" line was an absolute diamond. Although, it's not revealed until the end, the way he manipulates Sheridan with reverse psychology is not only poetic justice for Sheridan's behaviour in Rumours, Bargains and Lies, it's distinctly Machiavellian! His description of Sheridan as a nexus is reminiscent of Justin's speech on Z'ha'dum. Would the killing of Hitler have stopped say Eichman or Himler rising to such power and wielding it in a similar way? If the Great Khan had been stopped as a child, might not Jebei Noyan or A N Other have untied the Mongol tribes and created a similarly great empire? From what we know about how the B5 universe works, quite possibly yes. (In real life too; both the Germans and the tribes of the steppes were longing for strong leadership at those points in their histories...)
I do think the way Q-Space was introduced a little weird. The journo had never heard of it. This seems strange for two reasons: For such a high ranking journalist
to have no knowledge of it (she must have been high ranking to have got one on one time with the president) to have not have heard of it there must have been no great fanfair or press launch for it, which you would expect for a tech shortly to be rolled out to all the Alliance worlds. Secondly, if the reason for not having such a launch was that it was being kept as a military secret, allowing ANY journo to even get a sniff of it would be massively stupid. Of course, this doesn't rule out the possibility that she's incredibly ignorant and just shagged her way into the position. This may be massively naive but I would like to think that by the 23rd centaury even journalism may have discovered some sort of integrity and meritocracy.
Vintari's hair was a bit odd as well. I know his father set a brief trend for wearing one's hair shorter than one's station but thought that had died out with Cartagia (sp?) himself? Or perhaps it was an echo of Octavian trying to emulate Caesar?
I also think I may have spotted the first on-screen examples of transsexual Minbari. At least twice we get shots of a seemingly female Minbari with a distinctly male bone crest. The first when Vintari first arrives aboard the Valen class cruiser and the second, in the same (or at least a very similar looking) corridor, just after Sheridan offers him the chance to pilot a Starfury.
All this leaves me with two unanswered questions:
If Vir is second in line to the thrown, who is Heir Apparent?
(This is the big one) What the hell has happened to the Minbari? Galen states that only Earth has the ability to stop the Centari under Vintari's leadership. This must mean that both Earth and Centari Prime have leap-frogged Minbar in both tech and the means to deploy it. Now given the unknown Shadow tech that the Drakh may well have taken with them to Centari Prime, it is not unreasonable to suspect that Centari tech has moved on greatly in the last ten years but Earth? Evan given the ISA's policy of sharing tech between worlds, Earth could have, at best, closed the gap to where it is close but to have completely outstripped Minbar in such a short time seems hugely unlikely unless some great tragedy had befallen our boney-headed friends. I guess the attack on Earth in ACtA may just have been a feint in the opening of the Drakh War and that the main assault was on Minbar? Or perhaps some natural disaster they are still recovering from but neither of these seem consistent with the ISA (and therefore the Rangers) still being based there...
Besides, when did Earth stop Centari Prime in the past? There were barely any (if any at all) Earth ships involved in the 2262 fall of Centari Prime. Perhaps Galen spoke of events not yet known to us, the viewing public?
Right, you may be noticing I haven't mentioned anything other than plot points up to now. This is because having grown up on a diet of Blake's 7 and Dr. Who, the FX and even the acting are of far less import to me than a good story well told. With Voices in the Dark, JMS has given us two good stories. I am therefore happy. Even though I now know that TLT will never give me exactly what I was really hoping for, I.E. the definitive stories of both the Drakh and Teep wars. The anthology structure will never be able to allow stories of such scope although we may get glimpses of either or both. What we will get though, is a collection of well thought out stories, about characters we care about, in a universe we care about, where every answer leads to new questions.
Thank you JMS. This certainly wasn't your best work to date but I thoroughly enjoyed it and am very much hoping that this sells well enough that TLT2 can go into production quick-smart! Keep them coming. They make me happy